Affilisting: The Best Tool for Finding Profitable Niches in 2024

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Result of our test: 4,8/5

A complete, updated and accessible list for a fair price. The ultimate shortcut to find the most profitable affiliates in your field!

On the Internet, nearly 8 out of 10 brands have an affiliate program. Finding the most profitable program among the millions available is therefore quickly proving to be more complicated than expected.

However, you know very well that after the niche, the affiliate program is the most important element to monetize your website. What if we told you that you could have access to a list that could sort out for you the most profitable affiliations in all the themes… Would that interest you?

This list does exist and its name is Affilisting. The latter is a bibliography of the best affiliate programs in each sector . With it, you have effortless access to information that normally takes weeks to collect.

However, Affilisting comes at a price and you might be wondering if this list is worth it or if it’s a scam. Don’t worry, we’ve seen this list in detail and we’ll give you our opinion in this article!

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

Presentation of Affilisting

Affilisting is, as its name suggests, a list of many affiliate programs. Launched in July 2022 by Guillaume Souillard, this list presents more than 8,000 affiliate programs in more than 400 different niches (numbers that are increasing every day!).

However, Affilisting is not just a list, but a real tool to help affiliates on a daily basis. Indeed, thanks to this offer, you can discover new niches, new programs and this in just a few minutes.

It’s a real goldmine to find profitable affiliate programs in a few clicks. In fact, Affilisting is a kind of search engine for publishers. All you have to do is indicate your theme and the minimum percentage of commission you want so that the tool can find the agencies you want to promote.

Who is Affilisting for?

Affilisting is primarily aimed at website publishers who use affiliation as a means of monetization. However, this list can actually work for all content creators, regardless of their medium(blog, YouTube channel, Twitter, etc.).

In itself, as long as someone has an audience, this list of affiliate programs can be interesting.

Of course, this list is mostly suitable for site editors. Thanks to the information it contains, it is easy to find paying agencies and build a site around them. Besides that, it is a good way to find a new niche to work on.

In fact, this list contains affiliate programs in over 400 different niches. This way, you will also be able to discover new bankable themes to work on to create new sites.

However, affiliation is not only for blogs and niche sites. If you have a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, a Telegram channel or another channel with an audience, the list can also be useful. In this case, you can also find offers to recommend to earn commissions.

In the end, no matter what your theme is, you will find affiliate programs that suit you, among the several thousand presented.

Services offered by Affilisting

As mentioned above, Affilisting is not just a simple list, but works more like a search engine. We will see in detail how it works and how to find the best programs in your niche.

For You – Find programs according to your niche

If you want Affilisting to find the best affiliate networks for your niche, it’s possible with just a few clicks. The platform includes a “For You” section, which automatically selects the best programs according to your theme and criteria.

Let’s take an example to see how this feature works:

for you find affiliate programs

To start, the tool will ask you what type of commission you are looking for. Here, you can either choose to be paid in revenue sharing or in One Time, i.e. CPA, CPL or CPC. You can also check both if you don’t have a preference.

type of affiliation

Right after that, you will have to choose what type of product/service you want to recommend. The choice is between digital and physical products/services. Here again, you can choose to include all types of products/services.

type of product affiliation

Once you have chosen what you want to promote, all you have to do is tell the platform the theme of the affiliate programs you are looking for. Here you can choose from hundreds of different categories. You can add one or more of these as you need them.

membership category

Once you’ve filled out all the information requested, Affilisting will pull up a small list of the best affiliate programs that match your criteria.

result affilisting commissions

Please note that if you have chosen several tags in the “affiliation category” section, the platform will also show you the best programs in each of these themes.

For each result, the tool displays the commission percentage or its amount if it is fixed. We can also see if it is in recurring billing, the duration of the cookie and the type of product. Finally, you can click on “detail“.

Here we will have more details about the program, such as the location, the payment threshold and the support e-mail. In the tab, you can also see the “tags” of the program that allow you to identify a control room according to its type and theme.

Finally, the detail tab contains an “Apply Now” button to go directly to the affiliate signup page.

In short, this feature is ideal if you don’t want to search for programs by yourself in the long list of Affilisting. For us, the results are convincing and we were able to find agencies that we did not know on our theme.

If you have Affilisting, we really invite you to use this section. Answering the questions only takes a few minutes and can lead to nuggets. So we think it’s really worth it!

Niche ideas

As mentioned above, Affilisting is also a good way to find new niches for your affiliate projects. To do this, the platform will present 10 different niche ideas each week.

affilisting niche ideas

This week, we discover the wine niche. Here, Affilisting gives us a list of the top 10 programs in this theme. You can also see the amount or rate of commission, the type of compensation(one time, recurring), the duration of the cookie and the type of product.

example of a affilisting niche idea

Above the list of 10 programs, there is a “See All Programs” button. Here you can see the list of all affiliate programs that contain the tag “wine”. In this example, there are 144 results for this theme. They can of course be sorted by commission, location, etc.

That same week, Affilisting introduces us to 9 more niches, including meditation, marriage, personalized calendars, cloud, and more. With each time, the best programs of the theme and the possibility to see them all.

For this section too, we invite you to consult it regularly. This gives some niche ideas that we are not necessarily used to seeing. The advantage is that you can see directly the commission rate and you can quickly realize the profitability of the niche.

Filter affiliate programs

This is the most interesting part, which includes all the +8,000 affiliate programs. Of course, you can look at them one by one, but that will take too much time. That’s why we can sort all the programs according to certain criteria.

When you arrive on the platform, if you click on the “List” section, you will notice that the programs are listed in alphabetical order.

start list affiliate program

This provision is not necessarily interesting. However, programs can be listed directly in ascending or descending order of commission. If you’re just looking for the highest paying agencies in any country, this is a good way to find them easily.

However, what will interest us is the tab on the left of the list that allows you to filter the affiliate programs. As there are several filters, we will detail them one by one so that you know how they allow you to find the best programs according to your criteria.

To start, you can filter the programs to show only those where you have already applied. Or, you can see the affiliates you have bookmarked.

Just below, we start to get into the hard part with the “niches” section.

sort by affilisting niche

With this filter, you can sort the programs according to several types/topics:

  • High Paying: the programs that pay the most.
  • Beauty
  • Food supplements
  • Generalist
  • Software
  • Wellness
  • Casino
  • Sport
  • Video
  • Internet marketing
  • Recurring: affiliations that pay in revenue sharing.
  • Influencers
  • Leisure
  • Health
  • House
  • Garden
  • Toys
  • Video games
  • BtoB
  • Etc.

In all, there are hundreds of niches that can be selected in order to find the most profitable affiliations. Of course, you can select one or more niches.

After selecting the niche, you can choose the“location” of the affiliate program.

affiliate program by language

Here you can ask Affilisting to find you programs available in France, USA, Germany and others. In total, you can find affiliate marketing agencies in almost every country in the world. Obviously, the list will be much more extensive in the United States than in Lithuania.

You can also select multiple countries if you wish. Note that some programs are domiciled in one country, but will be available in several other states.

Next, you will be able to sort the programs by their commission percentage or amount.

sort by commission amount affilisting

Here you are free to choose the minimum and maximum amounts you want for an affiliate program. This option is really useful to search for the most profitable programs by country and niche.

Then you can sort the programs by type of commission. Here you have the choice between two options, the “recurring” or the “one time“.

one time recurring affiliation

With recurring, you earn income on the sale, and then you continue to earn a lifetime commission on your affiliate’s purchases. With the one time, you only get a commission when a customer buys through your link and not on his future purchases.

Obviously, recurring is much more advantageous, but it is not present in all niches. This is mainly seen in casino and software affiliations.

You can also check both types of commission if you wish.

The last filter is the choice of the product to recommend.

products services affilisting

With this filter, you can ask Affilisting to find you affiliate programs on digital or physical products . Or you can find programs on physical or digital services as well. If you don’t have any preferences, you can select them all by clicking on “All“.

The content of the affiliate programs

Once you have set up filters, you will be faced with a list of programs, more or less large depending on your requirements.

To illustrate, we asked Affilisting to find us the best affiliate programs on SEO in France:

seo affilisting programs

For each program, the important information is obtained directly. You can see the commission rate, the type of payment(one time or recurring) and the duration of the cookie. You can also observe the tags, which allow you to determine the main themes of a program.

By clicking on a program, you can get even more information. Let’s take the example of IndexMeNow’s affiliate program:

affiliate program details

You can see information that you didn’t see at first glance, such as the countries where this program is available. Also, you can add this program as a favorite to find it more easily later. The Affiliate Program Info section links to the program information page on the company’s website.

Finally, you can apply directly to join this program by clicking on “Apply Now“. In this case, we are referred to the Affilae page of IndexMeNow to apply for their affiliate program via this platform.

Once you have clicked on this button, the program will no longer appear in the lists to avoid you applying several times.

Please note that Affilisting does not guarantee that you will be accepted into all the programs on its list. The tool delivers the information about these affiliations, but you will have to be accepted in them.

The rates

Affilisting offers a one-time fee of $99. Then you have lifetime access to this list, as well as to all the programs that will be added after you buy it.

A free version is also available and allows to see some affiliate programs. However, it remains very limited.

Advantages & Disadvantages

After testing Affilisting, here are the strengths and weaknesses that stand out:

The advantages

✅ Very good value for money

✅ Lifetime access

✅ Adding new programs and niches every week

✅ Affiliate programs in all languages

✅ Ability to sort programs by pay, revenue sharing, niche type, etc.

The disadvantages

❌ English only platform

In summary: our opinion on Affilisting

All in all, Affilisting is by far the most complete service for finding profitable niches and affiliate programs. This list allows you to save a lot of time while discovering new opportunities thanks to the multitude of niches presented.

The list is very complete and allows you to easily find products/services to recommend in your niche. The big plus is that the list is updated regularly and more programs are added. Thanks to this, you don’t need to keep an eye on the evolution of affiliate programs in your field.

The value for money is pretty incredible, as the list brings a lot of value. Clearly, it is an investment that easily pays off, whether you already have a website or not. In one case, you can offer more to your audience and in the other, start a site with a good way to monetize it.

To conclude, we strongly recommend Affilisting even if you already have a profitable profitable niche site . Indeed, in addition to giving you ideas thanks to the different programs, this list also makes it easier to find niches.

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

The alternative to Affilisting

To date, there is no competitor offering a list as complete as that of Affilisting. However, there are many e-books or training courses that offer access to several lucrative affiliate programs, so that profitable niche ideas.

For starters, we think of Affiliate List, an American competitor that gives access to more than 1000 affiliate programs. The price is $39 and access is for life. The list is quite complete, but limited to find affiliations in French.

Otherwise, many lists are for sale as e-books on Amazon, or others. These lists contain on average 50 to 100 programs and cost around 10€. This is a good way to get access to some paying affiliates, but it’s a far cry from the thousands of affilisting programs.

Then, you can find programs through the various blog posts on the subject. Just type in “best affiliate program” to find pre-made lists of programs to recommend. This technique is free, but is less effective than a complete list.

For example, you can find our selection of affiliate programs in several niches on the Makers blog.

Finally, the alternative is to look for affiliate networks according to your niche. The advantage is that you are sure to find the right information. However, this technique takes a lot of time, but is totally free. This is a preferred method if you don’t have much of a budget.

How do I use Affilisting?

By far the most difficult part of website publishing is choosing a niche. Once you know which theme you are going to work on, everything becomes easier. However, the goal is to to earn money and without an affiliate program in adequacy with this niche, one does not earn anything(or very little with adsense advertising).

With affilisiting, we have the most profitable niche and affiliate programs in the field. Then, we can only recommend you to follow the Makers methodology to generate sales with these programs.

This methodology is simply creating a website and referencing it through SEO. Then, you just have to create so-called “transactional” pages to attract future customers and promote products/services in affiliation.

However, with the information in this list, you are free to find other ways to earn money. For example, you can create a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, a Telegram channel or others to sell in affiliation.

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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