The 3 Best Courses to Become a Virtual Assistant 2024

It is becoming easier and easier to earn a living through the internet, by working on your own and telecommuting. Becoming a virtual assistant is one of the most accessible jobs to earn money on the web. πŸ’°

Becoming a web assistant is a great opportunity if you want to start your own business and live from the internet. The problem is that you have to train, find customers, keep themand so on. If you really want to make a decent living from this business, you’ll need to be accompanied.

To help you, we are going to present you a comparison of the 3 best trainings to become a web assistant. In these curriculums, you’ll see how to train yourself in the main skills of a virtual assistant, how to find clients and more. 🀝

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1/ Blogger Assistant Training – Marie Di Maggio

assistant blogger training


Marie Di Maggio is a virtual assistant who has been working as a freelancer for several years. Thanks to her experience, she founded a training course to learn how to start up and make a living from this profession. The trainer actually offers a personalized coaching, which will guide you step by step to become a profitable and fulfilled virtual assistant. πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Marie Di Maggio offers a course of several dozen hours over a total of 5 months to train you from A to Z as a web assistant. We will briefly introduce you to the main modules of this course.

The first module focuses on the transition from salaried employment to freelancing. Marie Di Maggio offers a complete section to improve your mindset and prepare you for the freelance life. This is a very important step, which will allow you to start on a good basis before you launch. πŸ’ͺ

Next, you will learn everything there is to know about the job of a web assistant. You will see here what this job consists of, what are the missions that will be assigned to you and others. The trainer will also introduce you to the clients who use web assistants.

Also, Marie Di Maggio will introduce you to everything you need to know about the legal part. You will see which legal status to choose to start your own business, which legal obligations to respect and others. The trainer will also introduce you to the things you need to know about your retirement contribution. πŸ“Š

Module 3 is about the skills you need to master to become a web assistant. Marie Di Maggio will introduce you to the skills most sought after by clients(blogging, emailing, social networks, advertising campaigns and more). In this section, you can do a skills assessment to determine which skills you should prioritize.

The goal is not to spread yourself thin and learn thousands of different skills. Here the trainer invites you to select the skills that best fit you and focus on them. 🎯

The last module is about finding clients. Here you will see how to find assignments quickly, but also how to set your rates, the tools to use and more. The objective is that with this module, you will be able to find your first clients at the end of the training.

Finally, you will also have several coaching sessions with Marie Di Maggio. Indeed, you will have 3 individual coaching sessions with the trainer, where you can ask your questions and receive advice adapted to your situation. But there is also group coaching with the other students in the course. πŸ‘₯

Who is the training for?

The training is mainly aimed at people who want to become freelance virtual assistants to earn their living from a computer. Marie Di Maggio will guide you step by step to leaving the salaried workforce to freelancing. You will also be accompanied personally with individual coaching sessions.

So, if you enjoy taking a course that holds your hand until you transition into afreelance virtual assistant, this is the course for you. πŸ‘€

What we liked

The big plus of this training is of course the personalized support. Through this course, you will be guided from A to Z to start your business as a virtual assistant. All the modules are very complete and you will be presented with practical exercises to train yourself.

You will also have access to an exchange group to share your progress with other students. In this way, you will be able to create work groups in order to progress more quickly and learn from the experience of former students. It’s also a way to network to potentially find assignments. 🀝

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Complete training that guides you step by step to start your business

βœ… Private self-help group

βœ… Personalized accompaniment


❌ Training available by application only

❌ No CPF funding

2/ Assistants School – Virtual Assistant Training

virtual assistant training


Marion Chassaigne offers a training dedicated to women who want to become a freelance virtual assistant . The trainer has a long experience as a web assistant, which she will pass on to you during this course. πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

The entire course lasts 4 months and contains many modules. We are going to present you in detail what you will learn thanks to this course.

In the first module, you will discover what freelance life is all about. As we said before, this course is for you if you want to become independent. Therefore, the first part of the course is dedicated to the presentation of the freelance status. You will see for example how to choose your legal status, what is the typical day of a web entrepreneur and others. πŸ“…

Then, the trainer will introduce you to the market in which you will evolve. You will see in module 2 who are the clients who use web assistants. In this way, you will be able to define a target audience in order to position yourself and offer your services.

Module 3 is about communication. Here you will see how to make yourself visible on the web in order to attract customers. Several strategies will be presented to you, including email marketing and social networks. The purpose of communication tools is to allow you to find customers without prospecting. πŸ“§

Right after, it’s time to create a marketing strategy. The objective in this module is to structure your offer in order to convert your prospects into customers. Part of it is also about content creation. Here you will see how to create content to attract customers organically.

Module 5 is obviously about prospecting. If the methods presented above don ‘t get you clients, the trainer is going to show you how to canvass businesses to find clients. πŸ”Ž

Then, the trainer will show you a method to get long-term assignments. With a good customer experience and a few tricks, you will be able to keep your customers so that you don’t have to look for new assignments regularly.

Finally, you will have several individual coaching sessions with the trainer. This will allow you to have advice adapted to your situation and to be accompanied in the follow-up of the training. 🀝

Who is the training for?

This course is mainly aimed at women who want to leave the workforce to become freelance virtual assistants. The training guides you step by step to become an independent and profitable virtual assistant. πŸ’Έ

But in reality, this training is very much focused around freelancing. Therefore, it can also be very suitable if you want to start as afreelancer on the web, even in another profession(web editor, video editor, graphic designer, etc.).

What we liked

The training is very structured and contains complete modules in order to perfect your skills in all levels before starting your own business. Each module contains several explanatory videos and thepersonalized support will allow you toprogress at your own pace. πŸ€“

What we also appreciate in this course is the presence of quizzes and practical exercises in each module. This way you can practice and apply what you have learned. This is clearly a great way to retain the skills you just learned more easily.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Numerous quizzes and practice exercises

βœ… Private self-help group

βœ… CPF Funding.


❌ Training only available by session(2 sessions per year).

3/ Virtual Assistant: Specialize And Find Clients

udemy virtual assistant training


We’ve already told you several times aboutUdemy, a platform that connects teachers and individuals. On this marketplace, you can find trainings on all topics. What will interest us today is GaΓ«lle Gritte ‘s training “Virtual assistant: specialize and find clients“. πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’»

The training is less consequential than the courses presented above. However, the course is quite comprehensive and contains several modules. We will therefore present you in detail what you will learn by following this course.

After a brief introduction, the trainer will present you the different attitudes to use in the web assistant job. After completing the first module, you will know exactly which skill is best for you. This will allow you to determine what services you will be able to offer. πŸ™„

In Module 2, the trainer will introduce you to the concept of specialization in the online assistant profession. Now that you know the different skills that are in demand in this profession, you can choose one to specialize in. Specialization will allow you toincrease your perceived value, be much more credible and consequently, attract more clients. It is also the best way to be profitable in this type of activity.

Module 3 focuses on the customer avatar. Here you will learn how to define a target in order to find qualified prospects. The goal is to understand your clients’ needs, budget and so on. This way, it will be much easier to offer them a suitable solution, and thus sell your services. 🀝

The next module is very important, because it is about finding customers. In this section, the trainer will show you how to find your first clients through prospecting. But in reality, several techniques will be presented to you to land freelance assignments.

Next, the trainer will present you with a complete module on managing your career as a freelancer. You’ll see, for example, how to plan and manage your budget, how to set realistic goals or how to manage your daily tasks. πŸ“

Finally, you will have access to many resources to help you get started in this business. The trainer offers, for example, templates of e-mails to send to prospects, but also guides on the various administrative and legal steps of the business.

Who is the training for?

This course is suitable if you are interested in becoming an online assistant and are looking for an accessible course to learn more about this profession. Thanks to the skills you will learn, you will be able to start your own business and find your first clients with peace of mind. πŸ’ͺ

Unlike the courses presented above, this course is not a personalized coaching. If you prefer to be coached, this course is not for you. But if you prefer to learn on your own, you will thrive with this online training.

What we liked

The big plus of this training is that it is accessible for a very good price. For about 50 euros, you can have access to this course and train to become a virtual assistant . πŸ’»

Despite the fact that the training is less substantial than the others, it is just as complete. This course will allow you to know everything you need to know to start your new business with peace of mind.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Excellent value for money

βœ… Many bonuses and resources offered

βœ… Complete module and examples for finding clients.


❌ No private self-help group

Now you know the best courses to become a virtual assistant from scratch. All the courses we have presented to you will allow you to train andlearn how to find clients in order to make a living from this profession. If you want to make a living from this activity as soon as possible, taking one of these courses is essential. πŸ‘€

If you don’t want to invest in a full course, we can still help you. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to get started as a virtual assistant from scratch. With the tips we’ll give you, you’ll be better equipped to offer your services and find your first freelance clients. πŸ’ͺ

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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