Make Money Online – 25 Ideas That Work in 2024

Making money on the internet is the dream for many web publishers. Imagine: living without a boss, having an income that is not related to your work days and being free with your time…

You don’t need to win the lottery to live a sweet and pleasant life every day!

But before you get to that point, you need to know what and how to do. And that’s another matter. That’s why we’ve prepared this comprehensive guide to making money online for you.

You will discover all types of monetization that exist on the Internet, which business model to choose according to your profile or many ideas for services to sell today(and that work!).

If you really want to make money on the Internet, read the following carefully…

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

How to make money online?

Before going into detail about each business model and each service to sell, we will start by giving you the basics that are important to know.

First, we will reveal the main ways to monetize on the Internet. And in a second time, you will discover the different ways to make your business or your service known.

The 7 types of online monetization

Keep in mind that you can mix these methods. It’s even advisable to diversify yourself and ensure long-term income. 👍

1/ Affiliate marketing

It is estimated that affiliate marketing generates more than $17 billion in revenue worldwide each year! And its growth is not about to stop as more and more companies offer their own affiliate program.

To understand how this business works, look at this diagram:

how affiliation works

In short, the advertiser(brand) will pay you a percentage of each sale made through your affiliate link . So you don’t have to spend any money and neither does the brand, which is a win-win situation.

And what’s really nice about this strategy is that you can recommend everything around you. Examples include:

  • video games;
  • cryptocurrency;
  • sports accessories;
  • of clairvoyance ;
  • or pet insurance;

There is bound to be an affiliate program for your ideas!

Commissions range from 3 to more than 70% of the sale price. This can be very high because digital products have very good margins… This allows the advertiser to offer an interesting deal. 💰

Finally, you won’t have to manage inventory, customer service, or have to deal with product delivery. Everything is made by the brand. This makes it the easiest way to monetize when starting out online.

If you are interested, discover our article on the niches that pay the most in affiliation .

2/ Selling an Infoproduct

An infoproduct can be defined as a digital product that can only be purchased online. For example, ebooks, online training or audio training.

And the potential is immense!

To give you an idea, the e-learning market was worth $51.5 billion in 2015 in the United States according to the Docebo report.

Just that.

According to a study by Callimedia, the digital learning market is expected to reach $370 billion worldwide by 2026!

The advantage of this kind of product is that you can scroll endlessly. Once you have created this one, you don’t have to do anything else. Whether you sell it to 10 or 10,000 people, the only difference will be the amount in your bank account.

Plus, the margin is important since everything is done online. This is a huge advantage over a physical business like real estate for example.

That’s right, you don’t have to pay commission to a rental agency, buy furniture broken by your tenant or have to anticipate wear and tear on the property. 😫

You can sell your knowledge through this, whether it is :

  • cooking classes to make dishes quickly when you have no time;
  • a sports preparation when you want to have a good season in soccer;
  • or learn swing trading;

Meet a need, and you’re bound to find buyers!

3/ Subscription

Making sure you get money every month on automatic is a bit of an entrepreneur’s dream. And offering a subscription formula is a good way to achieve this.

You probably have some subscriptions yourself. We can mention Amazon Prime, Netflix or even a VPN for example. 💡

example subscription netflix

And the advantage here is that you earn money every month until your customer unsubscribes. If you do things the right way, you can keep them subscribed to your content for a long time.

So it’s true, it’s not easy to imagine a subscription formula when you’re just starting out. But think about it, because the market is increasingly willing to subscribe to this kind of content.

Look at the craze for all kinds of boxes a few years ago. Whether it’s to receive cheese, clothes or even wine at home. This concept has been very successful and nowadays there are boxes for everything.

To give you some ideas, you could propose a subscription for :

  • Japanese cooking classes;
  • receive meditations to do at home;
  • a follow-up of the equity portfolio;
  • drawing classes;
  • or to receive online marketing courses;

More than 10 million French people subscribe to Netflix. It’s up to you to find the winning formula!

4/ Advertising

Display advertising is one of the first ways to monetize. This is because Youtubers have been talking a lot about this aspect, asking to disable all kinds of blockers.

An example with the newspaper Le Monde:

example lemonde advertisement

This is clearly the easiest monetization to set up. Here you have absolutely nothing to do. The advertiser will display ads for you on your site or in your videos, and you will receive income.

As far as remuneration is concerned, it will depend on your theme. Some are more lucrative than others. We can mention the children’s niche, the automobile niche or the luxury niche which is very profitable.

Here is an example of possible remuneration with a blog on the niche of wellness:

example of advertising remuneration

The problem with advertising is that you need a certain volume of visits to make it interesting. Here, you need to attract as many people as possible to your videos or articles to make it profitable.

But if you are looking for 100% passive; this is a great start!

5/ Selling a physical product

To give you an idea,the e-commerce market in Europe represented 718 billion euros of turnover in 2021. That is +13% compared to 2020 according to the Fevad report.

But this is a more difficult monetization method than the others. This is because you have to manage everything: the creation of a product, the shipping, the possible returns, etc.

It is very far from a simple digital product that you simply send by email!

But this barrier to entry is also an opportunity for you. It’s an opportunity to simply stand out from your competitors. In addition, it remains profitable.

And we’ll reassure you right away, there are ways to simplify the implementation of such monetization.

👉 One example is dropshipping. If you don’t know what it is, it can be defined as selling without stock. Here you will act as an intermediary and ask your supplier to deliver directly to the customer.

Today, this practice is very badly connoted because it is assimilated to the importation of low quality Chinese products at too high prices. But know that you can do it with French or European suppliers.

👉 Other services include. Teespring or Printful that offer you the possibility to create your own clothing brand. You just have to provide them with the patterns and designs. And they will be in charge of printing and sending them.

👉 Finally, we can mention Amazon KDP which allows you to print and send your book directly to the customers who buy it. This avoids the complicated process of publishing houses.

6/ Selling leads

A lead can be defined as an email address. This is one of the easiest ways for a company to contact a prospect or customer directly.

In France, 42.2 million people connect to their mailbox at least once a month according to a study conducted in 2019.

That’s why many brands are looking for leads to grow and become more known. So, they will provide you with capture forms that you can put directly on your site.

Here is an example via the Hellio website which collects data in order to monetize them with a work provider:

hellio lead capture example

In this way, each time someone gives their email, you will receive a fixed amount. It’s completely passive which is obviously interesting for you. This is a great way to add monetization to a site that already has advertising inserts, for example.

There is a lot of it in everything that has to do with quotes. This can be for work, credit applications, insurance or even the search for real estate for example.

7/ Offer your services

If you have read “The 4-Hour Week” by our dear Tim Ferriss, your hair must have bristled when you read this title. Many gurus repeat day and night that you shouldn’t sell your most valuable asset: time. 🥶

But in truth, and especially when you are a beginner, there is nothing more formative than to offer your services. It’s also rewarding from the start , unlike a business that will require time and energy for little short-term results.

It is therefore an excellent method to generate a additional income online quickly. And above all replace your current salary little by little.

After all, why not do it in parallel with a business you are starting?

And even if you have no knowledge, you can still do freelance assignments. For example, you can lend your voice, write articles on a subject that interests you or transcribe videos into writing.

Many platforms exist for this purpose. The most famous in the world is Fiverr or which specializes in the French market.

Don’t worry, at the end of this article we’ll cover 16 ideas you can start today. Read the next few lines carefully so you don’t miss them!

The 6 ways to get traffic

Now that you’ve discovered how you can make money online, it’s time to figure out how to get your name out there. Traffic can be defined as the number of people you attract each day. Whether it’s for your business or simply your services.

And as you will see, there are many possibilities. There is bound to be one that suits your profile and preferences. 👍

1/ Social networks

It’s hard to miss social networks when you’re trying to get known. Many French people have taken this(bad) habit of scanning their phone as soon as they wake up. That’s how much they have changed our lives!

example twitter asyncr0ne

We can mention for example Twitter which is the channel through which our dear Asyncr0ne started the Makers adventure. However, many entrepreneurs are reluctant to use this platform… And that’s a good thing for you.

In terms of numbers, 66% of Twitter users are men. And in terms of age, 47% of users are between 18 and 34 years old.

We can obviously talk about TikTok which has literally destroyed everything since its launch. This platform is not only about weird dances. It is possible to propose more “serious” content in its own theme.

luisieraffineur tiktok

For example, the LuisierAffineur account has more than one million subscribers. He talks about cheese maturing and offers boxes for sale on this theme. Simple and effective.

And you won’t see him twerking to present his cheeses!

In terms of numbers, TikTok is used by 19,916,000 people daily in 2022! Women represent 56% of the users of this social network. And 45% of users are between 25 and 44 years old.

Now let’s move on to Instagram , which has seen an evolution recently. This platform is no longer focused on beautiful photos but on short videos, a bit like its Chinese competitor.

It is an opportunity to make its place when we see that many players on this platform refuse to adapt to this change.

Here’s an example with the Glucosegoddess account that exploded into video format:

example instagram glucosegoddess

In terms of numbers, 51.9% of Instagram users are women and 70% of users are under 34. These statistics should be monitored in the future due to ongoing algorithm changes.

If you prefer to post photos or beautiful images, in that case you can go on Pinterest. The big advantage is that this platform works like a search engine.

So you can get referenced on it to get visitors in the long run.

Here is an example with Dior:

example pinterest dior

10 million free views and growing over time… That’s pretty good, right?

In terms of numbers, 60% of Pinterest users are women. And interestingly, 57% of those surveyed in a study revealed that Pinterest had influenced their recent purchase decision!

The big advantage of social networks is that you can get started without paying a cent. It is therefore a very good acquisition channel if you want to make yourself known without a budget.

2/ YouTube

Impossible not to mention the American giant among this list! With more than 500 hours of video posted every hour worldwide, YouTube has established itself as the number one video platform in the world.

On average, each user watches this platform 50 min per day. So there’s a lot of audience loyalty for YouTube. This will give you an interesting audience.

If we automatically think of the biggest youtubers in the entertainment field like Squeezie or Michou & InoxTag, you should not forget that you can start in any theme.

For example, Laurent Pellecuer has a channel that teaches you how to play the drums and has nearly 80,000 subscribers.

laurent pellecuer example youtube

There are channels on every conceivable content. So you can start without any problem and begin to gather around you a community interested in your subject.

You can start without a budget by starting with the smartphone camera. And most importantly, you don’t have to show your face.

example youtube spirit business

Look for example at the Esprit Business channel specialized in book summaries which succeeded in this way. Nearly 36,000 subscribers discover every day the new videos posted by this channel!

3/ Natural referencing (SEO)

This comprehensive guide you are reading is part of an SEO strategy. We want to appear in the first results of Google on the query “earn money on the internet“.

request to win money on the internet

As it is a competitive query, it requires a lot of work and especially an article of excellent quality. By the way, we hope you’re satisfied with the reading on this point. 🤗

This is a great strategy to bring in visitors interested in your favorite subject on a daily basis. But it requires more time than the others. It can be a good idea to mix this one with TikTok which is much faster for example.

Whether you want to promote your business or simply your services, it is a good idea to use this channel. Some e-commerce businesses have been successful using only this one to start.

For example, Ocarat is a company that offers watches, bracelets and other items to its visitors. Today, they attract 400,000 people to their site each month, with a turnover of 20,000,000 euros in 2020!

Of course you don’t have to go that far to make a good living, but this is just to give you an example. In fact, they are now starting to diversify in terms of acquisition channels with the launch of their Pinterest and Instagram.

4/ Advertising

It is possible to advertise on many platforms. We can mention Google Ads, Facebook Ads or YouTube Ads for example. In fact, each social network has its own advertising network. This is how they are profitable.

But as you can imagine, this solution is not free. It is therefore advisable to be trained beforehand or to have already tested the popularity of your service/product at least.

The advantage is that you will get quick financial results if everything goes as planned. You can get money quickly and scale up gradually to increase your results.

But again, we tend to advise against it especially if you are just starting out. ❌

5/ Cold Emailing

Cold emailing can be defined as digital canvassing. Here you will contact people or companies who do not know you to present your services or business.

Be careful, it must not be spam even if it is tempting.

Indeed, there are many tools that allow you to scrape the web in search of thousands of email addresses. The best way is to personalize each email to make your prospect want to read your message. This is the basis.

Again, this strategy is more difficult to implement when you are a beginner. So we advise you to choose the first ones if possible.

If you still want to get started, train yourself in persuasion and copywriting. This will help you improve your results. Each sentence is a battle that must be won to make you want to read the next.

Especially from a canvassing perspective!

6/ Create your own affiliate program

This solution is perfect for effortless promotion. You will offer companies or people to recommend you… and in exchange you will offer a commission on the sale.

It’s simple and effective.

Of course, you have to make a good margin on your offer to be able to offer an interesting percentage to your affiliate. That’s why many online courses use this system.

There are many players that allow you to manage everything for yourself. One example is Gumroad which is perfect for this.

An example with George Tatakis who offers an affiliate program on his training teaching how to use the same settings as he does to take pictures :

example of a gumroad affiliation

And this system exists even in physical businesses. For the record, real estate agents earn a commission on all clients they send to home loan brokers.

You do your customer a favor and you get a commission, not bad?

By letting others promote your offer, you can focus on creating new products for example. In this case, you don’t need to create content on social networks to make yourself known!

However, this will lower your profitability in the long run since you will have to pay your affiliates. 📉

9 Business model ideas

We are now going to present you 9 business models that you can set up to make money on the internet.

Keep in mind that creating an online business is profitable in the long run, but you will have to be patient to get results unlike a freelance mission for example.

In addition to their presentation, we will also give you an estimate of the time it will take to get results or the jobs you can get with this experience.

Let’s start right away with…

1/ Site editing or “blogging

A website editor can be defined as a person who publishes web pages through a blog or a website. The latter is usually specialized in a specific theme.

Here are the main features:

  • Minimum budget: 200€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 4-6 months
  • Skills : SEO – Copywriting – WordPress website creation – Affiliation
  • Job : SEO Consultant – Writer – Web Designer

To summarize the daily life of a website editor, we can say that the main objective is toadd content on his website. This can be articles that aim to inform its readers(like the one you are reading right now) or transactional articles that aim to make money.

You can monetize your site with affiliation, advertising or by selling your own products for example.

To illustrate our point, you can look at the site un-sommelier-dans-ma-cave which deals with the subject of wine:

blogging example

What’s great here is that creating a website requires a minimal budget. It costs about 200€ to have a quality host, a domain name and a nice theme.

This business is quite simple to set up. If you’re interested, we invite you to discover our article explaining how to optimize your On Site SEO or the one explaining how to optimize your netlinking to improve your natural referencing.

This will already be a good starting point for you.

However, this solution requires a few months of patience to FINALLY reap the benefits of your hard work. Indeed, the natural referencing does not allow to have immediate results. And it’s definitely something to keep in mind when you’re getting started.

Based on our experience with the members of our training, it takes between 4 and 6 months to begin to have an interesting income.

This is an excellent area to develop your skills. You will know how to get listed on search engines, how to create a site or even how to monetize it. You will even develop your pen.

This will allow you to find a job on the Internet if you ever want to stop this activity. You can become a web editor, a copywriter if you are passionate about persuasion or a web designer.

2/ YouTube channel

YouTube allows you to share videos with the world very easily. And the best part is that this platform is visited by millions and millions of people every day.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget : 120€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 2-4 months
  • Skills : Diction – Writing – Editing – Graphic design
  • Job : Video editor – Voice over – Script writing – Graphic designer

The YouTube business is quite simple to understand. You have to find an interesting video idea, shoot it, edit it and finally publish it. And of course, repeat the process endlessly to increase your audience.

In terms of monetization, there are many possibilities. There is advertising for each video, the possibility to get sponsors or to sell your own products.

Depending on your choice, this will increase or decrease your workload. If you just want to earn advertising revenue, you’ll “just” have to post videos. If you want to sell your own product, you will have to manage your sales funnel, customer service, etc.

One example is Oussama Ammar:

oussama ammar youtube

He uses his YouTube channel to talk about his crypto projects and also to sell phone coaching. At 300€ for 30 minutes, he can make his time profitable very quickly!

To get started, you can start with a hundred euros which includes your first graphic elements of your channel(logo and banner) as well as a small microphone and tie. You can also use your cell phone to film yourself if you need to show your face.

Results tend to come in a little faster than with site editing. This is obviously encouraging when you are just starting out. But you will have to use your voice at least, which can block you.

It all depends on your profile.

This business will allow you to develop many skills. Whether it’s your diction, video editing or script writing.

This will allow you to find work on the internet. Thousands of channels are created daily. And some have a good budget to hire experts to get results faster.

3/ Podcast

Launching a podcast is very fashionable in the United States, and it is starting to develop in France. The idea is simple: to propose a weekly or monthly appointment concerning a particular theme.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget : 300€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 2-4 months
  • Skills : Diction – Animation – Editing – Charisma
  • Job : Animator – Editor – Voice over – Sound manager – Chronicler

Hosting a podcast is all about finding a topic that is compelling enough for the listener to be interested in. Once your listener has started your program, you have to be charismatic enough to keep their attention until the end.

Regarding monetization, you can be sponsored by a brand, affiliate to your guests’ offers or simply sell your own products.

The budget is a bit larger than the other businesses seen so far. This is because the listener will only have the sound to judge the quality of your program. It is therefore vital to have a very good microphone and especially to know how to adjust it perfectly.

It is possible to invest in small audio transitions or jingle. This will make your podcast unique from others.

In terms of results, it is still faster than the average site edition. To speed things up, you can choose “controversial” topics to try to create a buzz but you have to be able to deal with possible negative feedback.

Hosting a podcast requires working on your voice. It is important to make it fun to listen to, to have good diction and above all to be able to speak in a clear and interesting way.

This makes the exercise a little more complicated than elsewhere. Here, there are no lavish images or settings to compensate. Everything is oral and you have to work on your diction and pronunciation.

To compensate(and cheat a little), it is possible to start with interviews. Discussions are always easier to facilitate than being alone behind a microphone.

You can take inspiration from Enzo Honoré for example who became a master in the art of conducting an interview. He monetizes behind this by offering a subscription to join his “tribe” in order to develop his online business.

enzo honore podcast

All of these skills can be used to become an animator, a voice-over artist or even a columnist for example. Not to mention all that it can bring to your everyday life in terms of relational skills.

4/ Amazon FBA

The FBA program allows you to store your physical products in Amazon’s warehouses. So, you will let this company prepare your orders, pack them, ship them and even manage the customer service.

amazon fba

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget: 1000€.
  • Entry level : Medium
  • Average time to result: 0-1 months
  • Skills: Copywriting – Management – Buying/Selling – Photo
  • Job : Salesman – Copywriter – Ecommerce Consultant

This kind of business looks simple on paper, but it actually requires some pretty advanced skills to succeed. You have to find a product with a certain sales potential. Then, you have to show it off by taking beautiful pictures and especially by writing a sexy presentation. And finally, you have to know how to manage your financial risk.

Because you will have to order a certain number of products to be able to negotiate your purchase price down. This means that you have to make a cash advance.

And if you can’t sell it all, you’ll end up with a useless stock. So you need a certain budget to start… And above all you have to accept to lose it, which is not an easy thing.

But the advantage is that your product will be available on Amazon which receives millions of visitors every month. So if your product works, it will be promoted. And you’ll be able to make big numbers! 💰

You will naturally develop skills such as persuasive writing, the ability to take good pictures and business acumen. This will allow you to retrain later if you wish in this kind of profession.

5/ Dropshipping

We can define dropshipping as the sale of products without stock. Often, you will ask your supplier to prepare the order for you and send it directly to your customer.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget : 100€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 4-6 months
  • Skills : Copywriting – Management – Website creation – SEO
  • Job opportunities: SEO – Copywriter – Ecommerce Consultant – SEO Consultant

Dropshipping has a very bad reputation today because of the many scandals that have taken place on YouTube. Many influencers have promoted stores using this business model which has shocked their community.

dropshipping scandal

Indeed, dropshippers will buy from Aliexpress and sell the products 4 to 5 times their price to collect the difference. This is the basis of business, but dropshipping has bad press since this kind of business.

If you’re going into this business, try to find an alternative to Chinese manufacturers to avoid this kind of bad buzz.

You will develop many skills such as creating a website, knowing how to market a product or even how to register on search engines.

We advise you touse SEO to attract visitors to your site. This will prevent you from paying for ads that you are not sure to be profitable. But the results will take longer to arrive in return.

For less than 100 euros, you can buy a domain name, take a subscription to Shopify and have a beautiful theme for your store.

In the end, you will have many opportunities if you wish to stop your activity in the future. And that’s a good thing if you want to keep working on the Internet.

6/ Online training

Online training can be defined as selling knowledge through a digital product. This is the internet version of the “e-learning” that can be found in some large companies.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget: 200€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 4-6 months
  • Skills: Copywriting – Content creation – Teaching – Delegation
  • Job : Marketing Consultant – Coach – Freelance

Before you can sell a course, you need to gather a community around you. And for this, there are many ways: social networks, YouTube or the creation of a website.

Many online tools are needed to make your first sales.

First, an autoresponder to capture the leads of your community members and offer them your training. Next, you need to invest in a member space that can accommodate your product. In addition to that, you will have to record it beforehand, so invest in a microphone or a camera depending on the format you choose.

That’s why the budget needed to get started is a bit higher than a YouTube channel or a simple website for example.

As far as results are concerned, it requires patience, which is why we don’t necessarily recommend it at the beginning if you want to make money quickly.

To give you an example, this is a monetization method we have chosen.

We use social media and SEO to attract visitors, then we offer them a free ebook to learn the basics of making a living from affiliate marketing, and finally we offer a full training course on the subject. 👍

As you can see, many skills are needed. Whether it’s to gather a community, to sell your offer or to build loyalty over time.

This will give you access to many online jobs, whether in marketing, content creation or consulting. You will only have to choose the part that interested you the most among all that you did.

7/ Ebook

We can define the ebook as a digital book. This way, you will avoid the obstacle course to get published. Plus, the margins are much better for you.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget : 100€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 1-2 months
  • Skills: Copywriting – Writing – Storytelling – Organization
  • Job title: Copywriter – Storyteller – Writer

Thanks to Amazon KDP, it is now very easy to publish ebooks and sell them directly on this e-commerce giant. Your mission will be to produce good quality digital books and let Amazon take care of the rest.

kdp amazon

It is recommended to start with a theme that responds to a need and not fiction. This will help to make more sales and especially to sell more expensive your book unlike fiction which has less “value” in the eyes of the public.

In terms of cost, you can afford Canva to make beautiful covers easily. You won’t need anything else, which is a big plus if you don’t have a big budget.

Note that the results will be almost immediate after the publication of your ebook. It is therefore very important to check if your subject is promising and especially if there is not too much competition.

You will be able to publish books in a chain. If you are well organized, you can even get help from editors by delegating parts of the writing to them. This is how you will develop your organizational skills.

Here’s an interesting example:

example ebook kdp amazon

It is a “low content” book that is used to write down your passwords. And it should be noted that it is also available in paperback. This is a big plus of KDP Amazon that allows you to print and send books for you!

By working on your writing every day, you can become a copywriter or even a storyteller when you want to stop this activity. They are also very rewarding jobs!

8/ Web App or Saas

Developing a SaaS or a Web App is clearly not for everyone. But it is also a very profitable business since it allows to get income on the long term thanks to a subscription formula.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget: 1000€.
  • Entry level : Difficult
  • Average time to result: 6-8 months
  • Skills : Marketing – Code – Beta tester – Relational
  • Job title: Developer – Beta tester – Project manager

Launching an application or software by subscription requires a lot of experience and skill. This is why this area is known for its difficulty.

You can compensate for your coding skills with a big budget to hire a good developer, but your cost will clearly go up. And you have to be sure to succeed in your project to be able to cover your expenses.

Patience is the mother of virtue in this case. Because you’ll have to be patient throughout the development process. And above all, fix all the bugs that will appear as we go along.

But if you have the skills to get into it, you can achieve great results.

For example, we can tell you about Affilisting which is a site developed by a single person(Guillaume). After an interesting launch in France, it starts to conquer the American market!

It offers through its online tool to find the best affiliate programs. This meets the need of all site publishers who are looking to monetize their traffic. Simple and effective!

After such an experience, you will inevitably find work as a developer or even as a project manager. And it can be very profitable too!

9/ Purchase / Resale

Thanks to the explosion of exchange platforms such as Vinted or Leboncoin, it is possible to practice buying and selling easily to earn money on the internet.

Here are the main characteristics of this business model:

  • Minimum budget : 100€.
  • Entry level : Easy
  • Average time to result: 0-1 months
  • Skills : Relational – Negotiation – Management – Hunting
  • Job title: Salesman – Marketing

By regularly observing the prices on the selling platforms, you will be able to know the market prices. You can buy quality parts at low prices and sell them for more.

vinted home page

You should start with a small budget and increase it little by little with your results.

This will require negotiation skills, both for buying and reselling. But also management skills to manage the reception and shipment of packages.

If you do it the right way, you can make money quickly, which is a great advantage. But you have to keep in mind that you will have to store your items at home before reselling them.

If you like it, you can eventually launch an e-commerce project or work in this universe.

16 ideas for services to sell online

As you just discovered, starting a business requires a lot of skills. And very often, you have to wait a while before you can reap the fruits of your labor.

We will now give you some ideas of services to sell on the internet. Here you can earn money as soon as you complete your mission. And it can go very fast.

This is clearly the fastest way to make money on the internet. And the great thing about the ideas we’re about to give you is that you’ll be able to do it right now(and without a degree for most of them!).

Let’s start with the job of…

1/ Web Editor

Many bloggers need to delegate their article writing to focus on other tasks, especially monetization. And the advantage is that there are blogs in all possible themes.

You’re bound to find a topic that interests you and for which you can write good quality articles.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Copywriting and SEO
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum wage: 2€ per 100 words
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

All you need is a computer to do this job. Of course, you will have to learn about SEO to be able to propose texts optimized for natural referencing. But it is clearly accessible to everyone.

Many online platforms exist for you to find assignments. We can mention Scribeur or Textbroker for example. This will allow you to earn money quickly.

You can do this on the side with your work or studies to start. And if you like it, you can consider spending more time there.

To give you an idea, with organization and experience you can write 1500 quality words per hour. At a rate of 2€ per 100 words, that’s 30€ per hour, which is nice, isn’t it?

If you’re looking to make a living from your writing, this could clearly appeal to you.

2/ Translator

If you are bilingual, you can use this skill to make money on the internet. Some brands or bloggers need to translate their content.

And if you are not perfectly bilingual, you can take smaller assignments and translate the texts with DeppL for example. Of course, the translation will have to be improved, but it will be a good basis for work.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Proficiency in a language
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum wage: 8€ per 100 words
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

Again, you only need a computer to do this job. This will allow you to do it anywhere which is very convenient. In addition, many software programs can help you, such as DeepL.

In terms of price, English is the cheapest language because many bilinguals are fluent in English. If you want to charge more, you have to look at the less common languages where prices can soar.

Nevertheless, a text of 1000 words can bring you at least 80€ which is really excellent.

What motivates you to learn a language?

3/ Email Marketing

Many online entrepreneurs need to stay in touch with their audience. To do this, they ask for their email address in order to send them newsletters but also promotional emails.

It takes time and skill. And it is not uncommon to see contractors looking for someone who can meet their needs.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Proficiency in marketing
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 50€ per email
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

Whether it is to send an information email or a transactional email with the objective of selling, there are codes to respect. If you are passionate about marketing and its various disciplines(copywriting, storytelling, etc.), you can thrive here.

You can learn by reading books, on YouTube or by getting specific training. Sign up for many newsletters and have fun breaking down each email to get better at it.

You can even use the Screeber to make your work much easier!

As far as remuneration is concerned, everything will depend on your network and your level. But you can easily sell an email for 50€.

Here’s an example:

sample email marketing rate

But you need to have some basics to get started. You can find your first missions on platforms like before approaching bloggers directly for example.

If you want to make a living from marketing and writing, this is the perfect solution!

4/ Community Manager

On the Internet, everything goes very fast. And brands or entrepreneurs are asked to be present everywhere. Whether it’s on Instagram, TikTok or even Pinterest for example.

That’s why the job of community manager appeared. It’s booming today… and it’s not about to stop!

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Be familiar with social networks
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 200€ per day
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

The advantage of this job is that you can learn it easily by using social networks on a daily basis. You need to know how to respond to subscribers to keep them engaged, program and schedule content.

If you are able to create content yourself, this is a big plus that can help you make even more money on the internet. You can already start at 200€ a day which is not bad if you do it on weekends while working for example.

Developing editing and graphic design skills is a big plus for you.

Now you have an excuse to spend some time on Instagram!

5/ Web Developer

Many online entrepreneurs need to go through a developer. Whether to develop an application, modify their website or create bots to automate certain tasks.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Difficult
  • Skill to have: Know how to code
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 210€ per day
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

This profession is clearly not accessible to everyone. It requires a solid foundation before it can be practiced. So you’ll have a big advantage if this was the core of your studies.

Many platforms like Malt exist. You can be hired by companies that need your service.

In terms of remuneration, a beginner can charge 210€ for a day’s work. To do this in parallel with your work to see if you like it for example.

Here’s an idea of what you can find on the Internet in terms of price:

example web developer

This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to code all day!

6/ Closer

The job of closer became known to the general public thanks to online entrepreneurs who organized webinars in which they offered their audience tobe called back to talk about their commercial offer.

The closer is there to “close” the sale. More simply put, he is a telephone salesman.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Good interpersonal skills and ability to listen
  • Required equipment: Computer and headphones
  • Minimum salary: 200€ per day
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

Closing can be learned by training online or by reading books on the subject. Very often, you will be provided with a script that you will have to customize in your own way while adapting it to the call.

If you like to be in contact with others, you will most certainly have a great time in this profession. But it can be tiring in the long run if you take a lot of calls every day.

Many entrepreneurs and startups need this profile. They are willing to pay 200€ for a day’s work. But you can also find contracts that pay a percentage of your sales.

If you are a business person but want to work online, this could be the solution for you!

7/ SEO Consultant

There are millions and millions of French websites. And some of them are looking for advice on how to improve their natural referencing.

If you know how to tame Google, this should interest you.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Understanding SEO
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 300€ per audit
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

SEO is a subject that evolves over time. Some good practices are still in place, but it is always necessary tobe up to date in order to avoid being downgraded on search results.

Going through someone who has no connection with the website allows the entrepreneur to have an outside and objective look at his situation.

You can start by training yourself via books like the excellent “Réussir son référencement web” written by Olivier Andrieu, but nothing beats practice. Test, experiment and have fun.

If you are looking for a profession that is constantly evolving and has a bright future, you can go for it!

8/ Creation of websites

Whether it’s your electrician, your favorite restaurant or even your florist, they would all benefit from having a presence on search engines. They miss customers every day without it.

Would you like to answer this problem?

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Negotiation
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 1000€ the site
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

We consider it easy to create a website. There are many templates available today to guide you in addition to the very simple builders.

What to meet the expectations of your future customers in record time!

The main skill to have is therefore to know how to negotiate and not be afraid to go to the people. A little resourcefulness is enough to learn how to create a WordPress site .

Here is an example of what you can find in terms of pricing:

sample price list for web designer

On average, you can sell a site for 1000€, but of course you can ask for more if needed. This amount is an achievable average. To give you an idea, one of our friends sold his first site 1500€(and it was to his favorite Thai restaurant)! 🍱

9/ Virtual assistant

When you have an online business, some tasks become unbearable to manage. They don’t require crazy skills, but they do take an incredible amount of energy and time.

And that’s why many entrepreneurs hire virtual assistants. This allows them to focus on other more important tasks.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Resourcefulness
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum wage: 20€ per hour
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

Dealing with customer support, arranging appointments, canvassing other contractors or preparing an event are important tasks for a company.

However, they take far too much time to complete. That’s why online entrepreneurs are fond of virtual assistants. They will pay you by the hour to do these.

And the big advantage is that you can accumulate several contracts at the same time while keeping them for a long time. Something to change your life if your current job doesn’t suit you.

In return, you need to be self-sufficient and resourceful to handle many different tasks.

If you like to vary your missions from day to day, you can do it with your eyes closed! But beware, there are still some tasks that can be boring to perform!

10/ Lend your voice

Whether it’s to create a commercial, a training video or a YouTube video, some brands are looking for a “voice” that would appeal to their audience.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Oral Expression
  • Equipment needed: Excellent microphone
  • Minimum wage: 150€ the text
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

It is imperative to have an excellent microphone for this mission, and especially to know how to configure it perfectly. Then, you will have to work on your voice, whether it is the intonation or the pronunciation to make it as pleasant as possible.

And that’s it.

It’s pretty crazy when you think about it. And there are many requests since many contractors do not want to be recognized. Whether it’s reading sales pages or narrative texts, there will always be work to do.

What if “Here the voice” was you?

11/ Video editing

Video platforms have been exploding for years. Whether it’s on TikTok or even YouTube, many creators can no longer manage their business alone.

The proof is in this video where a videographer publicly announces he is looking for someone:

advertisement for a fitter

Thus, they are looking for video editors to free up their time. So this is a real opportunity for you!

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Assembly
  • Required equipment: Computer and editing software
  • Minimum wage: 120€ per assembly
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

The good thing about this job is that the demand only increases over time. And there are great opportunities for very good editors.

For example, Squeezie had managed to poach the editor of Gotaga!

If you are fond of YouTube videos, you can already see what your future customers expect. All you have to do is work on your editing skills, either with online training or even with tutorials.

We have indicated a rate of 120€ for the editing, but it all depends on the length of the video in truth. And of course, the more you are known in your field, the more you can charge.

What if you were Locklear’s next editor?

12/ Graphic designer

Who says video says miniature. Who says blog says image. In other words, there is a real demand for the graphic design profession. And this is an opportunity for you if it’s your passion.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Graphics
  • Materials required: Computer and drawing software
  • Minimum salary: 250€ per day
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

Pricing for this type of service is difficult to determine. Indeed, it all depends on the nature of the mission. And it must be said that YouTube is also an environment where little information is circulated.

Our advice is not to devalue yourself. Pulling prices down won’t help you get more customers. And you’ll feel like you’re not being compensated for your work.

You can already look at what is done on the biggest channels to learn how to do the same:

example youtube thumbnail

There are millions of channels in France and millions of blogs, you will inevitably find someone who needs your skills.

So just go for it!

13/ Copywriter

Many entrepreneurs are good at having a good business idea, gathering a community or creating content. But many of them have no idea how to sell their offer.

And that’s where the copywriter comes in. He will use his knowledge of persuasive writing to create a text that will generate sales.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Common sense and persuasive writing
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 500€ per sales page
  • How to train: Online training or YouTube

Knowing how to sell is an invaluable skill and ensures you make money on the internet no matter what. And you can train yourself in many ways, whether it’s through books or even online training.

Copywriting is a subject you should work on if you are passionate about marketing. It’s the best way to sell your skills.

To give you an idea, Eikhaa was selling his sales pages for 1000€ on average. And it took him about 5 days of work. 💰

So if you want to make a living from your writing, go for it!

14/ Giving courses

Were you lucky enough to have a private teacher when you were young? You know when you were bringing home a bad grade and your mom was convinced that doing math on your own time would be good for you.

Well you can become that teacher if you have any skills. Whether it’s in cooking, music, sports or even to succeed in your studies.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Teaching and interpersonal skills
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum wage: 20€ per hour
  • How to train: choose a skill you already have

The advantage of the internet is that you can give your courses from a distance. Whether on Skype or Discord for example. This avoids travel costs.

For your information, there are even people who give private lessons to improve on League of Legend or Counter Strike!

You can sell absolutely anything on the internet. And many platforms exist for you to present your services. You can even go through Leboncoin:

example of a private math lesson

So if you’re not afraid of being in contact with others, get started now!

15/ Coaching

Coaching is the evolution of the previous service. Here, the idea is to propose a real accompaniment to your customer to bring him to a desired evolution. It is therefore necessary to have a significant skill.

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Medium
  • Skill to have: Teaching and interpersonal skills
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum wage: 100€ per hour
  • How to train: choose a skill you already have

We indicate an average entry level because it is more difficult to sell your services for more money when you are not known. You need to demonstrate a high level of competence in comparison to simple tutoring.

Having a degree is a plus to justify your authority. But of course, good marketing can help you sell more.

If you want to accompany your clients in their change process over the long term, this can be a very fulfilling path for you.

16/ Discord Moderator

For a long time, the moderators on the forums did their job voluntarily. Today, it is possible to get money by doing this on the Discord platform.

moderation space discord

Here are the main features of this service:

  • Entry level : Easy
  • Skill to have: Management
  • Required equipment: Computer
  • Minimum salary: 100€ per month
  • How to train: choose a skill you already have

Many Discord servers still have volunteers to run and manage their community. But attitudes are starting to change and this can be a good opportunity for you.

If you like respecting the rules and maintaining a friendly atmosphere where everyone can express themselves while respecting others, this could be for you.

Now you know how to make money on the internet. Whether you are creating your own online business or launching your own online service, you now know what is possible.

Of course, the list we have just proposed is not exhaustive. But we have chosen to present the best ones. There’s bound to be something that fits you, whether it’s your profile or your interests.

If you want to learn more about affiliation, website creation or SEO, we invite you to download our free ebook.

This one will give you the basics to get started. So you can go in the right direction from the start and not waste time on the wrong path.

To download it, just enter your email address below:

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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