For many beginners, monetizing their blog is the most important step of their project. It is understandable. This is how you will be able to generate your first online income.
Unfortunately, this is also the stage where your project can fall apart. Especially if you didn’t anticipate it well.
If your goal is to generate a supplement your income online or simply to earn a living without :
- selling the dream;
- scam your readers;
- or be ashamed of what you do;
So now read this complete guide to monetizing your website . You will discover the 7 ways to make money with your blog and a step-by-step plan to get there.
NB: Make yourself a nice cup of coffee to accompany this reading β
Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.
1 – Monetize your blog with affiliation
Affiliate marketing can be defined as the promotion of a product or service to your audience in exchange for a fee. It is very often a percentage of the sale of the product. It should be noted that this does not affect the selling price.

The benefits are many:
- β No product to create in order to sell;
- β No stock to have so great ease of implementation ;
- β No investment to make which makes this monetization risk free ;
- β Almost passive income once you make your article/video;
The disadvantages are :
- β A low margin depending on the product or service being promoted;
- β Some sales may be unrecorded;
- β Dependence on the advertiser who manages the products and services;
Please note that you have to be careful with the duration of the cookie. To translate this strange expression to you, each person who clicks on a link of this kind receives a cookie on his device. And this one has a duration that varies according to your advertiser.
For example, Amazon has a 24-hour cookie period while others like Cdiscount have a 7-day cookie period. During this time, you will receive a commission for any purchase on their site. Beyond that, the sale will not be counted in your favor. π
There are several possible remunerations with this type of monetization:
- a percentage of the sale(which can be recurring in the case of a subscription for example);
- a pay-per-click system, which means that you will receive an amount of money defined beforehand for each click on your link;
- a fee for each qualified lead. For example, you do affiliation work and you get paid when someone fills in a quote with his personal information;
The big advantage of this way of make money is that there is an affiliate program for everything:
- physical products that you can find on Amazon for example;
- online courses that offer a higher percentage than others;
- applications or subscriptions that offer a remuneration during its duration (called rev share);
To find affiliate programs, you can test some affiliate platforms like, 1TPE, Awin, or Effiliae for example. You can also search for programs on Google by typing “affiliation + your keyword“. Finally, just look at what your competitors are doing to see if it is interesting for you as well.
So how do you take advantage of it on your site? That’s what you’re going to find out now with all our most effective strategies…
Give your opinion / Make tests
There are bound to be products or services, whether physical or not, in your theme. You can give your opinion or make a test on it to inform your readers about the subject.
The purpose of this type of article is to insert an affiliate link in several places. This way, you will receive a commission for every purchase through your link.

In this example, the website is testing the game Elden Ring while providing affiliate links for the reader to buy it. You can see links to Fnac, Auchan and Amazon.
Since we’re among friends, we can let you in on a little secret: you don’t have to have bought the product to write about it. π€«
To make a good test, you just need to learn more about each product. Understand its qualities, its shortcomings, what makes it different from its competitors, etc.
In concrete terms, you will make the work easier for your readers who are looking for information on it. And if they trust you, they will be tempted if the product interests them.
Do you think this kind of site has really tested all these fryers?

To appear more credible, you need to bring something real to your articles. Don’t always give a 10/10 rating to every device you recommend.
Clearly stating the defects sets you apart from others. And it’s easy to do: just read the customer reviews on Amazon or YouTube. You will be able to give an objective feedback having read the positive and negative comments on it.
In the end, you have to research the product as if you wanted to buy it. Your test is there to save time for the reader who will not have to do this research on his own.
Make comparisons
You can also do affiliate marketing by making comparisons. It’s perfect for comparing software or applications together, services such as banks, or products together.
The advantage of this technique is that if your reader is hesitating between two products, you will have an affiliate link for each of them anyway. You can look at our crypto affiliation or psychic affiliation if you want to see.
This is a perfect complement to the individual tests. In the end, you will have several transactional pages that repeat the same product several times.
Consider this example:

Here, the site offers a comparison of online banks taking into account the opening bonus and the cost of the bank card. This makes it possible to distinguish the banks at a glance. And of course, each “see offer” button contains an affiliate link.
And if you click on the name of the bank, you will land on a test page that presents its proposals in detail. With several affiliate links in it(again).
By doing one, you will already have the content you need to write the other. Rather practical, isn’t it?
Create profitable lists
You can also use affiliation by making a TOP or a list of the best services/products in your niche.
Generally, you will name the product, describe it briefly and then indicate its advantages/disadvantages. You’ll drag your affiliate link along with a link to your test that details it further.
For example, look at this excerpt from the TOP 10 best baby bottles according to

It’s perfect for readers who are looking for the best products in a particular field and don’t want to get lost in too much detail yet.
As you can see, you can :
- write a detailed test on a product;
- insert it in a list with the other good products of its category;
- and make comparative articles between these products;
To have more transactional pages that are there to make your readers’ lives easier. And the best part is that you can do it in ALL areas.
π‘ Would you like to see some concrete examples? Take a look at our category comparisons !
Make your informational articles profitable
Informational articles are there to provide value to your readers. They are not intended to sell them anything. They are there to inform them, pass on a message or teach them something.
However, it is still possible to generate profitability. π°
For example, if you have written an article abouttheuse of plastic in our daily life, you can take the opportunity to put an affiliate link to a stainless steel straw, an insulated water bottle, etc.
Much like this article:

Konbini denounces the abusive use of plastic in our daily life. And then, bam:

We have a small paragraph with an affiliate link that redirects to a store where you can buy beautiful stainless steel straws.
And it works in all areas!
If you’ve written a complete guide to strength training at home, you can link to a gym mat, dumbbells, etc.
Do you see the principle? πͺ
There is always the possibility to drag an affiliate link somewhere. On this kind of item, the conversion will be less important. The reader is there to get information, not to make a purchase.
But it will still allow you to get a little more profitability on your site. At Makers, we advise you to have on average 70% informational pages versus 30% transactional pages. It can clearly make a difference at the end of the month!
Let’s move on to the second way to make a blog profitable…
2 – Monetize your blog with advertising
It is possible touse advertising to make your blog more profitable. You will book one or more inserts where you can insert the ad in exchange for a fee. It often looks like images that may or may not be animated:

The payment can be per click or just based on your traffic. Of course, the niche will have a big impact. It is important to know that advertisements for children or trading are more lucrative than others for example.
The benefits of advertising are many:
β It’s true passive income since you don’t have to do anything to earn it;
β No exchange with customers, no stock, no product, etc. ;
β The ads are tailored to your theme to keep it consistent;
Regarding the disadvantages:
β You need some traffic to your site to make it profitable;
β Readers don’t necessarily like advertising;
β You don’t know what’s going to be posted on your site;
Let’s see how you can implement this solution on your site…
Going through an advertising agency
In order to advertise on your blog, you can use an advertising agency. This one will ask you where she can put her displays. You will receive income in exchange.
The best known is obviously Google AdSense. To join this program, the criteria are very simple: you must be at least 18 years old and propose unique and interesting content.
For more details, you can consult the AdSense program rules .
For your information, YouTube ads are governed by this program! So your favorite youtubers use it every day to get paid.
But we don’t necessarily advise you to go through this one. Indeed, the profitability is not very interesting. Instead, you can opt for the Ezoic control panel.
It is an AI that will test ads on your site until it finds the most profitable ones for you. On the other hand, this agency requires that your blog attracts 10,000 visitors per month.
So we advise you to advertise only when you start to have several thousand visitors on your site. And if you’re wondering what you can touch with this, here’s an example:

In the end, it all depends on your niche, your number of visitors and the AI that will look day after day for the best profitability for you.
So if you have more than 10 000 monthly visits on your site, we advise you to register your site on Ezoic.
Partnering directly with us
It is possible to sell advertising space yourself. For example, you can highlight a site or a service through advertising banners, an insert on the sidebar or a popup for example.
Look for example at :
This site offers reviews of electric guitars, amps and pedals. In short. And as you can see on the right, he made his own ads.
One refers to Woodbrass which is a musical instrument seller. And the other one refers to the HGuitar website which offers online guitar lessons. It is not known if he gets affiliation in exchange or if he is directly paid for this ad.
In any case, the advantage is that you directly manage what is displayed on your blog. So you don’t have to promote anything. π
Generally, we pay you a fixed amount for a determined period of time which is less random than an advertising via a classic advertising agency. But you can also do affiliate marketing if you prefer.
Making a product placement
A company may contact you to promote its product or service through an article. This often happens for travel blogs where the author talks about his night at the hotel for example.
Here’s an example:

Here, Allianz probably offered a sum of money in exchange for an article on cancellation insurance. It presents this guarantee, its advantages, why you should take one, etc.
It is a good way to make your blog profitable, but you have to keep in mind that it is a oneshot remuneration. In other words, you will have to leave the publication on your site for its entire existence once the payment is made.
3 – Sell your own infoproducts
An infoproduct can be defined as a dematerialized good such as an online training, an audio file or an ebook for example.

The benefits of infoproducts are many:
- β You become completely independent;
- β You can offer them as an affiliate to earn even more money ;
- β You keep 100% of the profit knowing that the margin is much better than a physical product ;
Regarding the disadvantages:
- β It requires you to have many skills: marketing, customer service, design, etc. ;
- β It will take you time and knowledge to come up with a quality infoproduct;
- β You’ll have to handle a lot of things: refunds, customer requests, etc.
It is clearly easier to start with the affiliation. But in the long run, creating your own infoproducts will take you to the next level. You’ll be able to generate more income in addition to gaining some independence. π
This is your chance to create your own brand. This will ensure you a nice capital gain in case of resale of your business in the long run!
By the way, here’s a little secret: you can delegate the creation of your infoproduct to someone else. π€«
Let’s see what you can do at this level…
Write your Ebook
This is clearly the easiest solution, especially if you want to delegate it. Think about your theme and the problems your readers face. Then write an ebook that can answer this problem.
Something like that:

Let’s take a slightly less violent example in terms of marketing.
In weight training, it can be difficult for an ectomorph to gain weight. And because of this, he can’t build muscle. This can become a real pain/frustration for him. π‘
For slimming, we can want to lose weight without spending 4 hours in the kitchen to make dishes that do not give us desire. So offering an ebook gathering 50 delicious and healthy recipes that require barely 15 min of preparation can be interesting! π²
And for investing, this can be a comprehensive guide on all the things to check before buying a crypto. Many people are afraid of running into a scam. π
You know the type?
And for the creation, here are the steps:
- Choose the theme and the angle of the ebook
- Create the complete plan with parts and all sub-parts
- Write or delegate each part to editors as if it were an article(it will cost you less)
- Make the cover with Canva(or delegate it)
- Write a sales page presenting the ebook for your readers with a link to buy it
You can even save time in the creation!
On one of our sites, we offered for sale an ebook that includes all the articles present on it. Just had to put a nice layout and that’s it!
To do this, you can use the Gumroad which will take care of everything for you. They collect, send the ebook to the customer, host your sales page, etc.
It’s simple and easy to access!
Create an online course
An online course(also called an online training or program) can be in audio or video format. This solution is for those who are most comfortable because they will have to show up or at least talk.

The big advantage of this type of product is that you can immediately raise your prices. An ebook can sell for up to 27β¬ if you manage to show all the benefits it will bring to your customer.
For a video training, you can multiply your prices by 10. It is not uncommon to see courses at 297β¬, 997β¬, or more!
If you are smart, you can offer an ebook for 27β¬ and its audio version for 19β¬ for example. This is called a bump “. This is to increase your profitability.
It is at the time of validating the order that you propose this kind of product as here for example:

You can also follow up with an upsell containing a video training that goes into more detail on the topics covered by the ebook. You can offer it for 97β¬ for example.
Basically, as soon as the customer has paid his order he lands on a page that tells him he can take advantage of a special offer at 50% off. And then you offer him this training in addition to what he has already purchased(this is called upsell).
To do this, you need to create a real sales tunnel like this:

Again, this is not easy to do at first. But if you have good results with your affiliate site, you can start by offering a simple infoproduct… Just to test if your audience is receptive.
And if it works, start a full-fledged sales tunnel to increase your revenue tenfold!
Start a subscription club
The downside of online training is that it is a one-time payment. To ensure long-term revenue, you can opt for the subscription solution.
Instead of offering different infoproducts for sale separately, you’ll create a kind of club where you’ll offer monthly live performances, exclusive videos, etc.
All of this to offer your reader a long-term support. Some themes lend themselves well to this, such as online marketing, seduction or learning music for example.

There are no official statistics, but according to our experience customers keep their subscription on average 3 months.
This trend is likely to evolve positively with increasing retention. Indeed, many companies are doing everything they can to get consumers used to this kind of practice.
We can mention Netflix, Xbox Game Pass or Amazon Prime for example. After all, it’s normal, it ensures revenues over time for these big behemoths. So profitability on top of that. π°
On the other hand, the disadvantage is the pressure of always having to offer new products to its customers.
Sell your newsletter
Offering a subscription for sale by email is a trend that is starting to arrive in the United States. Some infopreneurs manage to generate thousands of dollars every month from this.
The advantage here is that it’s easy to do: you just have to write emails.
However, they must be of sufficient quality to ensure that your customers are satisfied. If you are afraid to show your head or your voice, this is perfect for you.
You can go through Substack for this.

As you can see, you can sell newsletters in many different areas. This could be the future of online business!
Create your application or software
Well, let’s not lie, this solution is for a minority of us. Creating a software or an application requires a certain budget and especially coding skills.
On the other hand, it’s a great way to ensure recurring revenue if you manage to address a problem of your readers in the long run with it.
If you’re a big life stressor, you’re probably familiar with the Little Bamboo app. She offers you meditation sessions in different themes.
And as you can see, it is very profitable:

Again, it is not recommended for a beginner but it was important to mention it in this guide.
Make a donation appeal
Simply put. You can tell your readers that they can support you by making a donation. Some platforms like Tipee are perfect for this.

It couldn’t be easier to set up. However, you will be totally dependent on the kindness of your visitors. It’s pretty hard to anticipate!
You can offer rewards in exchange, such as early access to your next articles, the possibility of exchanging with you or an exclusive live show per month with your community.
In any case, this is the solution that will save you from having to create a specific infoproduct and therefore waste time if it ever flops. π
4 – Sell your own physical products
To explain this part, we’ll tell you an anecdote: in the world of marketing, EVERYONE does ONLY online training. This has become the norm as it is the most cost effective and easiest to do.
And one entrepreneur took advantage of this to release a paperback book offered with every purchase of his training. This book was simply a written summary of the content of his program.
It may sound silly, but it was a hit. We often forget the small excitement of receiving at home an object that we really want. It’s less bland than an email containing access to a training course!
Today, this book is in our library and we see it every morning when we wake up. It may not have been the most profitable operation for this entrepreneur, but it has left us with a concrete memory, a kind of perpetual publicity.
In a few words, it is a long-term investment.
To summarize its advantages:
- β You’ll stand out from the rest according to your theme;
- β It’s an opportunity to leave an item at your customer’s home who will see it every day so free advertising ;
- β It has more value to people because they can touch it ;
And on the downside:
- β Not necessarily the most cost-effective;
- β This can be difficult to create depending on what you want to do;
- β Many times you have to manage logistics and inventory;
Now let’s see what you can do, we will voluntarily focus on the simplest…
Writing a paperback book
The first idea would be to convert your ebook into a real paperback. A physical book will always be more valuable to readers because they can touch it.
Again, if you don’t have any ideas you can already compile your blog posts into a book to test.
Regarding the logistics, everything is simple: you can go through KDP Amazon. They will take care of printing your book, shipping it, and on top of that making it available on their platform. π¦

You can choose the quality of the paper, whether to print in color, etc. All this has an impact on your profitability.
To give you an idea, a book sold for 14,99β¬ TTC can bring you 6,45β¬ net. It’s not as profitable as an ebook, but at least you don’t have to manage anything to get a physical product. π
Besides, it costs you nothing if you don’t sell any. So much for being risk-free!
If you’re anti-Amazon, you can go through independent printing services like Fantastibook. They will print your books and send them.
However, it will be more expensive, especially if you print them one by one. To compensate, it’s best to get them packs of several hundred pounds, but that requires you to be sure you can sell them.
It’s up to you what’s best!
Print on Demand
Print on Demand is the act ofprinting an image or text on demand on any object. Basically, you take your logo and you can put it on a t-shirt, a coffee mug, or a sweatshirt to sell it.
Many youtubers do it, and you know why? Because it’s so simple.
There are many online services like Printful or Teespring that allow you to do this easily. You will not have to manage the purchase of the T-shirt, its printing or its sending.
They do everything for you in exchange for a percentage of the price. π°

These kinds of objects allow your customers to feel part of a community. The feeling of belonging is important especially if you want to make your blog a real brand.
Go through a white label
White labeling is the act of offering a product or service from another person without the latter appearing to the customer.
The blog has set up this system. It offers many accessories for the maintenance of the beard with its effigy.
In the end, it’s a white label on which he just prints his logo:

This is the easiest way to test if your readers are receptive to this kind of product. There is nothing to stop you from launching your own brand on your own.
Sell your blog (yes, really!)
It may seem counterintuitive, but selling your blog is not necessarily a bad idea. It’s even a business model for some site editors.
You will create a blog from scratch, reference it, monetize it, and then sell it to make more money. To give you an idea, a blog paid with affiliation sells on average 24 months its net profits.
In other words, if your blog generates $1,000 a month in profit, you can expect to sell it for $24,000. Enough to have a nest egg to enjoy life or to reinvest in other blogs in order to resell them again.
There are online platforms like Dotmarket that take care of everything for you. π
Do you see what’s going on?
5 – Offer services
One of the easiest ways to generate money today is to offer your services. If your blog is good, you will have the reputation of an expert among your readers.
It would be a shame not to take advantage of it, right?
The benefits are many:
- β Quick and immediate payback;
- β Generally easier to sell than online training because you feel the added value more ;
- β It’s very simple to set up;
The disadvantages are that:
- β It takes you time, so impossible to scale infinitely ;
- β This weather keeps you from working on your website;
- β You have to manage your clients directly which is not always easy ;
Let’s discover the different ways to offer your services…
This may sound simplistic, but some readers need reassurance or an outside opinion on their situations. This can be about anything: sports, relationships, money or health.
Offering them an hour of coaching over the phone so that you can help them is a good idea. You can already get a nice hourly rate if you sell your service for 97β¬ for example. π°
In addition, talking face-to-face with your clients will give you a deeper understanding of their problems and hang-ups. So that you can offer a better infoproduct later on.
It’s a very good way to start your monetization before moving on to more passive solutions.
Finally, always keep in mind that you can delegate this coaching in the long run. If you have a lot of requests, you can take on a few freelancers to do the coaching for you and still make the difference.
Not bad, right?
Offer your services
Depending on your niche, you can directly offer your services.
For example, if you have a blog about writing, you might suggest:
- a proofreading service;
- writing articles or ebooks;
- advice on writing style;
If you have a blog about drawing, you can suggest :
- the realization of YouTube thumbnails;
- creation of computer graphics;
- unique paintings;
Anyway, you know the type?
Your readers come to your blog to learn things. They already see you as competent.
β‘οΈ It’s easier to sell them a service than to approach people who don’t know you.
This is a good way to increase your skills by multiplying your missions. Afterwards, you will be able to offer better quality online training on these topics.
Selling your status as an authority
Having a relevant blog allows you to appear as someone who knows his field. This status allows you to sell your presence at certain events.
You can sell services as a speaker, you can intervene in other bloggers’ trainings in exchange for a fee, etc.
This is what ThΓ©ophile Eliet proposes, for example:

In addition, it allows you to be known by another audience. This will attract even more visitors to your site in the future!
6 – Monetize your blog with email marketing
In marketing, it is often said that “the money is in the list“. In other words, having an email list made up of people interested in your subject is the assurance of having income in the future.
Capturing the email of your visitors means having the possibility to contact them later to offer them new content or paid offers. To simply increase your income.

The benefits of email marketing are:
- β Keep in touch with your visitors more easily;
- β Create a real relationship of trust with them through exclusive content ;
- β Increase your profitability when you launch a new product;
Regarding the disadvantages:
- β This can be time consuming depending on the pace of your mailings;
- β You need to use a paid autoresponder to do this effectively;
- β This requires certain skills;
Now let’s see in more detail how you can do it…
Capture the email of your visitors
To capture your visitors’ email, you need to offer them something in return. It’s called the “lead magnet“. It can be an exclusive content sent by email, a video or audio training, an ebook, etc.
Check out this beginner’s guide to crypto:

The idea is to make your reader want to leave his email. Besides, you should know that the more information you ask for, the lower your opt-in rate will be. So don’t ask for the dog’s name, date of birth, etc.
β‘οΈ Just use the email, it’s enough!
Once you have created your lead magnet, you will have to disseminate on your blog “ landing page “. They are simply whole pages or just small inserts where you invite the reader to leave his email.
For example here at the end of the article:

As you can see, you can make calls to action in writing in your text, in popup, in the sidebar, as a banner above your articles, etc.
The idea here is to make a different call to action each time. This will maximize the chance of a reader leaving their email.
The 4 types of email to send to your list
1) On boarding sequence
Once you have captured your visitor’s email, you will have to send them what is called an on-boarding sequence. This is an email sequence that can last several days.
The goal here is to introduce yourself, indicate what you want to bring to your visitor, give him the promised gift, etc. And why not start making a commercial offer! This will make your email list more profitable.
2) Newsletter
The second type of email you can send him is simply a newsletter. It is an email to bring information to your reader, train him, tell an anecdote, etc.
This type of email is not primarily intended to sell but to build a relationship with your list. You don’t want them to forget who you are.
3) Sales pitch
The third type of email you can send is a sales pitch. Here, you will present a product or service to your readers. This can be an offer to you, an affiliation, etc.
The objective is to seek profitability. You need a little finesse so that it doesn’t seem only commercial, but you don’t have to beat around the bush either.
4) Cyclic sequence
Finally, the fourth type of sending you can do is the cyclic sequence. In concrete terms, it is a series of emails that follow each other every day or two and that are intended to pitch a particular offer.
It’s a bit like a sales page that is sequenced into small episodes that will each address a particular point. The best part is that you can use them again a few months later. You have to mix the commercial offer with a lot of free advice to make your readers want to open the following mails.
Create a mailing schedule
Sending an email is extremely simple. But maintaining a long-distance email relationship with your list is harder than it sounds.
β‘οΈ This can be time consuming, but it is important to keep a certain regularity so as not to lose the thread.
That’s why we advise you to prepare your year in advance. Take a schedule and set a pace that might work for you. You can even write emails in advance and reuse them from one year to the next.
The idea is that your readers will always hear from you at least once a week.
Alternates between simple newsletter and direct pitch. The best thing to do is to create cyclic sequences and run them one after the other.
The great strength of the email list is that you can do absolutely ANYTHING. Affiliate marketing, infoproducts, advertising, etc.
So enjoy it!
Sell your leads or rent your email list
The U.S. is always a leader in marketing. And today, a new trend is emerging: email list rental.
Basically, you can offer to rent your email list to infopreneurs in exchange for a fee. For the moment, no one around us has tested this formula.
In any case, it allows you to see the potential of capturing the email address of your visitors!
7 – Monetize your blog by selling links
It is possible to make money with your website through link selling. It’s about making an article that includes a link to someone else’s blog.
Sometimes you don’t even have to write it down since the editor wants to have his link on an already existing article:

The benefits are many:
- β Increase the profitability of your already existing site;
- β So me platforms do everything for you;
- β You can monetize a site that didn’t work this way;
Regarding the disadvantages:
- β You shouldn’t sell links on every page at the risk of Google detecting it;
- β Dealing with requests from some site editors can be a pain;
- β It takes time if you want to write the articles yourself;
After all, if you are already well referenced and have visitors, you can opt for this way of monetizing. It’s less conspicuous for your reader than a big advertising insert, and it can be much more profitable!
Who buys links?
SEOs need to have links to their websites in order to rank them on Google. To go faster, they prefer to buy directly from platforms.
Officially, Google is against this practice.
But in reality, it is impossible to rank on many themes without a link. And as it is more and more difficult or impossible to get them naturally, buying links has become the norm.
Sell links directly
Sometimes some publishers contact you directly to offer you to link to their site. If you know the value of these kinds of links, you can deal with them directly.
On the other hand, if you don’t know how much to ask for, it’s probably safer for you to go through a platform. You will also have a professional to turn to in case of problems.
There are also Facebook groups where many SEOs suggest and search for sites to place their links. You can find free ones if you are interested.
The best known is called “SEO Backlink France”.
Sell links via platforms
The easiest way to sell links is through platforms. The advantage is that there are some for all types of sites.
For example, if your site has good SEO statistics such as a good number of referring domains, a good Trust Flow or a good Citation Flow, then you have specialized platforms that will allow you to get a better return. For example, we can mention Semjuice or Rocketlink.
On the other hand, if your site has pages well positioned on Google that attract many visitors, you can go to the Nextlevel platform for a better profitability.
Each one has its own rules, and it would take too long to discuss them in this guide. In any case, it is a good way to secure yourself with a professional who will be able to play the role of arbitrator in case of a dispute with the buyer for example.
Step by step guide to monetize your blog
Now that you know all the possible ways to make your blog profitable, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide to get there.
Very often, we are asked when to monetize your blog. But that’s the wrong question! In fact, you should already know how you’re going to do it BEFORE you start your blog.
And this is what you will understand by discovering this tuto…
A little clarification: this guide goes to the heart of the matter. To learn more about how to analyze a niche, search for keywords, or write good content, check out our different blog posts π
If you want to go further, we advise you to read our
complete guide on how to create a niche site
1) Find a niche and analyze it
The first step is to find your niche. This will be the subject of a future guide, but concretely you will be looking for competitors already placed on it.
The idea is to analyze their content, how they monetize their site, how many visitors they have, have they worked on their netlinking, etc.
This step is crucial since it allows you to judge both the SEO potential of a niche, but also the economic potential.
At the same time, you will also look for other ways to monetize. For example, if you want to start a site about crypto, you’ll Google affiliate programs in that area.
The idea is to have a file where you list everything your competitors are doing, but also everything else you can do based on your research.
2) Anticipate monetization
Once you’ve taken stock of the competition and all your options, you’ ll have to make some choices.
In concrete terms, you will choose which program you will promote, which means of monetization you will set up, etc.
For example, for a site talking about crypto you can :
- start collecting emails right away;
- Affiliate to Binance on pages related to ;
- and tell you that you will end up selling online training on the subject;
In a few words, you will draw the guiding line that will guide the orientation of your blog.
3) Organize your content around this monetization
Once you anticipate the monetization you’re going to put in place, you need to align the content around it.
This is where many site editors are going about it the wrong way. They will first make content, and then think about monetization. The opposite of what should be done.
This is where you’ll use all the research you’ve done on the SEO side. You will select the easiest keywords to rank for and that have potential to highlight the different offers you have chosen.
If you can also use copywriting to make nice headlines that make people want to click on your articles, it’s perfect. The internal mesh will be set up to push your transactional pages to the maximum.
4) Strive for excellence
This may seem like a no-brainer, but you should know that many website publishers generate their content through AI or via cheap foreign writers.
We are not here to judge them, but we are sure that this can penalize you when you want to sell your own products. This will prevent you from taking a step towards monetization in the long run.
So get it right from the start. Pamper your SEO, write articles that really interest your readers, give them as much relevant information as possible and you’ll be on the right track.
5) Go get your visitors where they are
Once you have a website with rich, relevant content and well referenced on Google, you can move on to the next step.
We will have to go and get the visitors where they are. So join Facebook groups on your niche and interact with people live. Show them articles from your site that might interest them, etc.
Start a YouTube channel and share the same information orally or on camera.
Same thing with TikTok, Instagram and company.
Broaden your horizons and reach out to a wider audience. That’s how you can make your site even more profitable.
This guide on how to monetize your blog is coming to an end. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it to the end. We know it was a big one, but we really wanted to give you as much value as possible so that you could see it more clearly.
Too often, bloggers and website publishers who are just starting out stop their online activities because they haven’t tested the right strategies. We hope that with this guide you can generate your first money online. And in the long run, to live from this activity of course!
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