43 LinkedIn Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

LinkedIn is a social network that has been gaining popularity for several years. Its particularity is to be a social network designed only for professionals. It acts as an online resume for recruiters, but also allows companies to prospect. πŸ”Ž

Clearly, as long as you are in the workforce, LinkedIn can help you. Thanks to the emergence of the internet, telecommuting and social networking, LinkedIn is increasingly used by both job seekers and companies.

Therefore, it can be interesting to know different key figures and statistics about LinkedIn. In this article, we’ll show you several statistics about users, advertising, and more. πŸ“Š

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Who are the users of LinkedIn?

The first interesting thing to know about LinkedIn is the demographics of its users. Indeed, many people have stereotypes about who uses LinkedIn on a daily basis. Thanks to various studies, we can know the exact demographics of LinkedIn users.

linkedin users worldwide

LinkedIn has over 800 million users per month worldwide. This in 200 countries, including :

  • United States: 180 million users
  • United Kingdom: 34 million users
  • Italy: 16 million users

In France, there are 22 million users(2022 – Les Echos ) on LinkedIn. This represents nearly 80% of the working population. For comparison, there were only 2 million users in France in 2011. πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

But this figure only concerns people who have a page on the social network.

In terms ofmonthly active users(i.e., those who visit LinkedIn at least once a month), that number increases to 12 million users.

France is LinkedIn’s 6th largest market in the world and 2nd largest in Europe(behind the UK). πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

User demographics

Now that you know how many users go to LinkedIn, let’s see what their profile is.

How old are the users (source: LinkedIn France – 2023)

  • 18. 9% of users are between 18 and 24 years old
  • 57.2% of users are between 25 and 34 years old
  • 21.2% of users are between 35 and 54 years old
  • 2.6% of users are over 55 years old

As you can see, the 25-34 age group represents the majority of LinkedIn users. This in itself is quite normal, as it is this age group that uses the platform the most to find a job or as part of their professional duties.

πŸ‘‰ In the 18-24 age group, a portion of users go to LinkedIn for their studies. This is to find a work-study program or to contact professionals for case studies, for example.

Among all users of the social network:

  • 47.4% are women ♀️
  • 52.6% are men ♂️

We can also observe the gender of the users according to the age groups:

linkedin user demographics

Generally speaking, we see that parity is respected in all age groups.

Another interesting statistic about users is their geographic area. (LinkedIn campaign manager)

Here are the regions with the most regular LinkedIn users:

  • 29% of users live in the Paris region(Île-de-France)
  • 10.6% of users live in the Auvergne-RhΓ΄ne-Alpes region
  • 6. 9% of users reside in the Provence-Alpes-CΓ΄te d’Azur region(PACA)

Why do users go to LinkedIn? πŸ€”

According to a Harris Interactive study, here are the reasons users connect to LinkedIn regularly:

  • Keep in touch with your professional contacts
  • Find out what’s going on with your company or your sector of activity
  • Conduct video conferences
  • Organize and distribute work tasks with colleagues

As mentioned above, LinkedIn is also a platform used by students. πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“

Among 16-25 year olds, LinkedIn is the most used social network for their educational orientation. ( Diplomeo 2022)

πŸ‘‰ 45% of 16-25 year olds use LinkedIn for their career searches

πŸ‘‰ 64% of 16-25 year olds use LinkedIn to find their first job

By gathering all the age categories, we can also see the usage preferences of the social network.

Why do we use LinkedIn?

For starters, consider that 52 million people use LinkedIn every day to find work. (LinkedIn Business)

Every second, 101 applications are sent via the social network. Every minute, 8 people are hired through LinkedIn. That’s 6,000 new people employed every day. 🀝

On LinkedIn, users can post training content. This feature was launched a few years ago and allows users to train for free.

πŸ‘‰ Compared to 2019, there is 4x more training content on the platform.

πŸ‘‰ Every week, 1 million hours of training are viewed on the platform

The average time spent on LinkedIn is 10 minutes and 20 seconds per day.

Interestingly, only 57% of users go to LinkedIn via mobile. This is a very low percentage unlike other social networks(Instagram, YouTube, etc.).πŸ“±

LinkedIn and recruitment

LinkedIn is used by both recruiters to find new profiles and by individuals to find job opportunities. Again, there are some statistics to know about recruiting on the social network. πŸ“Š

Among all the job offers proposed on the platform, 15% concern a telecommuting position.

πŸ‘‰ Telecommuting job openings increased 357% during the covid period.

87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find out about candidatesbackgrounds .

πŸ‘‰ 9 out of 10 LinkedIn users are open to new job opportunities.

LinkedIn and brands

LinkedIn is a great place for all brands. It is a good way to communicate, but also to find new customers. 🀝

In France, 500,000 companies have a page on LinkedIn. (LinkedIn France – 2022)

Naturally, LinkedIn is the most used social network by professionals.

πŸ‘‰ 84.9% of companies use LinkedIn and/or publish content on a regular basis.

The reason for this platform’s monopoly is simple: LinkedIn is the platform with themost engagement.

A survey by Intuiti and La Poste solution Business asked consumers which social networks led them to a purchase after seeing a product there. πŸ“¦

45.6% purchased a product after seeing brand content on LinkedIn. Next to that 41.1% answered Facebook and 11.1% Twitter.

Influencer marketing and advertising on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a preferred social network for marketers to run advertising campaigns on. πŸ‘€

53% of BtoC marketers use LinkedIn.

81% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn.

(Social media Examiner 2022)

πŸ‘‰ 54% of marketers plan to increase the budget allocated to LinkedIn in the coming years.(74% for B2B marketers, 45% for B2C marketers)

You may know this, but LinkedIn is also an advertising network. That is, a company can pay for its content to appear in users’ news feeds, even if they are not subscribers to its page.

Note that LinkedIn offers several types of ads for advertisers. According to eMarketer, here are the most effective ad formats by marketers on the platform:

  • Sponsored publication
  • Lead generation(collection of emails, phone numbers, etc.)
  • Sponsored email
  • Advertising via private messaging

Another interesting statistic is that the cost per lead on LinkedIn is 28% lower than Google Ads(Google’s ad network). πŸ“‰

LinkedIn’s revenue

LinkedIn was bought a few years ago by Microsoft for $26.2 billion. Today, it is one of the most used social networks, and therefore one of the most profitable. πŸ€‘

The company is established in more than 19 countries, including France.

The company’s turnover continues to grow, and in particular exploded during covid-19.

By 2022, the annual revenue is $13.8 billion.πŸ’°

By comparison, annual sales were $2.27 billion in 2017.

There you go, you now know a lot of statistics about the favorite social network of professionals. As you have seen, LinkedIn represents a real opportunity to find a job or to attract new clients. This is clearly not a social network to be underestimated!

LinkedIn can become an important communication channel for both your professional career and your business. So on our blog, you will find many articles to help you gain visibility on this social network. πŸ’ͺ

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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