Jasper AI Review: The Best AI Content Generator?

✍️ Last modified on April 10, 2023

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Result of our test: 4,5/5

The most powerful and comprehensive tool, Jasper provides countless AI-related features. Clearly, a safe bet for all editors who want to start writing with artificial intelligence with the best of the best.

Once unreadable, artificial intelligence writing is becoming more and more qualitative. Thus, many tools have emerged to allow content creators to write with AI, or even to delegate writing completely. The best known of these tools is Jasper, formerly Jarvis.

The best known, but also the most complete, Jasper is to date the one that provides the most tools to write with AI. You’ll see that it’s not limited to writing blog posts, but can actually write any type of content in a web ecosystem.

If you’re wondering if Jasper is worth it, then you’ve come to the right place. Because we have prepared for you the test the most complete test of this tool. Discover it now!

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Presentation of Jasper AI

Jasper AI, formerly Jarvis, is an automatic content generation tool. Often used to write blog posts quickly, Jasper actually offers to write any type of content. It allows you to write product descriptions, YouTube video titles, newsletters, advertisements, etc.

Some examples of models:

templates jasper ai

In all, over 50 types of content can be written by an AI, thanks to Jasper’s pre-made templates.

Jarvis was designed to be able to create readable, unique and quality content with an algorithm. Thanks to the GPT-3 technology, Jarvis can write a long text from a few pieces of information, all without plagiarism.

For site editors and other content creators alike, it’s a way to create textual content quickly and inexpensively. As Jasper offers many templates, it is noticeable that it caters to many people at the same time. However, all of his clients have one thing in common, the need towrite for the web.

Who is Jasper AI for?

Jasper is a content generation tool, so it naturally caters to content creators. This software will primarily suit site editors who wish to use AI to assist them in writing long articles. Or, to generate average quality articles to fill a PBN for example.

However, this tool can also be used for YouTubers for example. Indeed, Jasper offers to generate video titles, but also descriptions and even ideas of videos to make.

What you need to understand is that Jasper can create any type of content needed for a web ecosystem(articles, newsletters, social network posts, etc.). From the moment you create content on the internet, whether it’s on a blog, YouTube or social networks, Jasper can help you.

Being the most complete tool, Jasper is not limited to generating text but can clearly become a virtual assistant for all content creators.

Services offered by Jasper AI

Jasper AI is much more than just an automatic text generator as it offers many templates for writing any type of textual content.

Writing blog posts

Jasper’s flagship feature. This tool can indeed write a complete article, or generate an introduction, conclusion or only a paragraph. To illustrate, we will explain how this algorithm can generate a complete blog post in a few minutes.

To start, Jasper will ask you what the topic of the article you want to create is and what language it is in. Optionally, you can add keywords to optimize the referencing of your article in relation to a specific query. You can add up to 3 keywords here.

assistant editor jasper ai

Then we move on to the title of the article. You can either give one yourself or let Jasper generate it. Of course, you can re-generate it as many times as you want if you don’t like it. Once the title is found, we go directly to the introduction.

With the information provided, Jasper will generate several introductions. It’s up to you to choose one that suits you. If none of them fit, you can add ideas and re-generate an introduction. Once you have chosen the introduction, you will find yourself in an interface in the form of a text editor.

In this interface, you can choose the tone of voice you want for your article(serious, humorous, convincing, etc.). On the editor, you also have access to all other templates, including those specialized for SEO and blog posts.

jasper ai editorial templates

For example, you can generate headings and subheadings to create the structure of your article. Once you have a complete structure with all the titles, you can generate paragraph by paragraph. You can also rewrite the text to make it more readable using the “content improver” tool. To finish, it is best to use the conclusion template and not a simple paragraph, so that Jasper understands that he has to conclude the article.

Jasper acts as a web authoring assistant, and therefore requires human proofreading. That’s why we recommend generating paragraphs a little at a time, so that you have time to re-read the article.

It is certainly possible to generate a complete article of 1000 or 2000 words in one go, but there will inevitably be sentences that lack meaning. To generate a lot of texts to fill a PBN, it’s ok. But if you want to use AI to write quality articles, it is better to use it as a writing assistant, and generate text little by little.

Content writing with template

Jasper has many templates that will make writing textual content easier. These are actually pre-made models, which will allow to adapt the writing by AI to the type of content you want. First of all, you should know that Jarvis has about 50 templates.

We can therefore have the AI write simple blog posts as seen above, but not only. In fact, Jasper can write any type of content automatically. For example, at the article level, this tool can create summaries, introductions and abstracts of articles. On the other hand, Jasper can also generate ads, social media posts, YouTube video descriptions, etc.

The templates are grouped by category. Thus, there are all the templates to create content specific to marketing, advertising, SEO, e-commerce and others. On each of these categories, there are many templates to generate content.

Example with the YouTube video category:

jasper ai templates videos youtube

Another example with the advertising category:

jasper ai templates ads

Then, you just have to click on the template that matches you, and give Jasper some information so he can start writing. Please note that each template is different and therefore the information requested may change. Generally, it is enough to write down a few words for the algorithm to understand what the text is about.

Now let’s say you want to generate a description of a product to sell it on Amazon’s marketplace.

example template jasper ai

Jasper simply asks you for the name of the product and the tone of voice you want to use for the text. Then, you can write some words to give some context, and make the algorithm’s work easier. The software will generate the content very quickly, and you can re-generate it as many times as you want if you don’t like it.

Semantic optimization with integrated SurferSEO

With the premium subscription plan, Jasper offers the ability to write a semantically optimized article. To do this, he uses Surfer SEO, an American semantic optimization tool. Here too, no extra effort is required. Just tell Jasper which keyword you want to position the article on, and he will add the important words from his lexical field.

With Surfer SEO, you get a score out of 100, which indicates the level of optimization of an article for search engines. Obviously, the closer you get to 100, the more optimized your content will be for Google. SurferSEO also states the number of words, paragraphs and images that it takes to be first on the search results.

surferseo jasper ai

Then it’s up to you to see how much you want to optimize a generated article.

This feature, very rare in content generation tools, is a real plus. In fact, you don’t even need to write a text, then run it through a semantic optimization tool like 1.fr or YourTextGuru. With Jasper, when you generate content, you can make sure that it is directly semantically optimized. This is clearly a huge time saver.

Note that with Jasper, you will benefit from a special promotion to get SurferSEO for $1 the first month.

Anti-plagiarism guarantee

Every piece of content generated, regardless of its size, is guaranteed to be plagiarism-free. Jasper provides only unique text, without copying or translating an existing page. To do this, the content generation software uses Copyscape, the most powerful plagiarism checking tool to date.

By using Copyscape, you are sure to get unique texts, and thus avoid duplicate content.

The rates

rates jasper ai

Jasper offers two pricing options. The first, the starter “is a limited version of the software. However, most of the key features are still present. On the other hand, it will miss the extension to write on Google Docs, the SEO mode, the anti-plagiarism control and grammarly(spelling & grammar). The second, the boss mode “offers access to all features and priority customer support.

Then you can see that Jasper offers the possibility to modulate its subscription. Here, what will change is the number of words you can generate per month. For example, with the “starter” mode, you can generate from 20,000 to 320,000 words. Obviously, the more you add on the subscription to write more words, the more expensive it will be.

For the “Starter” mode, the entry price is $29/month for 20,000 words and $399/month for 320,000 words. With the “Boss mode” package, the entry fee is $59/month for 50,000 words and goes up to $600/month for 600,000 words.

Please note that no matter which subscription package you choose, you will be entitled to a 5-day trial period.

In our opinion, to make the most of the tool and create quality texts, you should start with the “ boss mode “. It is possible tohave several users on a subscription, so it is possible to share the cost of the subscription with other publishers.

Advantages & Disadvantages

After testing Jasper for several weeks, here are the strengths and weaknesses that stand out:

The advantages

✅ Access to over 50 editorial templates(articles, story summaries, company bios, emails, etc.)

✅ Fast and competent support

✅ Semantic optimization with SurferSEO

✅ Ability to write in different tones(professional, funny, enthusiastic, convincing, etc.) to suit readers

The disadvantages

❌ English only platform

❌ No credit system: it is mandatory to pay a subscription even to write only a few texts

❌ The number of words generated per month is limited(Possibility to write a lot, but only with an expensive subscription)

In summary: our opinion on Jasper AI

Jasper AI is the most popular content generation tool, and it’s easy to see why when you use it. In fact, this software is easy to use and allows, even for a beginner, to have an AI write any type of content.

For a content creator, Jasper is a solution to save time, but also money. By writing all types of textual content, there is no need to delegate it to a provider who is much more expensive than an AI.

Even for SEO, Jasper has many advantages. If you opt for the premium subscription formula, you really have a virtual writer who writes SEO optimized articles for a very low price. Note that Jasper can also generate meta-descriptions and titles. He can therefore actually take care of the entire writing part of a website.

However, it is clear that without human intervention, it is impossible to create a high quality article. Artificial intelligence can certainly help to find ideas, write an introduction, conclusion or other. But to date, Jasper is not in our opinion capable of writing a full length quality blog post on a complex topic that could be posted on a media outlet for example.

That’s why we don’t recommend using Jasper if you have an authority site. Unless you have someone who links behind the articles produced to improve them.

On the other hand, to write on a site intended to sell links, or to fill a PBN, IA writing is a real plus. In these cases, you can fill your sites very quickly, all for a very low price.

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The alternative to Jasper AI

As previously stated, many automatic content generation tools have emerged in recent years. Nevertheless, not all of them are equal and some of them do not allow to create good quality content. If you don’t like Jarvis, there are a few quality programs available for a good price.

To begin with, we think of Writesonic . This content generation software offers many templates to generate articles, YouTube video descriptions, ads and more. It is a kind of software that is very similar to Jasper AI, but has the particularity of being cheaper. If you are looking for a program with almost the same functionality, WriteSonic is an excellent alternative.

Then, you can turn to ContentBot, a fairly complete and accessible tool for a decent price. The latter also allows you to write any type of editorial(articles, descriptions, product sheets, sales pages, etc.). The good thing is that it offers a credit system, which makes it ideal for small AI users.

Finally, Outranking is a good alternative if you only want to write textual content for SEO. This tool proposes to generate complete articles, semantically optimized, with images and videos and above all, based on existing search results. Outranking is by far the most advanced software for writing SEO optimized articles with AI. However, it is less accessible financially.

How do I use Jasper AI?

There are hundreds of ways to use Jasper. The most common way is to create blog posts. To do this, nothing could be simpler, you just have to give the title of the article to the software, which will take care of finding titles and subtitles. Then, you have to validate the structure of the article, and the software will take care of writing the whole article.

Very quickly, we have a complete article. Then you can check the plagiarism and the optimization with SurferSEO(only with boss mode subscription).

If you want to start writing with Jasper, we leave you with this video tutorial that explains how to write a high quality article in 10 minutes with the tool:

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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