Online Side Hustle : 15 Real Ideas in 2024

✍️ Last modified on April 10, 2023

According to the CSA Research barometer of purchasing power, the French lack an average of 500€ per month to live as they would like. For many employees, their income is insufficient to finish the end of the month serenely. 😰

The problem is that very few people can claim a salary increase of 500€. But then, how do you find that missing money every month?

This is where online income supplements come in. Once unattainable for most people, it is now possible to generate an income every month through the internet. 💪

Be careful, we are going to present you here a REAL list of income supplements. The purpose is not to talk about paid surveys that pay absolutely nothing. The goal is that by reading this list you will be able to generate that missing $500 every month, while doing something you enjoy.

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

What is an income supplement?

A supplemental income is simply a financial source that complements a main income. It is not a second employment contract, but an external source of income, in addition to the salary for example.

Let’s take a concrete example. 📝

Let’s say you are an employee and you earn 1600€ net per month. This salary will be your main source of income. If, in addition to your job, you make some deliveries for Uber Eat for example, it will be an additional income.

But, the additional income does not necessarily come from an additional daily workload . You can indeed generate additional income automatically. This obviously requires either work to automate a business, or money to invest in real estate, the stock market, or whatever. 📈

What you need to understand is that the main purpose of a supplemental income is to diversify your income or tosupplement your income. Thus, it is possible to have one or more supplementary incomes, depending on your needs and ambitions.

How much can we expect to earn?

As you have seen, there are two main types of income supplements.

👉 On the one hand, you can generate a supplement by “freelancing“, i.e. offering paid services. This can be for example teaching online courses, writing articles, moderating a forum, and others. In this case, you will be paid by the hour or by the mission.

👉 On the other side, you can generate a supplement by creating your own online business. This can be, for example, a site that generates income through affiliate marketing, a video training course sold by the unit, advertising income from a YouTube channel, and others. In this case, there is no real hourly rate and therefore no limit to the earnings generated.

Obviously, after this presentation, you think that the second option is the most interesting. In fact, it will depend. When you start an online business, you are not sure that it will work and generate income quickly.

Whereas with paid assignments, you are sure to get paid after you turn in your work. However, you are limited to the number of hours you can devote to it.

Now, let’s talk numbers. 🤑

We will stay on theobjective of generating 500€ per month outside of a salaried job.

With freelancing, you can expect to generate 50€ per mission on average. You will need 10 missions to reach the 500€. To complete a mission, we will count between 2 to 3 hours depending on your productivity. So, you will have to work 20 to 30 extra hours per month to earn this amount.

If you are starting an online business, it will be more difficult to estimate an income if you are just starting out. Let’s say you create a blog following our monetization tips. You spend 1 hour a day writing articles and optimizing SEO. After 6 months, it is possible to receive 500€ of monthly income .

Obviously, as explained above, it takes much longer to set up. However, this is passive income. That is, once the blog is optimized, you won’t have to work as hard to generate the $500. A few hours a month to maintain your blog will be more than enough to keep generating that amount over the long term. 😎

So it’s up to you.

Would you rather get paid immediately or invest time to generate an automatic income supplement later?

Don’t hesitate to read our article explaining what is the average salary of a blogger .

Why should I choose online income supplements?

The most well-known supplemental income is surely making evening deliveries for Uber Eat, Just Eat or Deliveroo. However, in our opinion, it is a bad alternative, for several reasons(need for transportation, weather, unattractive pay in some cities, working conditions and others).

This type of income supplement certainly makes it possible to round off the ends of the month, but it is also exhausting. That’s why we’re talking to you about online income supplements. Indeed, there are nowadays thanks to the internet a lot of ways to earn money from your computer. 💻

The only condition is to have a computer and an internet connection. (No more dodging cars to deliver a pizza!). This way, you can stay at home in your living room and earn money at the same time.

In addition, supplementing your income on the internet is much more accessible and everyone can take their share. More comfortable, better paid, less charges, what more could you ask for? 🍹

In short, we think it’s much easier to generate additional income online. However, you also have to work for it. Nothing is magic and it is not possible to make money on the internet without doing anything.

Online income supplements – The list

Now that you know that the internet is a great way to make extra money, let’s see how to make money on it. We are going to present you several complements in the “freelance” and “business” parts.

Each time, we will also give you an idea of the workload and skills required.

In this list, you will see several types of business and services. Some can be done without great skill and others require some expertise. Obviously, if you take the time to train, you can expect to earn more. ⤵️

Create your own online business

In this list, we will show you different ways to generate additional income by creating a business on the Internet. The goal is not to build a business that will take you too long. In fact, you will simply create a small business to earn a few hundred euros per month.

If you want, you can also take this type of business further and make a living out of it. However, this will require much more effort.

⚠️ Beware, even though dropshipping is a very popular way to generate income, we are not going to talk about it in this list. Simply because this strategy is considered risky, stressful and also too time consuming to be compatible with a job.

1/ Site editing

This is the most accessible and recommended method.

In itself, it is “simple” to create one or more websites and monetize them. This is not a personal blog, but a site specialized in a theme that makes money. We explain:

👉 In this strategy, you’re going to create a site about cooking for example. By optimizing your site for search engines and writing articles regularly, you can get regular visitors. Here, all visitors will be interested in the kitchen.

And that’s the difference.

If a visitor arrives on your site, he will inevitably be interested in the kitchen. So it will be much easier to sell him something. But, there are different monetization strategies in site publishing. We will present them to you one by one so that you can choose your favorite. ⤵️


With affiliation, you will recommend products of existing brands, in exchange for a commission, i.e. a percentage of the turnover. If your website is about cooking, you will be able to promote kitchen utensils, food processors, etc.

Let’s take a concrete example. 📝

Let’s say you talk about cooking and present recipes that can be done with a certain robot. Since your readers are interested in this robot, you can place affiliate links on your site. In other words, these links lead to Amazon, Darty, Boulanger andother websites where it is possible to buy this robot.

If one of your visitors buys this robot through your affiliate link, you get a commission. And if you manage to sell several robots every month, you can generate a good additional income. The advantage is that you only have to recommend it on your site. The brand in question takes care of delivery, after-sales service, etc.

For example, on this site, you can see that the blogger recommends a food processor. He places several affiliate links if his visitors want to buy it:

example of kitchen affiliation

Depending on the amount of traffic your site has, you can expect to generate several hundred or even thousands of dollars. If you want to estimate how much you can earn with this strategy, we invite you to read our guide on how to earn money as a blogger.

If you are interested, you can discover our list of the 33 niches that pay the most in affiliation .

Sale of links

If you have a site with traffic, many other publishers will be interested in linking to it. In other words, you will simply add a new article and place a link to another site(the buyer’s) or include it in an existing page.

In exchange, you will be paid. Today there are many platforms for selling links (SemJuice, NextLevel, RocketLinks, etc.).

With an average site of a hundred pages, you can expect to sell each link for $50. Therefore, you will need to sell about 10 links per month to generate a good income.

Example with a link sale on the NextLevel platform:

example link sale

There are obviously some themes that sell much more than others. Here are the most profitable themes in link selling:

  • Casino 🎰
  • Work 🛠️
  • Sports betting 🍀
  • Psychic 🔮
  • CBD / E-cigarette 🚬
  • Garden 🏡
  • Adult 💋

If you have a blog with traffic in one of these themes, you are sure to sell links.


The simplest monetization strategy with a website is surely advertising. You just have to join an advertising network(MediaVine, Ezoic , Google Adsense ) and let them place ads on your site. However, while this is the easiest method, it also pays the least.

👉 In order to expect to earn about $500 per month in ad revenue, you already need more traffic. In our opinion, you need at least 40,000 monthly visitors to receive this amount.

example of advertising remuneration

It is certainly more difficult to obtain, but it is also the most passive method. Once the ads are in place, you don’t have to do anything else. The agency takes care of putting the ads in front of you and pays you money every month.

Ready to get started?

ebook affiliation seo lesmakers

Click here to download our free ebook and generate your first online income with site editing!

In this ebook, you will learn how to find a niche, create a site and monetize it through affiliate marketing, but not only that(Some readers are already earning well over 500€ per month with this method 🤑).

2/ Buy/Sell on Vinted

On Vinted, you can sell your second-hand clothes, shoes and accessories. Nevertheless, the goal is not just to earn some money, but to generate a regular income. This way, you won’t be asked to sell the clothes you don’t use.

In fact, this platform allows you to buy and sell. By selecting the good deals, you can easily resell some clothes more expensive, on the same platform!

additional income vinted

Thanks to several strategies, you will be able to find good deals on Vinted. Once you have found cheaper clothes, you will “improve the offer” by posting better pictures, improving the packaging and so on. This way, you can sell an item for more money. In addition to the fact that you bought it at a lower price, you generate a good margin on each sale. 💸

Buying/selling on Vinted is clearly a good way to make a complementary income. The most difficult part will be to look for good deals. But again, there are many tricks.

Thanks to bots, you can get a list of good deals every day. Then, it will be up to you to see which ones are worth buying. 🤝🏿

The only disadvantage of this method will be the delivery. Indeed, you will often have to drop off your packages in relay points. It is also necessary to invest a little money for the beginning, about 100€.

Finally, with the right methods and by spending a few hours a week, you can clearly hope to earn a good additional income.

3/ Create a YouTube channel

In the same way as a blog, it is possible to generate a good additional income thanks to a YouTube channel.

But, forget about the entertainment YouTube channels. Indeed, it is very difficult to make a place in this register and monetization is clearly not the best. You will see that the theme of a channel plays a huge role in advertising revenues.

In reality, an entertainment YouTube channel can earn the same as a business-oriented channel, while the latter gets far fewer views. Simply because the cost per click varies greatly depending on a theme from a few cents to tens of euros for the most profitable niches. 🤑

Let’s get back to your YouTube channel.

Let’s say you cook regularly and want to share recipes on YouTube. To do this, you will have to shoot videos, edit them and publish them on the platform. Unless you already have video and audio equipment, you will have to invest a minimum(less than 100€).

Then, you’ll simply post your recipe videos and activate the monetization once they start getting views.

channel youtube cuisine

The advantage is thatonce posted, a video will continue to be viewed. So, as soon as you post a video on YouTube, it will generate revenue for life. And you don’t necessarily have to make millions of views to make money. By making 40.000 to 60.000 views per month in this theme, you can already generate about 500€ per month.

Here too, there are far more lucrative themes, such as cryptocurrency, business, travel, etc.

In summary, getting started on YouTube is a good way to earn extra income passively. Once you have a lot of videos posted, they will generate money for you automatically. 💰

Finally, if your channel is doing well, you can also aim for other monetization strategies. For example, it will be possible to obtain partnerships for product placement.

4/ Selling infoproducts

If you have certain skills, you can sell information products. In other words, you will create a training course for example, then sell it on a platform like Udemy, Podia, or others.

The advantage is that once created, an infoproduct represents almost no cost. This way, you can expect to make very high margins, in the 80-90% range. 📈

In this case, you will need to have a skill. But rest assured, you don ‘t need to be an expert to sell an infoproduct. If you cook regularly for example, you can easily make a small one hour training and sell it for around 50€.

On Udemy, the main platform for selling online courses, you can find many videos on cooking. On average, they are sold between 25 and 90€ depending on their content.

udemy cooking class

Selling online courses is one of the easiest ways to generate additional income. Plus, once your course is created, you can sell it over and over again. You only have to make the effort once to create the video and then you just have to find a way to sell it. 🤝🏽

If you don’t have specific skills, but still want to sell infoproducts, there are other techniques. Instead of going to Udemy to sell a course, you can create informational content via a PDF. It is in itself like an ebook, but a bit more extensive.

Generally, these infoproducts are going to be mini trainings in selling topics like seduction, spirituality, cryptocurrencies, personal finance and others.

Let’s take a concrete example. ✏️

Let’s say you want to create a wellness information product. In a few dozen hours, you can largely research and write a PDF. Once your infoproduct is complete, sourced and of quality, you will be able to sell it. To do this, you have several solutions:

👉 You can advertise via Facebook Ads, Pinterest Ads or others. This method allows you to earn money quickly, but requires an investment.

👉 You can put your infoproduct on a “marketplace” via a platform like, 1TPE or others. Here, publishers will promote your product in exchange for a commission.

affiliation wellness system io

For example, you can see that many infopreneurs sell their product on, in exchange for a percentage of the sale. Generally, you will offer between 20 and 90% commissions to affiliates.

This method is much less risky, because you will only have to spend money if a customer buys your product.

In both cases, selling infoproducts is a good way to earn extra income from home. This method is however less passive than niche site publishing for example, but is also more lucrative. 🤑

5/ Selling ebooks on Amazon

Thanks to Amazon KDP you can create and sell ebooks very easily on this e-commerce. No need for a publisher, Amazon takes care of everything. All you have to do is provide your book in digital format and Amazon will print it, ship it, collect the VAT and more.

With Amazon KDP, you can sell ebooks or books in paper format.

👉 Depending on the price of your ebook, you can get 35 to 70% royalties. (If price between 2,99 and 9,99€: 70% / Below 2,99€: 35%).

👉 For a paperback book, the royalty will be 60%. However, you will have to remove the printing cost from the list price to estimate your royalties.

By writing several ebooks, you can generate 500€ per month in royalties.

For example, here are the results of a single ebook written a few years ago:

example amazon kdp gain

Even though there are thousands of ebooks available for sale, it is largely possible to make your way. There are also much more sought after themes such as wellness, entrepreneurship, personal development, bodybuilding, nutrition and others.

You can also try to sell novels, but you should know that it is much less profitable. The price is the same, yet it will take much longer to write. That’s why we recommend that you write informational ebooks.

The best is to write an ebook of about 100 pages and sell it between 2,99 and 9,99€, to get the 70% royalties.

There are also techniques to get your ebook listed on the Amazon Kindle catalog. If you want to go faster, you can also buy ads, directly on Amazon Ads.

Selling ebooks is a really accessible income supplement that does not require any financial investment. You can write lines at home and use Amazon’s free software to put it on sale on the e-commerce.

6/ Sale of photos/videos

If you have a good camera, a drone or simply a recent iPhone, you can sell photos and videos. Indeed, many people are looking for images to illustrate a store, a blog, and others. Thus, it is possible to monetize one’s photos/videos to earn additional income. 📸

But then again, not all photos/videos can be monetized in the same way. Here are the most searched themes in the online image banks:

  • Mode 👠
  • Wellness/Food 🥑
  • Sport 🏋️
  • Nature/travel ⛰️
  • Business 👔
  • Technology 🧑🏼‍💻

There are many platforms for selling photos. The one we recommend is ShutterStock.

shutterstock photo sales

On this platform, you will get a percentage of the sale every time a user downloads(via his subscription) or buys one of your photos. Depending on the number of photos sold, you will earn between 15 and 40% revenue per sale. The same goes for videos.

So by selling dozens of photos a month, you can expect to earn a good supplemental income. 🎬

Finally, you have to see the sale of photos/videos as a strategy. The goal is not to sell the photos you like or your travel photos. What you need to do is take the pictures that the buyers want. That’s why if you want to use this method to earn money, we invite you to look regularly at what is selling to propose photos that will please.

Become a freelancer

In this part, we will see several ways to earn additional income through freelancing. In other words, you will simply offer your services on platforms that connect freelancers and clients. On these platforms, you can find clients and get paid every month. 🤝🏽

The goal is to either do the same work as in the office, but as a freelancer, or tolearn a skill and monetize it.

Here again, it is important to know that it is possible to earn a real salary with freelancing. It’s up to you to see how many hours you are willing to put into this activity. Obviously, since we are purely on a per-assignment basis, the more you work, the more money you will earn.

Now that you understand the interest of freelancing, we will present you a list of the different services you can sell on the internet. ⤵️

7/ Online teacher

If you have a particular skill, you can teach on the internet. Indeed, there are various platforms of connections where students are ready to pay to have a private lesson. This way, you can earn extra income by giving classes in the evening for example.

⚠️ Please note that we are not talking about becoming a certified teacher, but about giving private lessons. Therefore, you don’t need to have a degree to teach.

No matter what skill you have, there is surely someone in the world willing to pay to learn it. Here are some examples of courses you can offer:

  • Development/programming 🧑🏻‍💻
  • Yoga 🧘🏼
  • Learn a language 🇬🇧
  • Kitchen 🍳
  • Gardening 🥕
  • Dance 💃
  • Music🎵

There are many platforms that connect teachers with individuals, such as Preply, Udemy, SuperProf and others. Their functioning is globally the same. You will simply present your course along with your knowledge and an overview of a lesson. Then you can set your price and wait for people to order private lessons with you.

In France, the average price of a private lesson is 20€ per hour. Obviously, the more in demand your skill is, the more you can expect to sell a course for. For example, by giving 20 to 25 hours of lessons per month, you can earn 500€ of additional income.

8/ Virtual assistant

There are many companies and web entrepreneurs who are looking for a virtual assistant. This way, you can become a remote assistant to help a contractor in his daily tasks. In 1 hour a day, you can expect to generate a good additional income by becoming a remote assistant.

Generally, the tasks will be administrative. As an assistant, you’ll have to answer emails, book airline tickets, manage customer service, do research, etc. 💻

However, some people are also looking for an assistant for more specific missions. In this case, you will be able to control the work done if your employer works with freelancers. On the other hand, you can also be in charge of training newcomers, ordering miniatures from graphic designers, etc.

A virtual assistant earns between 10 and 20€ per hour depending on his skills. Of course, if you have special skills, you can expect to earn much more. For example, as an accounting assistant, you can easily claim 40€ per hour on most freelancing platforms.

upwork virtual assistant

As a virtual assistant, you can either have several punctual missions or work for one person.

If you want to become a web assistant, we recommend you to register on several platforms(UpWork, Fiverr,, etc.). Then, you will have to offer a low rate to start with, in order to attract customers and get many assignments.

If you do these assignments correctly, you will get positive reviews. Once you have a lot of positive reviews, you will be able to increase your rates. With this and a good referencing on the platform, you will get enough assignments to earn 500€/month. 💰

9/ Web Editor

This is probably the most accessible freelance job. If you have a good pen and don’t make many spelling mistakes, you can generate a good additional income, thanks to web writing. ✍️

Here, the process is simple. You will simply write a blog post on a theme. However, if you look into this job as a freelancer, you will see that the assignments are for SEO web writers. Today, it is almost impossible to be a writer without having some knowledge of SEO.

To learn how to write well for the web, we recommend several books, including “Le guide du rédacteur web Seo” by Lucie Rondelet and “Référencement naturel, mode d’emploi“, by Olivier Andrieu. By reading these two books, you will know how to optimize an article for SEO. 💪

Then you’ll need to practice writing quality articles. Our advice is to start a blog andwrite articles regularly. This way, you’ll not only practice writing and get better at it, but you’ll also build a portfolio. Or, you can also offer items at a very low rate, in order to practice.

What are you going to write? 🤔

Most of the writing orders are for blog posts. In other words, you will have to write an informative article answering the questions of the Internet users. For example:

  • How to declare your taxes?
  • How to choose a home insurance?
  • The benefits of CBD
  • The benefits of telecommuting

There is really no limit, you can literally write about anything.

A writer is going to be paid by the word, and generally that rate will be between 3 and 10 cents per word. Again, the more experience and specific skills you have, the more you’re going to be able to charge. 💸

In order to generate 500€ per month, you will have to write 12.500 words at 4€ per 100 words. To write a 1000-word article, a writer takes between 1 and 2 hours. Knowing that you will have to write 12 in order to arrive at this amount every month, it is necessary to count between 12 and 24 hours extra per month.

To find clients, you can register on generalist platforms like Malt, or Fiverr. However, there are also specialized platforms for writers, such as Bulldozz, or Scribeur.

10/ Translator

If you are fluent in a second language, you can earn extra income by translating texts. However, you don’t have to be bilingual to offer translation services. Indeed, for small translation jobs, you can use a professional translation software.

The latter can be DeepL, the best online translation service. Although it is the most powerful and efficient software, it is not well known by the general public, compared to Reverso or Google translation. So, you can largely translate texts with excellent quality with this software. 🤫

Of course, it will not be of the same high quality as with a professional linguist. However, for mini translation missions on the Internet, it is more than enough.

What will you translate?

The majority of online translation requests are for blog posts, ebooks and e-commerce product sheets.

For a text of 1000 words translated into English, you can expect to earn 20 to 50€. With the same method as for copywriting, it is possible to have enough clients each month to generate 500€.

A subscription to DeepL Pro costs from $5.99 to $39.99 per month for unlimited translation.

deepl pro rates

If you want to translate into a language that you don’t know at all, we recommend that youlearn a little. Otherwise, you yourself will not understand the texts you are translating, and therefore will not be credible in front of clients. To learn the basics of a language quickly, we invite you to download Duolingo and Babbel. 🇪🇸

To find clients, you can also register on freelancing platforms. Or you can approach English websites and offer to translate their articles. The same goes for ebooks on sale in the US, etc.

11/ Voice over

If you have a good voice and a decent microphone, you can be a voice-over artist. Once reserved for a minority of people, it is now easier to offer voice over services thanks to the internet. Again, there is a high demand and not many freelancers who sell their voice. This is clearly an opportunity to be seized! 🎙️

Here, the requests are mainly for commercials, audio guides, documentary voice-overs, company presentations, etc.

The average price of a voice-over in France is between 20 and 35€ per 1000 words. Of course, if you have experience and record your audio in a professional studio, you can charge much more. With a basic microphone, it’s already possible to earn extra income with a few assignments per month. 🎤

To train you to become a voiceover artist, there are some good quality YouTube videos that explain in detail how to succeed in this field. Then you can practice by dubbing existing commercials or documentaries.

In terms of investment, you need a good microphone(about 100€), as well as an audio recording software (Audacity, free).

⚠️ Being a voice-over artist is not only for women. If you look at the assignments they are looking for, many companies use male voices for their commercials. So anyone can become a voice-over artist!

This additional income is a little less accessible, because it will require a minimum investment. However, it is still an underestimated niche and there is a way to make its place. Again, if you want to start this service, we invite you to collect positive reviews from the beginning.

12/ Community Manager

The emergence of social networks has created new accessible jobs and among them, community manager (CM). A CM is in charge ofanimating a community on the Internet on behalf of a brand, personality, association or other.

Here too, most community managers have a degree in communication. But we don’t think it’s mandatory at all. Indeed, you can train for free on the internet to learn every facet of this profession. Globally, the missions of a community manager are :

  • Creation of content for social networks
  • Creation of communication plans
  • Comment management
  • Sponsorship of publications
  • Social network management
  • Creation of editorial calendars

As you can see, a community manager must have many skills. However, you can also specialize in a single skill, such as creating posts for social networks for example. Or, you can learn multiple skills to become versatile.

Here, there is not really a fixed rate, because the cost can vary greatly depending on the missions you propose. You can either do several assignments or work only for one company. Taking care of a brand’s social media(20 hours/month or so), you can easily earn over 500€/month. 💪

To find clients, you can offer your services on freelancing platforms like Malt, Upwork and others.

This additional income is more difficult to set up, because you will have to train a minimum on several skills. Nevertheless, it is also one of the highest paying freelance jobs on the list. Again, all the skills you learn will come in handy in life, especially if you want to start your own online business. 🖥️

Clearly, it is worthwhile to train to become a community manager on the side!

13/ Video editor

Since theemergence of YouTube and social networks, there is a huge demand for video editing. Again, don’t panic, you don’t have to know how to create special effects to become a freelance video editor. Just by taking some free training courses and a little practice, you can already offer your services. 💪

What we recommend is that you propose edits for short videos, such as TikToks, shorts or reals. Simply because it is much easier for a beginner. In most cases, you will only need to add text, background music and a background image.

To do this type of assembly, it takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour depending on your productivity. The rate for a short video editing will be between 15 and 25€ depending on the requirements of a client. So, in 20 to 25 hours per week, you can expect to earn 500€ per month.

freelance video editor

In order to find clients, the process is the same. So we invite you to sign up on the major freelancing platforms and start low to get positive reviews.

If you have no video editing skills, you can easily train yourself with videos on YouTube. As far as editing software is concerned, there are free and paid ones. It’s up to you to see if you feel comfortable with a free tool or if you want to invest to work in better conditions. 🎬

Becoming a freelance video editor is also one of the most accessible income supplements on the internet. By taking a few hours per week, you can quickly train and start this new activity. In addition, there is a high demand for short video editing, so you can largely make your place!

14/ Graphic designer

Graphic design is one of the first physical jobs that have moved to the web. If you have some design skills, you can easily monetize them. Indeed, there is a high demand for everything from logos, business cards and more. 🎨

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be able to create 3D illustrations to sell design services. By making a few logos and flyers per month for example, you can already generate 500€ of additional income.

Basically, the missions entrusted to a graphic designer will be :

  • Creation of logos, visuals, banners, flyers, book covers, etc.
  • Development of a graphic charter
  • Photo editing

Again, you can easily learn graphic design through various videos on the internet. What we recommend is that you train in a specific graphic design skill. For example, you can learn how to create logos with tutorials on YouTube. Next, you will practice making logos.

Very quickly, you will be able to make professional logos. Once you know how to make logos, you will register on freelance platforms and offer your services. On average, a logo costs between 10 and 30€ depending on the skills of a graphic designer. 📈

freelance graphic designer

Here, the rates are a little lower, so you will have to do more missions every month to reach the 500€ of additional income.

In summary, becoming an online graphic designer is also an attainable income supplement, without any financial investment.

15/ Creation of showcase sites

Many companies are looking to go digital. And to be present on the web, nothing is better than a website. Thus, you can offer services of creation of sites vitrine to the small companies. In other words, you will simply create a site with several pages to present the products/services of a company. 👩‍💻

If you already know how to create a website, it’s ideal. But, if you’ve never created a website before, don’t panic. Thanks to a content management system(CMS), you will be able to create a professional website, without having to code. The most famous CMS is WordPress. And it’s a good thing, because many companies use WordPress for their website.

How do you get trained? 🧐

Here, we won’t lie to you. To learn how to create a professional website from A to Z, free YouTube videos will not be enough. It is better to acquire a paid training course, in order to train yourself on WordPress. This way, you will be able to create a custom website for your clients. 🤝🏼

It is true that you have to invest money in training, but it will be a profitable investment. First, you will know how to create a website, which is a very useful skill at this point. Secondly, you should know that on freelancing platforms, the average price of a website made with WordPress varies between 150 and 500€.

By selling one or two sites, you have already made your training profitable. In order to earn a comfortable additional income, you will have to sell 1 or 2 sites per month depending on your rate. To make a good website, it takes about one day of work.

There you go, we hope you enjoyed this list of online income supplements. As you have seen, each additional income requires regular work, or a long period of time before you see results. However, it’s important to understand that all the skills you’ll learn, you’ll keep for life. 🤓

And yes, in addition to earning extra money every month, you are training in several areas. It will be much easier to launch your business on the internet later on, or to make a professional reconversion.

That’s why we believe that the best way to supplement your income is throughwebsite publishing. Simply because you can generate passive income on the internet after a while, but not only. In fact, by being a site editor, you will quickly acquire skills in web design and writing.

Therefore, if you can’t generate an additional income with website publishing, you can offer writing services or creation of showcase websites!

Finally, we urge you to get started as soon as possible, no matter which method you choose. All of these jobs are clearly accessible and it costs almost nothing for most to get started. So, you clearly have nothing to lose! 😎

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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