How to Grow Fast on TikTok in 2024 (Full Tutorial)

TikTok is clearly the social network of the decade. Its popularity has exploded in a few years, and it will continue to do so in the future. By 2021, there were 1 billion monthly active users on TikTok. And you probably know that if you’re here, this social network is the one that gets the most views fast. πŸ‘€

The problem is that TikTok is a new platform and there is no single method proven method to break into this social network. However, many experiments now allow us to know how to optimize our videos so that they become more visible.

So in this article we’re going to present you with a complete guide to learning how to break through on TikTok from the ground up. πŸ“ˆ

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How does the TikTok algorithm work?

If you’re here, you probably know that TikTok’s algorithm is extremely efficient. For users, it will succeed in recommending the most relevant content at all times. For creators, the algorithm literally allows them to explode in visibility if understood. πŸ’₯

Before starting, you should know that it is impossible to control the algorithm 100%. However, with experience and research, one can understand how the algorithm recommends videos and highlights them. By using this knowledge, you can increase your chances of being recommended by the application.

Thanks to several studies, we know that the time spent on a video has an impact on its referencing. Also, the more different videos a user watches from a single channel, the more likely their tiktoks will be recommended. 🀝🏼

And that is why the tab For You The “You” option in TikTok is different for each user. If someone is passionate about weight training for example, their recommendation page will be filled with fitness tips or motivational videos. On the other hand, other users will have a “For You” page filled with cooking recipes,interviews with entrepreneurs, travel videos, etc.

But be careful, because the type of video you put forward can change quickly depending on the trends or preferences of your audience. So even an account that doesn’t have many followers can achieve millions of views thanks to this algorithm. And this is the great strength of TikTok.

Thanks to a study conducted by Gitconnected, we know that the algorithm evaluates a video with a point system. TikTok will give you a score out of 30 based on several criteria, some of which are more important than others. βœ”οΈ

  • Rewatch Rate 10 points: Number of people who watch a video multiple times.
  • Completion Rate8 points: What percentage of the video was watched. In the form of a 0 to 1 ratio, TikTok evaluates the time spent on your video. For example, if users watch half of a video, this ratio will be 0.5. The higher this average is going to be, the more likely you are to be recommended.
  • Shares 6 points: Every time a user shares a video, the algorithm takes the most into account to recommend that content.
  • Comments4 points: The more comments a video has, the more likely it is to be recommended. Beware, TikTok is able to detect fake comments generated by robots.
  • I like 2 points: This is the smallest commitment, but also the easiest to get. So it can help a lot. Beware, TikTok can spot if you ask for likes and punish you.

As you can see, there are some elements that are more important than others, but they all count to please the TikTok algorithm. Obviously, if you create quality, attention-grabbing videos, you’re bound to get recommended on a regular basis.

Now that you understand how the algorithm of this social network works, we will show you how to use it to break into TikTok, starting from scratch. πŸ’ͺ

Step 1: Optimize the profile

While the algorithm focuses in part on videos, the way your profile is put together also plays an important part. There are several things you can do tooptimize your profile to be more visible on TikTok. With an optimized profile, you can easily gain visibility, but conversely, a poorly optimized profile can seriously penalize you.

In order to have a profile that the application likes, there are several things to do.

To begin with, we invite you to choose a short and impactful nickname, which users will easily remember. Avoid at all costs long names or names that are not relevant to your theme. Take your time before choosing your name, as it will follow you in the long run. The goal is not to recreate an account every month because you don’t like your nickname anymore. πŸ”

In fact, if users type the name of your channel in the search bar of the application, it will increase the visibility of your channel. If you have a name that is easy to remember, many more people will find you by typing your nickname into that famous search bar.

After the name, your profile picture will also play an important role. You should therefore choose an engaging and attractive photo. We invite you to choose a unique photo to attract the eye and be easily recognizable. To do this, there are many tips and resources on the internet to learn how to create an attractive profile picture. πŸ‘€

link description tiktok profile

Quickly, what we advise you to do is touse a colored background. This way, you will be able to stand out from other accounts. Or you can also use a colored circle to surround your profile picture. Adding color will naturally catch the eye of viewers watching your video.

Finally, your description should also be optimized. In a few lines, the goal is to make visitors want to watch your existing videos.

If you are just starting out, you will notice that it is impossible to place a link in

your description. Indeed, you will have to get 1000 subscribers first. Once you exceed this number of subscribers, you’ll be able to add a link to your website, store or whatever. 🌐

Step 2: Anticipate the publication of content (regularity!)

If TikTok allows occasional creators to achieve millions of views, the algorithm will always tend to favor regular creators. Every time you post a video, TikTok will show it to some users. Based on their reaction(likes, comments, shares, etc.), the app will expand the audience and recommend the video to other users. πŸ‘οΈ

Therefore, you absolutely have to post on a regular basis if you want to break through and keep generating views in the long run. What we invite you to do is toestablish a schedule and plan the publication of videos. If you’re just starting out, it’s best to have a few videos in stock before posting your first TikTok.

Here are our tips for staying regular to fit the TikTok algorithm:

  • Create a publication schedule and stick to it: Set your publishing pace based on your resources and the number of videos you can produce. Again, you don’t need to post 5 videos a day to stop after 2 weeks. It is better to publish less often but be more assiduous.
  • Post at least 3 videos per week : According to several tests, this is the minimum frequency for TikTok to recommend your videos. Once you have abiggeraccount, you can lower the publishing rate. Posting 3 videos/week is especially important in the beginning.
  • Post at the same time: The more regular you are, the more the TikTok algorithm will appreciate. On top of that, you’ll get your subscribers used to the release of your videos. This way, they will be more likely to interact with your content.

In itself, the more videos you publish, the more chances you have to go viral on TikTok. But if you’re creating content on your own, we recommend posting less so you can be more consistent. πŸ“…

Step 3: Come up with a content idea

If you want to have more chances to break through on TikTok from scratch, it is better to create an account on a single theme. In other words, you will focus on a single theme such as bodybuilding, personal development, cooking or others.

It is also possible to create a “generalist” account and post videos without a specific theme. However, it will be more complicated to gain visibility, because you will be competing with all the big TikTok accounts. 😰

How to find ideas for videos to publish?

If you’re posting several videos a week, you’ll quickly run out of inspiration. However, TikTok has millions of videos published every day in absolutely every possible theme. This way, you can be inspired by other creators to design your Tiktoks(without plagiarizing, of course).

To get started, you can take inspiration from trends to create videos in the popular themes of the moment. To see the trends, you can use the following links:

Secondly, it is important to know that “storytelling” videos, i.e. a format where the tiktokeur tells a story, are very popular on the application. Next to that, the excerpts from interviews and podcasts also make many views. This is mainly the case for interviews on business and entrepreneurship. πŸ‘”

Another idea to find ideas for videos to publish is simply to follow the trends, but in English. Indeed, the United States is usually ahead of the game, as it has the most creators. Thus, TikTok trends in the US usually arrive a few weeks/months later in Europe. πŸ•ΆοΈ

We invite you to follow the trends in general, or simply the hashtags in English in your theme.

Step 4: Prepare the Hook of the video

As stated above, the viewing time is the the nerve of the war on TikTok. The goal is to create a mini introduction, which will serve as a teaser for the full video. Because get this, most users move on after only 6 seconds. βŒ›

The objective will be to pass the symbolic 6 second mark. To do this, you will need to create ahook. A hook is simply the first few seconds of a video, which make the user want to watch the rest. If your hook is good, people will watch your content longer.

A study was conducted on 9,000 Tiktok videos that have achieved more than one million views. Thanks to her, we were able to list the top 10 hooks:

  • “You’ll never believe what I’m about to tell you…”
  • “X reasons why…”
  • “Here’s something you didn’t know…”
  • “Here’s a simple but super important tip…”
  • “10 (things or tools) I wish I had known before…”
  • “Top 5 (websites/concepts/celebrities etc)…”
  • “How I did it __ in 24/48 hours/a week etc…”
  • “Nobody talks about X…”
  • “Here’s why your __ isn’t working…”
  • “Here are X tips that can help you do”

The first words you say are crucial and will determine whether or not people will watch your video. But in addition to the tagline, you should also think about adding a title and a cover that will make people want to click. This is another very useful hack, as the viewer will naturally read the title displayed on the screen and potentially watch the rest of the tiktok to find out its conclusion. πŸ‘οΈ

Step 5: Creating the videos

Once your account is created and you have an idea and a tagline, you can start creating the video. Once you’ve captured the attention, it’s not over. The goal is to keep the viewer on your video as long as possible. To do this, here’s how to do it. 🎯

To start, you will use a hook from the list of the 10 most used hooks. As soon as you have more experience, you can use others. But when you’re just starting out, don’t get hung up and use this type of phrase. In other words, you will present the initial situation and what the video will contain to make people want to watch it until the end.

Then, we move on to a problematic, which is usually the title of the video. This issue can be a question or a top for example. The goal is thatafter the teaser, users understand what the video is about. πŸ€“

Finally, the video will contain some adventures. In and of itself, you’re just going to roll out everything you have to say. In case you are doing a “top 5 easy student recipes“, you will start with number 5, as well as a quick introduction. This is up to number 1 on the list.

It is not necessarily necessary to put a conclusion. Simply because if a user wants to watch your video again after watching it once, your content will take longer to reset. In the case of a top for example, you can end the video at the end of the presentation of the last issue of the list.

Simply put, if you want to learn how to create attention-grabbing videos that make viewers want to watch them in their entirety, you’ll need to learn about storytelling. πŸ—£οΈ

We can play on our weaknesses and make a video out of it. For example, RyanAir has fun making videos saying that there is not enough room for feet on the plane since they are cheaper. Indeed, funny TikToks are also extremely popular and are often shared on other social networks.

ryanair tiktok

For video production, you can use free and copyrighted videos and add text with editing software. Some creators simply film their head and add subtitles as well. Here too, we invite you to take inspiration from several creators to create a format that appeals to viewers and encourages them to watch a video in its entirety.

As far as writing goes, it is estimated that it takes an average of 180 words to fit a 1-minute video while speaking. ⌚

What is also very effective is to create a video sequence to make your audience want to watch the next one. For example, you can create a TOP 10 of the best productivity software, but do it in several parts.

For our TikTok videos, we use SadPun. She is available on Fiverr, speaks French and will offer you the best quality/price ratio available:

Step 6: Maintain good retention

In marketing, retention is calculated as a rate and corresponds to the percentage of customers you manage to keep. On TikTok, it’s the same thing. Retention is the number of viewers who will watch several of your videos.

On average, a subscriber of a TikTok account only watchesone video out of 7 published by its creator. This is due to the algorithm not wanting to flood the viewer with content of the same topic. With each video, it is imperative that they see the entire content. ⏱️

To increase the retention rate of a video, there are several tricks. For example, you can add light background music, impactful images or other. The goal is to avoid boredom for your viewer at all costs. If he feels that your video has nothing to offer him, he will scroll down.

Don’t forget that to see another video, your audience only has to make one move. Therefore, you absolutely have to stand out from other content creators.

In order to promote retention, we can create a loop in the content to trap the viewer, this is what Alex Bram or MarketingMania does for example. In the same way, we can write down the sentences we say orally and put color on certain words to keep attention.πŸ”΄

tiktok subtitles

If you look at storytelling TikToks, all of them put subtitles either in white or in color. The goal is obviously toattract the eye to encourage the viewers to stay on the video. Even though it may not seem like much, adding text goes a long way.

When you’re just starting out, you’re going to have a hard time creating videos that catch and keep the attention of viewers. Don’t worry, it will come with experience. After several published videos, you will understand how users work and what makes them watch a video in its entirety or not.

Step 7: Choose the title

The title of a video is not what a user sees first, as it can be the case on YouTube or Twitch for example. Nevertheless, it also has its importance. On TikTok, a video starts automatically when a user arrives on it. But the title of this content is always displayed at the bottom of the screen. ‡️

Thus, it also plays an important role in the viewing of a video. If a user watches your video, but is not attracted by the teaser, they may stay there if your title is catchy. If you want to break the symbolic 6 second barrier again, having a hypnotic title will increase your chances of success.

A good title should have 3 elements:

  • Emotion: You need to find a strong angle to trigger an emotion in the reader when reading the title(curiosity, negativity, etc.):

Example: How do porn sites make money? This video will change your life. When a user looks at this title, he will inevitably be surprised, even shocked. But, he will be curious and will probably want to watch the video until the end.

  • STRONG Vocabulary: The goal is to express the initial idea, but with impactful and concrete words. In itself, we will use copywriting to design a title that attracts the attention and curiosity of the viewer.

Example: YouTubers’ secrets to captivate you. In this example, we include the term “secret“, which is very powerful in copywriting. Simply because the user will want to know the secret. And to do this, he will have a simple gesture to make: watch your entire video.

  • Density: Condenses a maximum. Avoid at all costs titles that are too long or too complicated to read. Your title should be short and impactful. In addition, we invite you to put the most important words at the beginning of the sentence

Example: Getting rich from 0

Again, don’t get too caught up in your debut. Creating impactful headlines is also something that can be learned and comes with time. When you create your channel and publish your first videos, we invite you to take inspiration from the titles of videos that have already made millions of views. πŸ’ͺ

There are many free resources available on the internet that list the best songs to use for a Tik Tok video.

Step 8: Choose hashtags

As on all other social networks, hashtags play an important role on Tik Tok. These will allow the algorithm to better understand your content, but also toincrease your visibility. But be careful, hashtags are also to be used with moderation. ⚠️

Just put 4-5 per video, no more! Indeed, if you use too many hashtags, the application can punish you and decrease the recommendation of your content.

So the goal is going to be to find the most popular and most used hashtags in order to gain visibility. πŸ“ˆ

But how do you find the popular hashtags in your theme?

There are many methods and tricks to find the right hashtags to use. We will show you the two most effective ways to do this.

The first technique is toobserve the hashtags used by popular creators. In other words, you’ll simply look at what hashtag is used on the latest videos of successful TikTokers in your theme. To see the hashtags used by an influencer, you simply have to click on one of these videos and look at its description. πŸ‘€

For example, on a Marketing Mania “life hack” TikTok video, you can see that he uses several hashtags:

example hashtag tiktok

In case you publish a video of this type, you can use the same hashtags. #️⃣

The second method will be toobserve the number of views of a hashtag thanks to the category Discover “. To do this, nothing could be easier. You will have to go to the “Discover” tab, directly on your Tik Tok application. In the search bar, you just have to type words related to your video.

search hashtag tiktok

For example, if you’re making a video about the Macbook Pro, you can use the hashtags above. We invite you to use the hashtags with the most views.

Step 9: Choose the right music

The majority of videos that perform on the application incorporate background music. We are talking about a light music and generally without words. Adding music can have an impact on the number of views, but also on the retention rate of your videos. ⏱️

On the one hand,adding popular music will allow you toappear in the recommendations. Indeed, if a user likes a tiktok with a certain music, the algorithm will recommend other contents that use this audio track.

On the other hand, adding music makes a video more attractive. As we told you above, the average user of this social network gets bored quickly and can therefore quickly move on. With background music, you decrease your chances of losing the attention of your audience. 🎢

To find a royalty-free music to include in your TikToks, we invite you to use this site: https: //

Tokboard lists all the royalty-free music that performs on the application. We invite you to use the music listed on this site to gain visibility easily.

Often underestimated, the addition of a music is nevertheless essential. Because some users click on the names of the music to see other tiktoks using the same soundtrack. Therefore, if a TikTok gets millions of views using one music, you can benefit from it if you use the same one. 🀝

Step 10: Choose the time of publication

As you’ve seen throughout this article, a video posted on TikTok can explode into millions of views, even if it’s not posted by a big account. To increase your chances of breaking through on the application, another criterion will be important.

This criterion is the time of publication.⌚

Like any social network, TikTok has peaks in traffic. During these time slots, app users are more likely to watch more videos than usual. By publishing your content during these times, you naturally increase your chances of being recommended.

when to publish tiktok

Sleeq draws up an infographic grouping together several TikTok statistics statistics regarding the publishing period and user behavior.πŸ“±

It can be observed that the majority of the platform’s users connect between 8 pm and midnight. Therefore, the best time to publish is between 6 and 7 pm. By posting just before the peak of the connection on the platform, your video will have more chances to be recommended.

Weekends during the day are also a peak time on TikTok. By posting your videos during weekdays, you also increase your chances of being more visible during the weekend. πŸ”š

In conclusion

Now you have all the cards in your hand to break through on TikTok and keep your visibility on the long term. We really invite you to apply these tips, which in the end take very little time to apply. But that will drastically increase your chances of success.

If you wish to learn how to create viral videos that will capture the attention of users, we invite you to read our comparison of the best TikTok trainings . Through these courses, you’ll learn how to master the app so you’ll know in advance whether a video will break through on the social network or not. πŸ’₯

Besides, we also invite you to read our guide on how to make money on TikTok. Because making millions of views is good, but earning a living from your videos is even better!

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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