Hyros Review: Is it the Best Ad Tracking Solution? 2024

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Result of our test: 4,7/5

Hyros is surely the most powerful software to track your ads. If you spend a lot of money on advertising, this tool is a must to save money.

If you have an online business, you know that advertising is very expensive. And to optimize it in order to maximize results and reduce costs, you need to be able to analyze several data. The problem is that advertising agencies do not provide reliable statistics to track its sales.

As a result, it is going to be complicated to scale your ads in order to go to the next level. To avoid this, we are going to present you in this test Hyros, an ultra powerful ad tracker. This tool will allow you to determine exactly which advertisements are making you money, but also to determine the exact buying path of your customers.

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Presentation of Hyros

When you run an ad campaign on Facebook Ads or YouTube Ads for example, you will already have access to statistics. The problem is that these data are not really reliable. So you know how much you spent on your ads, but you don’t knowwhich ones brought you customers.

This is especially true if you run multiple campaigns targeting different audiences. Since the data is not necessarily reliable, you can have a campaign that is not profitable without knowing it.

Another case is when a user clicks on your ad via their phone, but buys a few days later via a computer. Your advertising agency will not count this sale, even though it is related to advertising.

With Hyros, you will be able to track your ads very accurately. You’ll know exactly which campaigns are bringing in customers, but you’ll also be able to track sales that aren’t captured by the ad network you’re using. This way you can follow a prospect’s journey to the sale in detail.

In summary, you have to understand thatHyros is an ad tracker, which will allow you toanalyze your results in depth in order to make scaling easier. At the same time it is a solution to save you advertising expenses.

Who is Hyros for?

Hyros allows you to track your ads so you can accurately determine which campaigns are bringing you customers and sales. The objective is tooptimize your advertisingcampaigns in order to have the highest conversion rate and return on investment.

In itself, Hyros will work as long as you have a business(mainly online, but can also apply to physical businesses) and you use advertising like Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, etc.

If you are not yet generating a lot of sales and you don’t spend a lot of money on advertising every month, this tool may not be useful. The idea is really tooptimize small details that can make you win big if you have a big advertising budget.

We believe that Hyros is an ideal tool to scale your business more easily. It is therefore not necessarily necessary for the creation. This tool will be very useful as soon as you want to increase the advertising budgets in order to go to the next level.

Services offered by Hyros

Although it is a tracking software, Hyros offers different features. We are going to introduce you to the services that will be useful to you on a daily basis.

Assignment of advertisements

The main feature ofHyros is to track your ads. But you should know that you will be able to track your ad campaigns differently depending on your business. Hyros offers you to select the type of business(infoproduct sales, e-commerce, telephone closing, lead generation, etc.) you are working on.

type of business hyros

We are going to show you the different statistics that you can obtain with this software.

To begin with, you can see the details of each advertising campaign in progress and this on several advertising networks at the same time. You can see the amount spent on the account, total sales, net profit, number of sales, etc.

advertising results

Very interesting statistic, you can see the revenues generated according to the advertising network. But right next to it, you can see all the sales tracked via Hyros. This is where you realize that the stats provided by the advertising agencies are not necessarily reliable, because they omit many sales.

Therefore, you can turn off the ads, becausethe ad network tells you that it does not pay. Whenin fact, the advertising is really profitable, but the statistics of the agency are not correct.

Then, you will be able to generate other statistics, again on each of your campaigns. For example, you can see the number of clicks (and therefore the click-through rate), the cost per lead generated or the customer acquisition cost (CAC). Directly, you can see the ROI of youradvertising campaign as a percentage.

By connecting your account to the advertising network with Hyros, you can also see the active and inactive advertising campaigns.

Finally, you can determine the buying path of any customer in a very precise way.

hyros customer buying path

For example, you can see when a prospect clicked on your ad. From that moment on, you will be able to track all the times they visit your site again. Hyros tells you where that lead came from(email, SEO, direct traffic, etc.). You can also see which device is used (tablet, mobile, computer), the IP used by the visitor and more.

All the statistics provided are a way tooptimize your advertising campaigns in order toincrease your sales while decreasing your budget.

What we invite you to look at on a regular basis is the difference between the revenues tracked by the agencies and the actual revenues tracked by Hyros. This way, you will avoid cutting profitable campaigns.

Email marketing tracking

If you have an email marketing strategy, you are bound to use an autoresponder. This autoresponder will allow you to have access to statistics such as the opening rate, click rate and others. The problem is that these statistics are quite limited.

And if a user changes their email or clicks on your email later, you won’t be able to track the sale. Depending on the software you use, you may also confuse sales that come from emails or advertising campaigns.

tracking email hyros

By using Hyros, you can determine exactly which email campaign pays off. Generally speaking, emailing statistics will allow you to optimize your future campaigns, but especially not to miss any sale.

Tracking closing call

Hyros can also allow you toanalyze the results of your closing calls and to design the buying path from the moment you collects a lead until it is sold. And unlike closing software, you will be able to track your results even if your prospect changes device, wait several days before booking a call or other.

stats closing hyros

You can connect different software that allows you to book calls with your prospects like ClickBank, Clickfunnels or everwebinar.

Thanks to this feature, you will see the average time between the viewing of your ad and thebooking of a closing call. The tool also takes into account reimbursements. With all this data, Hyros generates a figure representing your Return On Investment, to see if your strategy is profitable or not.

The rates

hyros rates

Hyros offers 3 different pricing plans. Some formulas will be suitable for tracking only one type of traffic or others.

The Organic plan is designed to analyze free or organic traffic. These are the visitors who buy on your site without being attracted by advertising. They can come from your social networks, from an email, from search engines or others. Note that you can modulate your subscription according to the amount of traffic you wish to analyze.

The Paid Traffic plan allows for theanalysis of traffic from advertising campaigns. Please note that in order to obtain this subscription plan, you will need to book a call with the Hyros team to gain access to the software. They will introduce you to the tool and propose a personalized plan according to your needs.

The Agency Plan is much less accessible and is only useful if you use Hyros for your clients for example.

Advantages & Disadvantages

After testing Hyros for several weeks, here are the strengths and weaknesses that stand out:

The advantages

βœ… Access to a lot of data

βœ… Compatible with many CMS, applications and advertising agencies

βœ… Ability to analyze paid and organic traffic

The disadvantages

❌ No free version

❌ Software only accessible via telephone interview

In summary : our opinion on Hyros

All in all, Hyros is the best ad tracking software in our opinion. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to optimize your advertising campaigns in order tosave money, but also to scale your business. The data collected is a great help to understand which communication channel to use in order to maximize your profits.

Overall, Hyros is very easy to use. It can be difficult to find your way around the multitude of data available at first. But don’t worry, many tutorials are available to help you master the software.

Hyros is a pretty expensive tool, we won’t lie to you. But by using it, you will clearly save a lot of money on advertising. It is in itself an investment to make, but if you are going to win in the long run.

In summary, we recommend Hyros if you have an online business and want to optimize your advertising campaigns. As we told you, this tool is essential if you spend a lot on advertising. If you don’t have a big advertising budget, it may not be useful to use this software.

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The alternative to Hyros

Hyros is a fairly new software, but nevertheless offers very advanced features. There are a few other tools that will allow you totrack your ads to save money. We are going to present you what we think are the 3 best alternatives to Hyros.

Voluum is an Ad tracker that allows you to follow all your advertising campaigns from a single software. This tool uses artificial intelligence toautomatically analyze all the data collected by your advertising campaigns.

Cometly is an ad tracking software that allows you toanalyze your campaigns to improvead attribution and marketing decisions. The tool is compatible with many platforms like Shopify, ClickBank, etc.

Plat is an ad tracker that allows you to follow the profitability of your campaigns in real time . The tool offers many features toautomate ad tracking and decision making. It is one of the few programs of this type to offer a free version, quite complete.

How to use Hyros?

There are many ways to use Hyros on a daily basis, depending on your goals, budget and traffic source. What you need to understand is that the software is primarily used to analyze your ads in order to make decisions.

We will assume that you have an e-commerce and that you advertise on several acquisition channels.

On the software, you will be able to have a dashboard that groups all your sales. Just below, you will see the different advertising campaigns affiliated to your store(Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok Ads, etc.).

hyros dashboard

For each of your advertising campaigns, you can have a quick overview of their cost and the profits they generated. This way, you can directly see which of your ads are making money and which are not.

You can then place filters to see certain metrics of your campaigns(net profit, CTR, conversion rate, average cart, cost of customer acquisition, etc.).

Thanks to the filters, you can also create a custom dashboard with the metrics of your choice.

hyros custom dashboard

Then, you can also track your customers’ buying journey. For each person who buys, you will be able to know exactly where they have been. For example, you can see if a visitor clicked on your ad, then returned to your store in the following days, before clicking on one of your emails. Absolutely all of his buying journey is listed on Hyros.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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