The 33 Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing in 2024

✍️ Last modified on April 16, 2023

If you want to make money with website publishing, you have to start by looking for themost profitable affiliation. And our strategy is this: think about what we can sell first BEFORE we think about the content we’re going to produce.


Because it allows us to anticipate the possible income and to estimate the profitability of our project. This is how to distinguish between good and bad ideas.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to make a choice when you are a beginner. We clearly don’t know where to turn. And you end up procrastinating by telling yourself that choosing your niche or what you can sell is too difficult.

To help you, we have prepared for you this complete listing of the most profitable niches in affiliation. This will allow you to pick ideas from it without having to worry about it. This will get your online business up and running faster!

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The most profitable niches in 2023:

To start, here is a simplified list of the best affiliate niches if you want to start an online business this year:

  • Tech: VPN, Gaming, Software
  • Finance : Insurance, Banking, Credit repurchase, Crypto
  • Business : Online training, Make money online, Saas
  • Lifestyle : Dating, Airline tickets, Hotels
  • Nutrition : CBD, Food supplements, Weight loss
  • Gambling : Online Casino, Sports Betting
  • Personal development : Nootropic, Psychic
  • Home : Mattresses, Robotics, Pets, Garden

As you can see, we start from a general niche(e.g. finance) and then give a more specific niche to it(e.g. crypto). This allows you to specialize and simplify your offer.

Because the mistake when you start is to want to do EVERYTHING. And that’s a bad idea. Do you prefer to eat pizza in a small specialized Italian restaurant or in a supermarket? Well for the web, it’s the same! Visitors will trust you more easily if you are “nested”.

You can still go further in your specialty and take a micro niche. To go back to our previous example, you can start from the general niche(e.g. finance), specify it(e.g. crypto) and finally choose a very specific topic(e.g. NFT).

In this way, you will be able to create a project that will aim to become the reference in this field. Your authority will be boosted if you produce quality content… and you’ll end up generating online income more easily.

Once you have made your choice, you can go and discover our comparison of the best affiliate platforms to find all the existing programs in your field.

You now have the basics to understand everything that follows…

👉 We will be able to introduce you to the most profitable niches in affiliate marketing. But that’s not all! We’ll also help you segment them into micro niches so you can figure out what you can do with them.

If you’re just starting out online or are looking for inspiration for a future project, keep this article on hand for easy reference!

affiliation crypto lesmakers

1/ Crypto

It’s hard to pass up such a market! Cryptocurrencies have been exploding for years. They exist thanks to the blockchain technology that is constantly evolving.

To give you a number, the cryptocurrency market was already worth $3000 billion in 2021!

So there are bound to be needs to be met for people interested in this virtual currency: how to buy it, how to protect it, how to select it, how to learn trading, how to access the metaverse, etc.

You can also think about everything else that surrounds this niche: NFTs, play to earn(video games that pay you to play!), Bitcoin mining equipment, etc.

The advantage of this niche is that it is relatively new, especially if you choose a very specific area. You won’t start off with a huge delay compared to the competitors already in place.

If you want to know more, check out the best crypto affiliate programs .

2/ Online training

Here is another market that has been exploding for over 10 years now. According to Callimedia, its total value is expected to reach $370 billion by 2026.

There are two huge advantages to this niche:

  1. Since everything is online, margins are high, which allows for commission rates of up to 70%!
  2. You can train in all possible areas

So it is very important for you to look for video or audio training in the niche you are interested in. And especially if they offer an affiliate program.

Your profitability could easily explode with this way of monetizing!

To give you some examples, you can find courses that help you learn English, cook, make money online coding, or even Tarot card drawing for example.


SAAS, or “Software as a Service“, is software accessible on the Internet in exchange for a paid subscription. According to Statista, this market is expected to grow from $145 billion to $172 billion by 2022 worldwide.

It is therefore a growing sector that continues to gain market share.

The big advantage here is that it offers significant commissions(up to 50%) and especially recurrence. That is, you will get money as long as the person you referred remains subscribed to the service.

You can find them in many fields. For example, we can mention marketing with autoresponder software, sales tunnels or member space creation.

This is a very good choice if you want toensure a significant income in the long term. Especially since you will be able to make many contents on it: presentation of the tool, tutorial, etc.

affiliation cbd lesmakers

4/ CBD

CBD has clearly been in vogue for some time. We see physical stores being created everywhere in France … Inevitably, the web does not escape the rule since many e-businesses are also launched in the race!

And this is easily understood. Indeed, according to the SPCBE(Syndicat Professionnel du Chanvre et du Bien-Être), this market could soon represent more than 1.5 billion euros in France.

It is therefore a promising subject that is just beginning to take shape. If you are well positioned today, you may have a very good return for years!

CBD is used for its therapeutic properties. And the best thing about it is that it is available in many different products: capsules, creams, oils, vapes or even crystals. There are even products to calm the animals!

And on top of that, the commissions are high even though it is a physical product. You can expect up to 40% on average of the sale price, which is huge!

If you want to know more, discover the best CBD affiliate programs .

lesmakers casino membership

5/ Casino

As you might have guessed, the casino is one of the best niches to make money in affiliation. And the reason is simple: it is a business based on the vice and addiction of the human being.

Did you know that every game and every machine is studied from a psychological point of view to make its user play more?

This online business idea is not known for being the most ethical. But it is clearly a very profitable sector! Just to mention the digital casinos, it is estimated that the turnover of this market reached 227 billion dollars in 2021!

And the best part is that you can specialize in physical casinos, digital casinos or even crypto casinos. You can even nest even more by choosing a specific type of machine for example.

From a remuneration point of view, you can expect to earn up to 45% in commissions. But this field is obviously competitive.

If you want to know more, check out the best casino affiliate programs .

affiliation dating lesmakers

6/ Dating

Human beings hate solitude. Whether it’s to find friends, a soul mate or simply a one-night stand, dating is an excellent choice because it meets a strong need.

As with the casino, this area may not appeal to site editors who do not want to exploit social, emotional and sexual misery. But it must be recognized that this market is already worth more than 8 billion euros worldwide in 2020!

In France alone, experts estimate that it will reach 200 million euros in 2025.

The advantage of this niche is that it is very lucrative. We are talking about digital products, so commissions up to 50% and sometimes more!

Many applications of all kinds exist. Whether it is to meet someone of a certain age, sexual orientation or even religion.

So there is definitely the possibility to choose a sub-niche and specialize.

If you want to know more, discover the best affiliate dating programs .

7/ VPN

VPNs have had a meteoric rise thanks to the ads of all your favorite youtubers. This bludgeoning has made it possible to democratize the use of these services, which encrypt a user’s data.

The advantage of this niche is that it is a subscription software. In other words, you will make money as long as the buyer remains a subscriber. And on top of that, the commissions are very high since it is a digital product. We are talking about commissions of up to 50%!

To give you an idea, the VPNMentor site that monetizes via this niche was sold in 2022 for $150 million. This is one of the biggest sales in the field of affiliate sites.

Do you understand why we have selected it in this TOP? The hardest part will be to choose the right angle to differentiate yourself from competitors already present in the SERPs.

If you want to know more, discover the best VPN affiliate programs .

8/ Psychic

This theme was very fashionable at the beginning of the web. Today, we hear less about it even though the market is still buoyant. To give you an idea, there are more than 100,000 psychics in France and the market is estimated to be worth 4 billion euros.

So there is business to be done. Especially since it fits with many topics: esotericism, love relationships, lack of self-confidence, spirituality, etc.

Many actors are available and offer you services by phone, web chat, video chat or SMS. The remuneration is also very interesting.

Some companies even offer you recurring commissions as long as the customer you referred continues to make purchases. Enough to ensure long-term income!

Be careful though, as the competition remains tough as you can imagine. You will have to think carefully beforehand about the angle of attack in which you will deal with this theme.

If you want to know more, discover the the best psychic affiliate programs .

affiliation weight loss lesmakers

9/ Weight Loss

Again, this is a very competitive market because it is very lucrative. It was estimated to be around $175 billion worldwide in 2017… And despite the new “body positive” trend, experts believe it will reach $303 billion by 2037!

The great thing about this theme is that there are many possibilities: slimming programs, food supplements, sports accessories, etc.

So there are many possible angles to stand out from the competition!

Regarding the possible remuneration, it all depends on the program chosen. You can also find recurrence on the long term with the sale of food supplements or one shot with a high commission rate for an online sports program.

But beware: big market = big competition.

If you want to know more, discover the best weight loss affiliate programs .

10/ Travel

Despite the last health crisis, travel remains a very important hobby for the French. It is estimated that the turnover by this sector in France is 35 billion euros in 2021.

And the advantage is that you can travel anywhere: in France or abroad. And beyond that, you can specialize according to the type of trip(sporty, breathtaking scenery, extreme, etc.) or the type of accommodation(luxury, youth hostel, original, etc.).

The market is huge, but so are the ways to stand out. So you can make your mark if you put your mind to it.

Regarding the possible remuneration, it really depends on the company you want to work with. Remember that for hosting, you can collect up to 40% of the amount paid which is still huge!

If you want to know more, check out the best travel affiliate programs .

11/ Insurance

This sector is less sexy than the previous ones and will perhaps make you less envious. Talking about risks, accidents and problems is never very exciting…

However, this market will be worth nearly 200 billion euros in France in 2020. So it’s still worth looking into!

First, it is easier to sell insurance than other products from a marketing point of view. Insurance is based on the fear of losing something. And that is much more emotionally powerful than winning something.

Secondly, these are contracts that will tend to renew themselves. In other words, you will be able to secure long-term revenue if you find a brand that offers recurring commissions.

All you have to do is specialize. And for that, many areas are available. We can mention loan insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance or car insurance for example.

If you want to know more, check out the best insurance affiliate programs .

affiliation sportmakers

12/ Sport

Sport generates more than 91 billion euros each year in France. So much so that there is a certain potential in this niche! And the best part is that you can specialize in many ways.

First, you can choose a discipline(soccer, tennis, weight training, etc.). You may also be interested in sports nutrition. Or the clothes in this area. Not to mention the many video training courses available.

Some even make sites about mental health in sports!

Obviously, if you choose to promote physical products, the commission rate will be lower than a digital product. But the advantage here is that you can combine the two without any problem.

If you want to know more, check out the the best sports affiliate programs .

13/ Dog

No matter what the ardent defenders of the cat say, the dog is considered man’s best friend! And it’s also an important source of expenditure for all lovers of these little furry creatures.

Whether it’s toys, insurance, accessories, cushions or even training to learn how to educate him well, we don’t know where to turn. Many possibilities are present which is always a good thing.

You can remember that the annual budget spent by the French for their dog varies between 400 and 1000€. And there are over 7.6 million dogs in the country.

The economic potential is there! It’s up to you to find the format that best suits your audience. And above all, the angle of attack that will hit the nail on the head with this theme.

14/ Work

The work niche represented more than 149 billion euros in France in 2019. This concerns both comfort work and work to obtain an energy improvement of the building.

Needless to say, this will develop enormously in the coming years because of the ecological crisis we are going through. Many investments will be made by the State, but also the French households.

Generally, the work affiliation is done through the proposal of estimates. You will be paid for each quote that is completely filled out by visitors to your site. If needed, you can also negotiate with the craftsmen of your city to send them directly customers if your site is specialized on it.

If you want to know more, discover the best affiliate programs works .

affiliation cruise lesmakers

15/ Cruise

A niche that is likely to be debated! The cruise market was worth about 40 billion worldwide in 2019. And it should be noted that 25% of this figure is realized by North America.

We are therefore in the presence of an established and solid market. But it is subject to change because of the ecological aspect again. More and more activists are opposing this kind of practice.

So will this area continue to grow or decline? It’s a legitimate question to ask yourself before jumping in.

What is interesting here is that the prices are generally very high. So even if the commission rate isn’t, you can still expect to make a nice sum of money on each sale!

If you want to know more, discover the best affiliate programs cruise .

16/ Beauty

To give you an idea, the cosmetics market was worth about 11.4 billion euros in France in 2018. It is clearly one of the most prolific sectors in the country, and it is growing every year!

There are many possibilities: cosmetics(lipstick, varnish, foundation, etc.), clothing(lingerie, shoes, coat, etc.) and even body care(hair, skin, hair removal, etc.).

You can easily find the angle of attack that suits you best.

And in terms of remuneration, you can expect a commission rate of up to 15% for physical products, which is interesting. If you find online training, you can go even further!

If you want to know more, discover the best beauty affiliate programs .

17/ Real Estate

It is often said that real estate is the favorite investment of the French. The first thing they do is obviously buy their home to live in. Then, some are interested in real estate investment.

It is a market that has been established and functioning for years. And above all, it offers many solutions to monetize your site.

We can mention for example the search for credit, housing insurance, turnkey real estate investment or training to learn how to invest.

Concerning the possible remuneration, the amounts are more important because of the prices on this sector. A real estate training course will quickly approach 1000€ as will a commission for referring an investor for example.

If you want to know more, discover the best real estate affiliate programs .

18/ Bank

Along with cryptos, affiliate banking has also seen a bit of a craze. This goes back to the launch of online banks that were meant to compete with physical banks.

The advantage with them is that they charge little or no fees to their clients. So you’ll be able to earn money by recommending them while saving your visitors money.

There are even online banks for professionals today such as Qonto for example.

Regarding the remuneration, you receive a fixed amount for each account opened. It can go fast if your site gets a lot of hits every day and your traffic is qualified.

affiliation animals lesmakers

19/ Animals

We have talked about dogs in particular above. But it should be noted that the pet market will be worth more than 5 billion euros in France in 2020.

You can find cats as well as more exotic animals like parrots or snakes for example. So the advantage here is that you can specialize on an unusual animal and become the reference.

And there will always be something to monetize with the food, the health of the animal, its hygiene or simply training to learn how to take care of it properly.

According to a recent study, the French spend an average of 1224€ per year on their pet. The average is a little higher than for the dog as you can see. This is because some animals require more care for example.

If you want to know more, check out the the best pet affiliate programs .

20/ Gaming

This sector has been growing steadily since its inception. It is estimated that this business will represent more than $300 billion in revenue worldwide by 2021.

And this is not going to stop when we see the technological developments such as virtual reality headsets or interactive films for example. And besides, we can see that streaming has been exploding for almost 10 years, just like e-sports.

A recent study estimated that millennials spend $112 per month on this topic. And this concerns video games as well as accessories or their setup for example.

So you have a very promising, but highly competitive niche. You will have to think carefully about your positioning before you start. That’s the key to being successful here.

If you want to know more, check out the best gaming affiliate programs .

21/ Hotel

There are nearly 18,000 hotels in France. They generated nearly €17 billion in sales in 2018 alone. This shows how deeply rooted the hotel market is in our country.

And of course, you don’t have to be satisfied with the French market. You can also target other countries without any problem.

The good thing about this niche is that you can easily specialize: depending on the location, the type of hotel, the budget or the activities around it.

Regarding remuneration, you can aim for commissions of up to 40% for the most generous companies. This is really excellent for service provision!

If you want to know more, discover the best hotel affiliate programs .

luxury affiliation lesmakers

22/ Luxury

The luxury market was valued at $1300 billion in 2019 alone. This number is absolutely insane! And it should be noted that luxury is a sector that never experiences a crisis.

So a good idea for you if you want to secure income regardless of the economic climate.

From a positioning point of view, there are many possibilities for you. For example, we can focus on watches, luxury clothing, furniture, decoration or even cars for example.

Just be sure to get a feel for the language and habits of the people in the industry. This is necessary in order to break into this field.

As you can imagine, the profitability is there given the price of each item or service.

If you want to know more, discover the the best luxury affiliate programs .

23/ Airline ticket

Air traffic is currently experiencing difficulties. This sector generated in 2019 nearly 575 billion while they generate “only” 251 billion in 2020. This is due to confinements and changing habits where travelers prefer to go in their own country rather than abroad.

Nevertheless, it remains an important sector with many players offering affiliation for their services. This is your chance to easily monetize your travel site!

Many price comparison sites are available for you to turn your visitors into customers. It’s a good niche to couple with parking lot affiliation. Indeed, travelers need to leave their car safe during their stay. This will increase your profitability tenfold!

24/ Credit

According to the Banque de France, more than 274 billion euros of credit were released in 2021 for housing. This figure has increased by almost 10% compared to the previous year.

You can take your share of the pie by prospecting for banks directly, or by targeting the areas surrounding this niche. For example, you can aim for loan insurance that allows you to earn income over the long term.

If not, you can look for training courses that explain how to borrow money to make a rental investment. These offer very interesting commission rates since they are digital products.

25/ Baby

According to a study conducted by IPSOS, a French couple spends an average of 490€ per month on their baby. This represents a total of 5880€ per year which is quite a lot.

Especially when you know that more than 750,000 babies are born every year! This means that your visitors are naturally renewed, which is important for a long term business.

You can specialize in everything from accessories (baby bottles, strollers, cribs, etc.), clothing, training to take care of your baby, nutrition or even games to stimulate your child.

Many companies exist in this sector and have a good reputation.

The remuneration will necessarily be more interesting for digital products such as video training. But it should be noted that physical products like strollers are expensive enough to be interesting as well.

jewelry affiliation

26/ Jewelry

It should be noted that the jewelry industry represented nearly 3.5 billion euros in France in 2021. Moreover, French brands are very well known worldwide which is always important to sell more easily.

One could equate this theme with luxury, but it is not as simple as that. Jewelry can be offered in all circumstances and whatever the budget, unlike luxury which is more restricted.

So you can start a wedding blog and do affiliate marketing for rings for example. Same thing with a blog about fashion and talk about jewelry. Or a blog to help men please their wives with gift ideas.

The possibilities are quite endless. And the advantage is that the amount of commissions will be relatively important depending on the type of product promoted.

27/ Vegan

This market has been growing for years and even seems to be accelerating. As proof, it represents 4.6 billion euros of sales in France for the year 2020.

More and more people no longer want to participate in the slaughter of animals or simply reduce their carbon footprint. This opens the doors to a new market that is waiting for you to seize it!

You can monetize this niche in many ways: by creating a site about cooking, by specializing inecology or even on ethical ways to live without leaving a big carbon footprint for example.

It is undoubtedly one of the themes that will evolve the most in the coming years to become essential!

28/ Photo

With the advent of smartphones and social networks, more and more people have been able to experience the joys of photography. As proof, more than 100 million photos are posted every day on Instagram!

If you want to get into this field, you can specialize in cameras and photo accessories, trainings to learn how to take beautiful pictures, or in platforms offering to sell your own photos.

As you can see, there are many possibilities. And in terms of commission, you will be able to earn an interesting amount. Just look at the price of a camera to understand it!

29/ Essential oils

Aromatherapy represents nearly 200 million in sales in France each year(counting only sales made in pharmacies). Moreover, this market is growing by almost 10% every year!

And this is easily explained: some French people no longer trust the pharmaceutical industry and prefer natural solutions to take care of or simply strengthen their health.

You can monetize your site by nesting it in spirituality, yoga, wellness or simply directly in the niche of essential oils. You can even put forward trainings to learn how to use them better.

30/ Manga

Even if times are hard for books in general, it is different for manga and comics in particular. If we combine them, their market reached nearly 900 million euros in 2021 in France(50% more than in 2020!).

If you have a passion for this field, you can do well. It is possible to specialize on a particular style, a specific manga, anime or figurines and accessories of this universe for example.

The price of manga is not that high, so the amount of commission is not that high either. But everything around this niche is more expensive(like figurines for example) and you will be able to get your profitability here.

affiliation music makers

31/ Music

It’s hard to imagine a day without music. And if you think that, we can assure you that it is also the case for 97% of people in France!

What’s really great about this niche is that you can specialize in a lot of different areas: instruments and their learning, album reviews, listening services, style of music or even concert tickets.

It is difficult to talk about remuneration here since everything depends on the products and services you are going to promote. But remember that this is an evergreen theme that will still exist in a century. You are therefore ensuring the long term of your business if you go into it.

32/ Yoga

There are 10.7 million yoga practitioners in France today, up from 3 million in 2010. That’s how fashionable this theme is! Moreover, the sector has achieved nearly 420 million in sales this year.

Here again, you can specialize in online classes, accessories(mats, cushions, etc.) or training to become a yoga teacher.

Moreover, it should be noted that practitioners spend an average of 500€ per year to practice their discipline. So there’s an interesting payoff for you to go after.

33/ Personal development

Personal development has always been a subject of debate(especially in France). For some, it is a great way to develop and get to know themselves better. For others, it is simply a large-scale scam.

Whatever your opinion, we must recognize that this market is growing. You only have to look at the many coaches like Franck Nicolas or David Laroche who have managed to explode in recent years.

The advantage of this field is that you will be able to find many online courses that offer commissions of up to 50%. You’ll get a quick return on your efforts.

Similarly, you can seek to develop in different areas, which leaves you with a lot of room to specialize: parenting, overcoming shyness, healing an emotional wound, etc.

In addition to earning money, you will be able to help your visitors. Is it possible to do better than this combo dear Maker?

Congratulations to you for getting to the end of this article! As you’ve seen, there are endless possibilities when you’re looking for an affiliate that pays off. All you have to do is choose from this list

Now, if you want to know how to monetize your site, make it rank in the first positions of Google or how to boost its authority and protect it from your competitors, you have to go further.

In order to help you, we offer you our free ebook which is very complete on these points. It will give you a guideline to have in mind to succeed on the web.

To download it, nothing could be easier! You just have to indicate your email just below:

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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