Fiverr Affiliate – Reviews, Commissions and Registration (2024)

Fiverr is one of the freelancing platforms platforms in the world. On this marketplace, you can find a lot of freelancers for writing, graphic design, translation, copywriting and other missions.

We know that offering freelance services requires a lot of work.

On the other hand, what we propose is to earn passive income by promoting the services available on Fiverr. Indeed, the Fiverr platform has an advantageous affiliate program, which allows you to earn money by recommending the platform and the freelancers. What to monetize your business easily.

You might be wondering if Fiverr affiliate is worth it and how much you can earn with this platform. To help you, we have tested the Fiverr affiliate program, to give you a full review in this article.

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How the Fiverr affiliate program works

As you probably know, Fiverr is a platform that connects freelancers and clients. On this marketplace, freelancers can offer their services. As it is the largest freelancing platform in the world, you will be able to find many different services in different languages.

For example, if you are looking for a freelancer specialized in website creation, Fiverr will present you several of them:

fiverr services

Fiverr was originally a “microservice” site, where freelancers offered small services for a modest price. Now, you can find recognized professionals and get high quality services. As such, Fiverr sorts freelance jobs to display only professional services.

services pro fiverr

As you can see, these services are much more expensive. All freelancers who offer “pro services” are verified by the platform beforehand.

What services can be promoted?

As you can see, there are thousands of different services offered by freelancers on Fiverr. But can we really recommend them all?

Yes, it is possible to recommend all the services offered on Fiverr. Obviously, the commission rate will vary depending on the type of service and its price. For example, you can recommend the services of a writer, graphic designer, translator, developer, etc.

Thanks to the affiliate link generator, you will be able to recommend a specific freelancer or a category of services(development, translation, copywriting, design, etc.).

You can also promote Fiverr Business. This platform only gathers professionals approved by Fiverr. The services are usually more expensive and therefore you will be able to earn a higher commission.


Since there are many different products to recommend, affiliate compensation will differ. We will show you the commissions you can earn with each type of service or offer.

To recommend the services offered on the marketplace, there are two types of compensation. Cost Per Share(CPS) and hybrid commission. With CPA, you will get a percentage of the sale only once. With hybrid commission, you will earn a smaller commission, but also a portion of your affiliate’s expenses for 12 months.

As far as the CPA is concerned, the amount of the commission will vary according to the type of service you recommend:

  • 50$: Website and mobile application development
  • 40$: Creation of WordPress sites, WebDesign, video clips
  • 30$: Videos & animation, SEO, consulting, proofreading & editing
  • 25$: Illustrations, blog posts, community management, voice over
  • 15$: All other categories
  • 150$: All pro services

On the other hand, you can opt for hybrid commissioning. Here, you will receive a one-time commission of $10, regardless of the service rendered. However, you will also earn 10% of all purchases made by your affiliates for 12 months.

Fiverr Business

Fiverr Business is the premium version of the Fiverr marketplace . On this platform, you will find only professionals providing high quality services. Professionals have official certification, or are approved by Fiverr.

For every new member you bring to FIverr Business, you will earn $100 in commission(as soon as the account reaches $100 in spending). In addition, you will receive 10% of the purchases made by your affiliate for 12 months.

On the other hand, you can also earn a commission if you bring new affiliates to Fiverr. If you bring in a new affiliate, you’ll get 10% of the earnings they generate, for life.

⚠️ It is also possible to earn a commission by referring Fiverr Learn or Fiverr WorkSpace. However, these services are not available in France. You will not be able to recommend them to a French-speaking audience. If you have a site in the United States, however, you can promote both products.

Cookie duration and commission payment

In the affiliation the cookie is extremely important. Placed in the browser of the user who has clicked on your affiliate link, it is the one that will allow you to track the sales. Depending on the affiliation, the duration of the cookie can vary from 1 to 60 days in most cases.

For the Fiverr affiliation, the duration of the cookie will be 30 days. In concrete terms, if someone clicks on your link and buys a service on Fiverr within 30 days of that click, you will earn a commission.

How will commissions be paid?

To get the commissions generated with Fiverr, there are three distinct payment methods:

  • PayPal: up to $1000
  • Payoneer: up to $1000
  • Bank transfer: + 1000$.

Regardless of the payment method chosen, the minimum payment threshold will be $100.

How to make money with Fiverr affiliation? 4 steps

Now you know more about the affiliate program, the commission and the services you can recommend. If you want to earn money with this program, we will present you a guide to generate your first commissions with Fiverr.

Step 1: Find a niche/service to recommend

It is possible to recommend all types of services on the Fiverr platform. The problem is that by redirecting your visitors to the homepage of the platform, you will not get a good conversion rate. But to recommend all services, you need a generalist audience looking for different freelance profiles.

Unless you have hundreds of thousands of visitors per month, it might be complicated. To maximize your income and get a better conversion rate, it is better to start on a niche. In other words, you will simply focus on a theme, in order to offer only services in this category. This way, your audience will be much more qualified and at the same time, your conversion rate will naturally be higher.

What we advise you to do is to focus on a particular service category such as :

  • Graphics/design
  • Web referencing (SEO/SEA)
  • Translation
  • Website development
  • Marketing and advertising

When choosing a niche, you should also pay attention to the commission rate. Indeed, some themes are more profitable than others. It can therefore be interesting to nest on one of the categories that pay the most.

Step 2: Attracting traffic

Once you know what type of service to recommend, you’ll need an audience. It is indeed the Internet users who will click on your affiliate links and allow you to earn a commission if they buy a service on Fiverr.

There are several methods to get traffic from scratch. You can attract visitors with a blog, a YouTube channel, a Twitter account or others.

As stated above, it is best to focus on one theme. Once you have chosen your niche, you will have to create content that is relevant to Internet users. If you are specialized in the design niche, you can create the following articles:

  • How to create a professional logo?
  • How much does it cost to create a logo?
  • 5 tips for creating a graphic charter
  • The best colors to use for your graphic charter
  • Why delegate the creation of a logo?

All the people who read his articles are interested in design, and potentially intend to hire a freelancer. The same is true if you create this type of content on YouTube or on social networks.

Publishing of niche sites remains the best solution in our opinion. This is the most accessible method, as it requires very little investment. However, many affiliates manage to generate commissions with a YouTube channel, Discord community or other.

If you don’t want to create a niche site, opening a YouTube channel can also be a good way. Or, you can also create a Twitter/Instagram/TikTok account or a Discord group. It’s up to you to decide which traffic source is best for you!

Step 3: Choose your commission type and create affiliate links

As we showed you earlier, you can choose your commission method. In reality, there is no one method of compensation that is better than the other. It all depends on your goals and your strategy.

If you want to earn money quickly and collect your commissions as soon as possible, the CPA will be perfect.

If you prefer to earn money for 12 months through revenue sharing, hybrid commissioning is more suitable. Here, you will earn less on the first sale, but you can potentially earn more commissions for 1 year.

As such, if you’re looking for the long term, it’s best to choose hybrid commissioning. If your goal is to earn money directly without any vision on the next months, the CPA will be perfect.

Once you have chosen the payment method that suits you best, you will need to create affiliate links. Here again, you can design several types of links.

To begin with, you will have a “ default “. This link leads to the Fiverr homepage. As you can see, you can choose a hybrid or CPA commission.

default affiliate link fiverr

You can also create an affiliate link that leads to a service category. To do so, you will simply have to choose the theme(design, SEO, development, etc.), then a particular service(logo creation, ebook writing, video editing, etc.). Depending on your choices, you will get a banner with the best services available on Fiverr.

affiliate link category

Then you can also create a search bar to display on your site. In this box, we can see the basic question “What service are you looking for?“. You will be able to customize the answer, for example by writing“web design” or “video editing“.

This way, you create a personalized Call To Action(CTA) according to your audience. Instead of just sending your visitors to the Fiverr homepage.

affiliate link search bar

Finally, you will be able to create links for specific services. To do this, nothing could be easier. You will have to go to the Fiverr platform, choose a service and copy its URL. Then, you will have to copy this URL into the banner generator and you will get an image with your affiliate link embedded.

custom affiliate link fiverr

For example, we created a custom banner for a logo design service.

Step 4: Promote freelancers on Fiverr

Once you are registered in the Fiverr affiliate program and you have traffic, all you have to do is promote freelancers or the Fiverr Business offer for example. To do this, you’ll need to embed your affiliate links in your articles, YouTube videos, social media posts, or whatever.

Fiverr Affiliation: Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other partner programs, the Fiverr affiliate program has its pros and cons. So we will quickly present you some advantages and disadvantages of working with this platform.

The advantages

✅ Good commission rate and revenue sharing

✅ Ability to choose how you are paid.

✅ Marketing tools included

✅ Fast and dedicated affiliate support

✅ Sub-affiliate system

The disadvantages

❌ $100 payment threshold

❌ Need to have a professional audience, which is looking for freelancers

Frequently Asked Questions about Fiverr

How much can I expect to earn with this affiliate program?

Like all other affiliate programs, there is no limit to the amount you can earn. If you want to estimate how much money you can generate with Fiverr affiliation, we invite you to read our article “ How much does a blogger earn? “. We’ll show you a technique to estimate your earnings based on your traffic.

Is the program free?

The program is totally free and registration will be very quick. You will not need to provide any identification or other documents. All you have to do is fill in your contact information, your e-mail address and the name of your company if you have one.

Why promote Fiverr and not another platform?

Fiverr is by far the most popular freelancing platform. Therefore, it is the one with the most qualified freelancers. You will be able to recommend services, regardless of the theme of your audience. Besides, it is the only affiliation of its kind that offers a revenue sharing commission.

Tutorial: How to sign up for the Fiverr affiliate program?

If you’re not used to affiliate marketing, it can be difficult to understand the Fiverr signup process. Don’t worry, we’ll show you a complete tutorial to sign up for this affiliate program.

To get started, you’ll need to go to the Fiverr website. At the bottom of the site there is an “affiliates” button in the “communities” section. By clicking on this link, you will be taken directly to the page dedicated to affiliates. Then you just have to click on “register“.

fiverr membership registration

Directly, Fiverr will ask you for several information. Here, you will just have to fill in your name, first name, email address and other information.

fiverr registration details

Once you have filled in your details, you will need to indicate how you will promote Fiverr products. To do this, nothing could be easier. Simply check one or more of the proposed boxes.

fiverr affiliate traffic source

Right after, Fiverr will want to know what your visitors are interested in. In other words, you will have to indicate the theme of your site or your YouTube channel for example. If you have a “generalist” traffic source, i.e. one that deals with several topics at once, don’t hesitate to check the “all Fiverr services” box.

interest of fiverr traffic

Once the form is completed, you will be registered to the affiliate platform. You will have direct access to the affiliate dashboard. This way you can start promoting Fiverr services, but also track your commissions, get marketing tools(banners, deeplink, etc.).

In summary, Fiverr affiliation is a very good way to monetize your audience. As you have seen, you can promote services in all areas. Therefore, you can use the Fiverr affiliate program to earn money if you have a website, a YouTube channel or other.

If you are interested in affiliate marketing, we invite you to download our free ebookAffiliate Marketing & SEO“. In this ebook, we will show you a method to make money on the internet through affiliate marketing and publishing niche sites. Some readers are already earning a good income through affiliation and some have even been able to replace their salary!

If you want to earn your first money online, you know what you have to do!

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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