4 Ways to Make Money on TikTok (2024)

Surely there is no need to introduce TikTok, the most popular social network of the moment. Thanks to its short format, TikTok has conquered the world and now has 1 billion active users every month. And today, anyone can create viral videos to make millions of views. 👀

The problem is that many tiktokers achieve a lot of views, but ultimately earn very little money. And yes, even with millions of views, if you don’t use the right monetization strategies you won’t earn much !

Rest assured, there are many ways to make real money with TikTok. So, we are going to present you the 4 ways that will allow you to make a very good living thanks to this social network. 🤑

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1/ Partnerships / product placements

Brands are increasingly using influencers to promote their products/services. Influencer marketing is a powerful strategy for brands and applies to all social networks, including TikTok.

Once you have an audience, brands will be interested in partnering with you. Please note that it is not necessary to have millions and millions of views to get product placement offers. Generally speaking, brands prefer accounts with a small but thematic audience , rather than large“generalist” accounts.

In recent years, the number of product placements on social networks has exploded. The most popular social network is definitely Instagram. But TikTok is growing by leaps and bounds. In 2019, only 16% of marketers planned to use TikTok for product placement. By 2021, that number has risen to 68%, and is still climbing. 📈

As such, as soon as you start getting views on the platform, you will naturally receive requests for partnerships. The problem is that some brands are not serious. To avoid dealing with bad product placements, we’ll give you some techniques.

Finding reliable partners

It can be hard to turn down a product placement offer if you are just starting out on TikTok. However, if you promote a fraudulent brand, you will lose the trust of your followers. So, you should always check the reliability of a brand before talking about it on your account. 🕵️

To do this, there are several techniques. The first thing to do is toavoid overly tempting offers. If you are offered too much money with very few conditions, this is usually a bad sign. Also, we invite you to learn about a brand’s products and also to look at customer reviews.

Obviously, the more recognized a brand is, the more reliable it will be. But if you’re just starting out, you won’t be able to get partnerships with famous brands right away.

Finally, we invite you if you can to contact influencers who have already worked with the brand in question. This way, you will know immediately if it is a reliable partner or not. To do this, you just have to search all the TikToks that talk about this brand. 👁️

Create a media kit

As we told you, as soon as your first videos go viral, you will be contacted by brands. In order toavoid wasting time presenting your audience, retention rate and so on in each email, it is better to create a media kit. A media kit is simply a summary of information in relation to an advertising medium.

A media kit should contain several pieces of information. This includes pricing, audience profile and demographics, and product placement requirements. You can also add other TikTok statistics statistics such as the number of subscribers, views per month, and others. The goal is to describe your audience as accurately as possible. 🥶

We really encourage you to fine-tune your media kit, as it will save you time in closing the partnership. If your media kit is bad, brands will ask you many questions and may even get annoyed if it is not complete enough.

There are hundreds of tutorials accessible via blog posts or YouTube videos that will teach you how to create a good media kit. 👀

2/ Affiliate marketing

We regularly talk about affiliate marketing to monetize a website or a YouTube channel. Its principle is simple, you’ ll recommend a brand’s products/services in exchange for a commission, i.e. a percentage of sales. 🤝

Thanks to the many views you can achieve with TikTok, you can earn a lot of money with the affiliation.

How does affiliation work on TikTok?

The way this monetization strategy works is simple.

In short, you will present objects in your tiktoks. Keeping the format short, you will have to make users want to use the product by displaying its benefits and usefulness. In the description of the video, you will be able to place an affiliate link to allow viewers to purchase this product.

Example of use

Let’s take a concrete example. 📝

You may know this, but if you recommend a bank to a friend and they open an account with it, you will earn a commission. The bank gives you a link or a “referral” code, which you have to share to earn money. While most people just send this affiliate link to their friends, it is also possible touse TikTok to reach a wider audience.

tiktok affiliation

As you can see on this screenshot, the TikTok presents in a video the Société Générale offer. It will show how to sign up and what referral code to enter to get a bonus. If a user registers and uses the code of this TikToker, the latter will earn a commission. 💸

If you create multiple videos featuring multiple products and services, you can generate commissions every day. It is possible to do affiliation on absolutely all themes. For example, you can recommend online courses, garden tools, clothes, and anything else that is sold on the internet.

3/ Sell your own products

More and more individuals are launching on TikTok in order to earn money on the internet or simply to become an influencer. Yet, there are also many brands that use the social network with the aim of attracting traffic and thus finding new customers. 🏪

Indeed, TikTok is increasingly valued by brands as a source of organic traffic. But again, you don’t have to be a big brand name to sell your products through TikTok. As soon as you have something to sell, you can promote it via this social network.

Many small businesses use TikTok as a showcase for their products.

sell your tiktok infoproduct

Create videos to present your products/services

On TikTok, you can find short videos on absolutely every theme. No matter what you’re selling, you’ll be able to create content that is relevant to the users of the social network.

If you have an online store and you sell handicrafts for example, you can create videos where you showcase these objects with their qualities. There are thousands of different cases of people using TikTok to promote an e-commerce business. Once again, we invite you to be inspired by what is already working and to follow the trends. 📊

If you sell digital products like online weight training, you can also publishmotivationalvideos. You may have noticed if you use this platform, but this type of video is very popular. This is the case, for example, of motivational speeches or videos recounting sporting achievements.

Generally, the accounts behind these videos are all selling personal development, bodybuilding or other programs. Knowing that these videos get millions of views, these accounts will be able to pick up quite a few new customers for free. 🤝

Integrate a store on your TikTok account

The purpose of the videos will be to present products or to attract traffic organic. In each video, you will be able to indicate the name of your website or your online store. There are no features yet that allow viewers to purchase a product featured in a TikTok video.

However, you will be able to include a link to your store in your profile. We also invite you to always place your website address on your videos. This way, your visitors will have the reference of your online store directly and will be able to go there without having to search. 👨‍💻

4/ Monetize your content with the TikTok creative fund

When a Youtuber publishes a video, he can activate monetization. He will therefore be paid directly by YouTube according to the views he generates. On TikTok, the operation is more or less the same. In reality, you will simply publish your tiktoks and you will be paid thanks to the“creator fund“.

The Creators Fund was created by TikTok to support content creators. This fund is accessible by criteria and allows creators to be compensated based on the views of each video posted. 🤑

How do I register for the Creators’ Fund?

As we told you, there are several conditions to meet in order to be eligible for the TikTok Creators Fund. These conditions are:

  • Be over 18 years old
  • Have at least 10,000 subscribers
  • Have generated at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days
  • Publish content without plagiarism and respecting the terms of use of TikTok

⚠️ The Creators Fund is only available to creators residing in France, Germany, Spain, Italy or the UK.

In order to join the creators’ fund, everything happens from the platform. To do this, you will need to go to your profile, then to the settings and privacy tab. Then you have to go to the “Company” section, then TikTok creators funds. Your application will be automatically sent to the platform, which will validate or not your eligibility to this fund.

How much will you earn with the creator fund?

The Creators Fund allows you toget paid for each view on your TikTok videos. The Chinese social network recently announced to pay $1 per 1000 views for videos longer than one minute. For shorter videos, the remuneration varies between 0.2 and 0.4€ per 1000 views.

However, pay scales can change, so we encourage you to keep up to date on the evolution of the fund. Indeed, TikTok is still a very new social network and therefore, the monetization process can still evolve. 🤑

In addition, there is very strong competition between the various short format players, such as Instagram reals and YouTube Shorts. These different platforms are desperate to attract as many creators as possible to stand out. Thus, it is possible that the amounts of remunerations will be increased in the future by TikTok as by the other platforms.

It is difficult to estimate how much you will earn, as the cost per click can vary depending on the length, the theme of the video and others. If you want to get an idea of how much money some channels generate, we recommend watching YouTube videos of creators talking about their earnings.

Now you know how to make money with your TikTok account. If you want to learn how to create viral videos and build your account from scratch, we invite you to read our guide on how to get started on TikTok. We have also established a comparison of the best TikTok courses that will help you learn how to go viral.

If you just want some inspiration for your next videos, you can check out our TikTok account “Les Makers“.

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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