Top 10 Weight Loss Affiliate Programs in 2024

In 2017 the weight loss market was worth $175 billion worldwide. This figure could approach $303 billion by 2037. Despite the nice figures that this market represents, it is mainly linked to the increase in obesity.

But today, more and more people are deciding to take control of their well-being and health. Moreover, it should be noted that the average budget allocated to weight loss is between 50€ and 200€ per month per person.

To give you a better idea of the importance of this market in France, there are 3.5 billion euros of slimming products sold each year.

The slimming and weight loss community is divided into several segments. There are dietary supplements, light food products, diets, coaching, etc.

To help you monetize your blog and select the best products, we are going to present you the 10 best weight loss affiliate programs in 2022.

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Affiliation weight loss: The best slimming programs

In this first part, we will reveal the best slimming programs. These are brands you probably know. Indeed, they invest a lot in their advertising budget.

1/ Comme J’aime: The number 1 slimming program in France

how I like my weight loss affiliation


Comme J’aime is a company that specializes in the sale of slimming programs. Their offerings include home delivery of healthy meals and coaching with an expert.

Created in 2010, this company is now the number 1 in slimming programs in France.

  • Commission: 5€/registration
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: /


In addition to quote requests, Comme J’aime also offers basic programs. They are available for both men and women, but also for vegetarians.


For your remuneration, it is very simple, you will have 5€ for each inscription that you will bring to the site.

The advantages

✅ Provision of mail kit and banners.

✅ Correct commissions.

✅ Very well known company in France.

✅ Big advertising budget(especially TV).

✅ Lots of good reviews.

The disadvantages

❌ Industrial Products.

❌ Expensive subscriptions for customers.

2/ WeightWatchers: The world leader in weight loss programs

weightwatchers weight loss affiliation


WeightWatchers is an American company that was founded in 1963. It offers for sale food programs specialized in slimming.

The company provides its programs for everyone. Today, millions of people use their products.

  • Commission : 8€/sale
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: 30 days


Through the development of their app, users will be able to access data on their diet, activity, mood, sleep and hydration.


With their affiliate program, you will receive a commission of 8€ per sale.

The advantages

✅ World famous company.

✅ Affordable price.

✅ Provision of banner and link kits.

The disadvantages

❌ The digital program can easily be abandoned by its users.

3/ Eldolink : To have access to several affiliate programs

eldolink weight loss affiliation


Eldolink is an affiliate platform that offers its affiliates several affiliate programs on weight loss.

The website offers its programs in several languages, but also for several channels(mobile, internet, apps, etc.).

  • Commission: Depends on the program chosen + 5% of the income of the referrals.
  • Revenue share : Yes
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration : Depends on the program


With Eldolink you can promote the Slimdoo and Thé Toujours affiliate programs. This can be slimming belts but also other products to help lose weight.


As for the commissions, they depend on the affiliate program you choose. However, you can get at least 10€ per CPA, 0,1€ per CPC and 5€ per revenue sharing.

In addition, if you refer other people, you will get 5% of their earnings.

The advantages

✅ Attractive compensation.

✅ Revenue sharing.

✅ Percentage on referral earnings.

✅ Fairly wide choice of affiliate programs.

✅ Provision of widgets.

The disadvantages

❌ Some programs are only available in French.

Affiliation weight loss: The best slimming food supplements

In this second part, we will refer to the best slimming food supplements. This is where you will find the most affiliate programs. But also those who offer the best commissions !

4/ Body & Fit : The specialist in sports nutrition

body fit affiliation weight loss


Founded in 1995, Body & Fit is an e-commerce site that offers its visitors health supplements, sports nutrition, but also items for gyms.

The company has a wide range of articles, with even a special slimming range.

  • Commission: 8 to 10% commission
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: /


Body & Fit aims to offer healthy products that improve life and make it more dynamic. The site offers articles that correspond to specific objectives(weight loss, mass gain, etc.).


You will receive between 8 to 10% commission, depending on the products sold. They will be paid to you monthly.

The advantages

✅ Attractive compensation.

✅ Wide range of products.

✅ Been in the business for over 25 years.

✅ Many positive reviews.

The disadvantages

❌ Some affiliate applications may be denied.

5/ FEED. : A new way of eating

feed affiliation weight loss


Feed. is a website that offers balanced products for sale. The company promises complete meals in the form of bars, drinks, but also snacks.

The goal is to offer products that fully cover a person’s nutritional needs. They are available from 2,50€.

  • Commission: 10% commission
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: /


This company is for people who don’t have time to cook or go to a restaurant every day. Instead of skipping meals, these people will have simple and quick things to eat.

The site also offers slimming cures.


You will be paid 10% commission for each product sold. The payment threshold is between 30 and 45 days.

The advantages

✅ Good pay.

✅ Specialist in their field.

✅ Provision of advertising elements.

✅ Ambitious company.

The disadvantages

❌ Smartfood is still little known to the general public.

6/ Vegyslim : For 100% natural food supplements

vegyslim weight loss affiliation


Vegyslim is an e-commerce site that sells high-end food supplements. These products are intended for people following a weight loss program.

In addition, these products are considered 100% natural and are made in the UK.

  • Commission: 40% to 50% commission.
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: /


The products offered by Vegyslim are also suitable for vegetarians. These supplements are intended for people who want to lose weight.


As far as commissions are concerned, you will get 40% for all new clients you bring in. If they are repeat customers, you will get 20% for 24 months.

In addition, if you are one of the top affiliates you will get 50% commissions for new customers.

The advantages

✅ Very large commissions.

✅ Natural Products.

✅ Well designed website.

✅ Good customer reviews.

The disadvantages

❌ Prices considered quite high.

7/ Foodspring: Sports nutrition for everyone

foodspring weight loss affiliation


Foodspring is also a website that offers food supplements. This one is specialized in sports nutrition.

Their goal is to offer natural and innovative products. They put a point of honor on the quality of the ingredients.

  • Commission: 6% to 12% commission.
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: 60 days


All the recipes that customers will find on the Food Spring website are developed by nutritionists and food specialists.

The range of products is very varied. We find both protein powder and capsules.


For content sites, commissions will range from 6 to 12%. If it is a new customer who buys it will be 12%, if it is an old customer it will be 6%.

In addition, the lifetime of cookies is 30 days.

The advantages

✅ Relatively low cancellation rate.

✅ High conversion rate.

✅ Expert company in its sector.

✅ Attractive compensation.

The disadvantages

❌ High prices for some popular products.

8/ Fruity cell: For colorful slimming products

fruit cell weight loss affiliation


Cellule fruitée is a company that sells diet products on the Internet. This company offers the best possible items taking into account the dietary balance, well-being and health of people.

Using supplements from this brand will help its users to reach their goals more easily.

  • Commission: between 10 and 40% on all products.
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: /


The Cellule fruitée teams are competent in the field of dietetics. They set up an online chat in order to better support their customers.


For the remuneration you will get between 10 to 40% on the whole basket of the people you brought to this site.

Here are the different committees:

commissions fruit cell weight loss affiliation

The advantages

✅ Big payday.

✅ Specialist Teams.

✅ 30% payment threshold.

✅ Implementation of promotional tools.

The disadvantages

❌ Traffic allowed only from France, Switzerland, Andorra and Luxembourg.

Affiliation weight loss: The best sports and wellness programs

Finally in this last part we have put some affiliate programs on weight loss that are very interesting. Whether it is by the products offered, but also by the commissions.

9/ Echo Santé : To develop your well-being

echosante weight loss affiliation


Écho Santé is a publishing house that offers books on anti-aging, spirituality and health. These books are accessible to everyone.

These works can be books, DVDs or even podcasts.

  • Commission: 20% on all products
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: Lifetime


The products are about meditation, spirituality, nutrition and many other subjects.


For commissions you will get 20% on all products sold. Plus, you’ll earn commissions for life on the customers you bring in, even if they change devices.

The advantages

✅ Very good commissions.

✅ Lifetime commissions.

✅ Wide range of products.

The disadvantages

❌ Website not at all design.

10/ Joggo : For running lovers

joggo weight loss affiliation


Joggo is a website that offers its visitors running plans, but also food. The main goal for these people is weight loss.

After entering their information, prospects will receive an estimate of their weight loss for the following weeks. In addition, they will be able to access their plans via the mobile application.

  • Commission: 10€ minimum commission.
  • Revenue share : No
  • Available in France : Yes
  • Cookie duration: /


Joggo creates personalized plans based on each individual and their goals. In addition, these services include educational articles, to help users on injury prevention, nutrition, etc.


For the commission it is simple, at least 10€ on all products.

The advantages

✅ Over 80000 Joggo users.

✅ High conversion rate.

✅ Commission correct.

✅ Dedicated assistant for each affiliate.

The disadvantages

❌ Application not functional on some devices.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed this guide to the best weight loss affiliate programs!

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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