The 10 best Content Writing Platforms in 2024

✍️ Last modified on April 10, 2023

Buying texts online can be a good part of your SEO strategy . By outsourcing the creation of texts or content, you save time and can focus on your core business.

But you still need to find the right platform for your needs and your budget.

In this article, we would like to present you the comparison of the best web writing platforms 2022. You will find different providers for the creation of your content. As a customer, you can easily purchase texts to use on your website, blog or for the creation of other marketing materials.

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High-end web authoring platforms

First of all, we present you below 6 platforms for high-end web writing. Other services are also available, most of the time, and the majority of the platforms are versatile. Some, as you will see in the description, are more specialized. It’s up to you to choose the one you need according to your content needs.

1 – Callitad – the best quality SEO copywriting in France

Callitad is a copywriting platform that stands out from the rest for its quality content and SEO copywriting. This difference is explained by the choice of writers who are professionals in their field. So you have the quality of a web writing agency, but with the flexibility of a platform.

The best platform for :

  • SEO writing


  • blog posts
  • showcase sites
  • SEO contents
  • e-commerce pages


  • writers who are specialists in their field
  • well-trained linguists
  • the quality of the contents


  • Confidential platform
  • A not particularly user-friendly site


callitad rate

2 – TonTexte – the best quality / price ratio

TonTexte is a web platform that specializes in content for niche sites. It offers really competitive prices, which is one of its strengths and makes it the best value for money in our comparison. However, the quality of the content is there.

The best platform for :

  • site editors
  • SEO professionals
  • writing long articles
  • SEO optimization
  • Niche sites


  • SEO optimized texts
  • fully formatted texts, directly usable
  • specialized topics, ideal for niche sites


  • no delivery in the back office
  • no product sheets
  • no spin content


Three price levels, depending not on quality but on quantity.

text fare

3 – GreatContent – the best platform for multilingual web writing and translation

GreatContent is a professional content creation service provider from which clients can purchase texts. The service provider offers the creation of texts on any subject. In order for a client to purchase a text, they must first choose the appropriate language, quality level and scope of the project. Then, he can ask for a quote and place an order.

The best platform for :

  • product sheets to monetize your site
  • the translation

The services

  • Content writing
  • Blog posts
  • Web pages
  • Translations
  • Product sheets


  • Possibility to choose the quality level: Simple, Advanced, Professional, Premium and Excellent
  • Many editors, short processing time (over 10,000)
  • Modular rates according to needs and quality
  • 30 different languages


  • Communication with editors can be a bit complicated through internal messaging.


GreatContent offers two types of solutions: for online ordering of single or small volumes of content, on the one hand, and for agencies that want to outsource part of their editorial work, on the other hand.

  • From 0.03 euro per word for single texts
  • from 2.5 euros per project for more volume and specific constraints.
greatcontent rate

4 – – ideal for e-commerce

The writing platform was founded in 2014. It offers the writing of all types of content. Unlike other platforms where writers directly choose the assignments they want to work on, on, they apply for the projects they are interested in. They specify a deadline and commit to meeting it.

The best platform for :

  • content writing

The services

  • Writing of ebooks, white papers
  • Content for websites
  • Product sheets
  • Correction and rewriting
  • Translation

The advantages

  • A large choice of writers
  • Numerous service proposals
  • Tight deadlines
  • Very reasonable prices
  • Ability to pre-position an order for a specific writer
  • Possibility to request corrections
  • Customer service efficiency

The disadvantages

  • Need to choose between many, many writers
  • Less user-friendly platform than some of its competitors

The rates

The platform’s rates start at 0.04 cents per word, for high volume. Note the existence of sliding scale rates.

redactorcom1 rate
redactorcom2 rate

5 – LLRedact – with a rewriting service

LLRedac is a platform dedicated to Web writing and more specifically focused on content writing. You can order texts there SEO texts of different sizes, blog posts, landing pages, product sheets and other writings, depending on your needs. Like all web platforms, it guarantees against plagiarism and provides clients with texts at the best price, within tight deadlines.

The best platform for:

  • landing pages
  • blog posts


  • web pages
  • blog posts
  • product sheets
  • ebooks
  • other writings on request


  • different price and quality levels
  • duplicate content protection
  • SEO articles
  • possibility of urgent treatment


  • fairly high prices
  • a somewhat confidential platform, so fewer editors


Web writing

price list redaction web llredac


llredac proofreading rate

6 – TextMaster – 10000 companies trust them

TextMaster is a writing platform that was born in 2011. It offers professional writing, translation and proofreading services in 40 different languages. The areas of expertise are also numerous. It is a platform that responds well to the challenges of globalization.

The best platform for :

  • correction of texts
  • the translation

The services

  • Content writing
  • Blog posts
  • Web pages
  • Translations
  • Product sheets
  • Proofreading (proofreading, correction)


  • For each service, 2 to 3 levels are proposed, to adapt to the budget and expectations of the customer
  • Online translation possible, with API access, PIM integration and connection to CMS
  • Possible automation of the workflow
  • 200 language combinations


  • As with many platforms, communication with editors is done through TextMaster’s algorithms, which is not necessarily fast or efficient.

Prices (with screenshot of prices)

TextMaster offers per-word rates, but also, for large volumes, specific rates. Don’t hesitate to ask for a quote for a customized service.

  • For translation:
textmaster translation rate
  • For the editor:
textmaster redaction rate
  • For correction:
textmaster correction rate

Low cost writing platforms

The following two web writing platforms have lower rates than the platforms we’ve presented to you so far. They can therefore meet your needs if your budget is tighter.

1 – Textbroker – the cheapest multilingual web writing platform

Textbroker is a widely known and recognized web writing platform with different price levels. This is what makes it one of the cheapest platforms. But beware! Quality is paid on Textbroker as elsewhere. If you choose a level 2 writer, you will get a quality accordingly. Several blog posts on the platform and sample texts allow you to make an informed choice.

The best platform for :

  • reasonable rates
  • content in different languages
  • one of the largest selection of writers
  • projects managed by the platform team


  • Writing
  • Translation
  • Proofreading and correction
  • Public orders, private orders, group orders
  • Managed controls


  • user-friendly ordering process
  • reactive team
  • many writers
  • possibility of multilingual editors


  • prices that can go up for quality

Rates :

Several levels of orders and quality, which determines the rate to pay:

textbroker rate

2 – Scribeur – the cheapest 100% French web writing platform

Unlike Textbroker, Scribeur is a specifically French web writing platform. It has really competitive rates, which makes it inexpensive. Different levels of writing.

If you are interested, discover now our test & review of Scribeur .

The best platform for :

  • SEO optimized texts


  • Content writing
  • SEO Optimization
  • Volume orders, product sheets
  • Proofreading and correction
  • Web writing training


  • Different levels of writing
  • Different price levels
  • Anti-plagiarism guarantee
  • A sales team available for follow-up
  • Very competitive rates


  • As everywhere, prices tend to go up for quality: level 5.

Rates :

scribe rate

Pack of articles already written

You can also buy pre-written article packs. This is possible on the two platforms below.

1 – Beem Express – the best site to fill a PBN

Beem Express is a web content platform for people in a hurry, those who can’t wait and order custom texts. The variety of contents offered allows you to quickly find what you need. The contents are SEO optimized. You can also buy the complete content for a thematic website.

If you want to know more, you can read our test and review of Beem Express .

Best platform for :

  • To choose to fill a PBN

Services :

  • 10000 word packs
  • SEO optimization
  • thematic contents to fill a website


  • Quick
  • No need to compose briefings, the texts are already ready
  • Possibility to order custom content, but this is not necessarily the strong point of the site


  • No custom content in the standard offer

Rates :

beem express rate

2 – Wriiters – quality packages ++.

Wriiters is a platform where writers can sign up to sell content. You will find already written contents in the catalog section of the site. You can also choose, as on other platforms, to hire a writer to write custom content.

To know more about it, you can discover our test & review of Wriiters .

The best platform for :

  • The texts in packs, with quality


  • choice of packs or single texts, on catalog
  • possibility of having custom texts written


  • Texts immediately available
  • Quality content
  • SEO Optimization
  • Possibility to create packs from a catalog
  • Ability to hire a writer for custom content
  • Many themes


  • Platform not necessarily competitive on custom content

Price :

The rates are set by the editors who sell their content. Here are some examples to give you an idea.

wriiters rate

Alternative: find a writer yourself

You can also look for an editor yourself. There are many, many of them, most of whom are established as freelance writers. A request on the Internet allows you to quickly obtain a list of contacts. It remains to define the framework of the mission and to negotiate the conditions.

By searching for a writer yourself, it is possible to more easily acquire the services of a provider that you train. The reliability is there, but you have to take into account the time of the research. A strategy to be reserved, consequently, for recurring missions, on the long term.

Here are two web service platforms where you can find a freelance writer. The first is a world reference while the second is its French counterpart. Many profiles of freelancers are referenced there:

  • Fiverr – the world’s number 1 platform
  • 5Euros – the French alternative


The principle of Fiverr and 5Euros is the same: it is about offering services, including Web writing, translation, content correction from 5 euros or 5 dollars. The platforms also offer other services, such as website creation, graphic design, etc. This is a place where you can find everything you need at a very low price. Nevertheless, you must keep in mind that this is, precisely, a call price. The principle of options, each time you want an additional service, quickly increases the price.

The best platforms for :

Really cheap contents, but without quality guarantee, because there is no ranking of freelancers, except by rating.


  • Writing
  • SEO
  • Translation
  • Ebooks
  • Correction, proofreading
  • Also all other services you may need for your site.


  • attractive call price
  • possibility to pay only for what you need through the option method
  • wide variety of providers


  • many offers, it is not always easy to find your way around
  • these are platforms for beginners, so you won’t find the best ones!

Price :

From 5 euros or 5 dollars, to much more!


Have you ever had content written for your site on one of these web writing platforms? What did you think? As you have seen in our comparison, the choice depends to a large extent on the needs of the customers and therefore on your expectations.

Please feel free to share your experience with us below, by sharing it with other users on the discussion thread.

And don’t hesitate to discover our complete guide on how to become a web editor .

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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