The 4 Best Free SEO Online Courses in 2024

✍️ Last modified on April 26, 2023

Whether you already have a website or you want to create one, it can be interesting to learn about natural referencing(SEO). This way, you will be able to get free traffic on a regular basis. The problem is that SEO is quite complex and you can quickly feel lost.

Don’t worry, it is possible to get free training in SEO. There are indeed many resources available on the internet that will allow you to learn the basics of SEO without spending a cent.

We prefer to be honest, it is not with a free training that you will become an SEO expert . On the other hand, it will be more than enough to know the basics of SEO and avoid making mistakes that could lower the visibility of your site in search engines.

Please note that we will only present some free training and resources. Although there is a lot of informative content available, only a few courses are really worth while and will help you progress.

Here is our comparison of the 4 best free SEO trainings.

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1/ Affiliation & Seo Ebook – LesMakers

ebook affiliation seo lesmakers


The ebook “Affiliation & SEO” is the free training offered by the Makers. This is an outline of the full course where you will learn to master the fundamentals of SEO as well as site editing. The goal is tolearn SEO in order to monetize a website, not just to attract traffic.

Although it is a free training course, the Affiliate & SEO ebook is very complete. It contains several modules that we will present briefly.

To start, Asyncr0ne will introduce you to the basics of SEO and affiliate marketing. The objective is to understand how SEO works , but also to become familiar with its main concepts. The same is true for affiliate marketing where you will learn how it works, its benefits and more.

Next, the trainer will introduce the concept of niche. Here you will see how to find a theme to create your first affiliate site. The goal is to learn how to find a profitable niche without too much competition.

Just after, we get into the hard part with the On site part of SEO. In this module, you will learn how to find keywords for your site. In the next module, you will see how to integrate these keywords into the structure of your site, in order to optimize it for search engines.

Next to that, you will also see the basics of WordPress in order to create a website simply and for free. In the same way, Asyncr0ne will introduce you to SEO writing so that you can start writing articles optimized for Google. Also, the trainer will introduce you to some netlinking methods for the Off site strategy.

Finally, Asyncr0ne shows different ways to monetize your website with the bonus of affiliation. So that you can earn money as soon as a visitor comes to your site.

Moreover, it should be noted that a series of 7 emails accompanies this ebook in which you will discover concrete results of this strategy, feedback from several years in the field or the list of the best resources to use when starting in SEO.

Who is this training for?

This course is mainly aimed at beginners, who want to learn how to use SEO to create niche sites. The goal is not simply to learn how to reference sites, but to use this skill to create an online business.

However, it’s also a good free course to train yourself in SEO. Therefore, if you only want to learn more about SEO, this ebook can be of great help to you.

What we liked

The big plus of this ebook compared to the other SEO trainings you can find for free, is the monetization part. Indeed, you are not just going to learn the basics of SEO. Because the ebook will also teach you how to use SEO to generate income online.

Instead of just learning SEO, you’ll be able to create sites that will make you money. If you prefer theory to practice, this is clearly the free course you need to get started in website publishing.

Advantages & disadvantages

The advantages

✅ Complete presentation of SEO(Off Site and On Site)

✅ Unpublished tips for finding affiliate niches

✅ Presentation of several monetization strategies

The disadvantages

❌ No video content

2/ Semrush courses

free semrush courses


You may know Semrush the most famous search engine marketing tool. Not many people know this, but Semrush offers many free courses on digital marketing and SEO. The courses are delivered in video form on YouTube, and sorted by topic(SEO, content marketing, social networks, etc.).

There are nearly 100 different lessons available for free on the Semrush website. So we are going to present you only some courses that can be interesting if you want to learn SEO:

Introduction to keyword research

As the name suggests, this lesson will teach you how to find keywords to write about. Key part of the SEO On site strategy, good keyword research will help youattract traffic faster and easier. In this course, Greg Gifford presents you with a comprehensive strategy for keyword research.

After defining what a keyword is, the trainer will talk about search intent and its importance. Next, you’ll see how to quickly find lists of keywords, especially with the Semrush tool. You will then see how to create content and optimize it on a particular query.

Backlink Management

This course is an introduction to the off-site part of SEO. Here, you will discover how to create a netlinking strategy strategy for your site. Before that, the trainer will make you discover what a link is, the different types of backlinks, and others. You’ll also see several ways to find backlinks, both through paid and free strategies.

Most importantly, the training includes a module on analyzing the off-page strategy of competitors. In this part, you will learn how to evaluate the level of competition of certain queries. This way, you can determine whether or not you have a chance to surpass your competitors with your site.

Who is this training for?

Semrush’s training courses are primarily aimed at beginners who want to discover SEO through structured video courses. The objective of these courses is really to understand step by step how SEO works . However, some courses also offer a more advanced level and may be suitable if you already know SEO, but want to improve in some of its areas.

What we liked

The big plus of Semrush courses is the number of lessons you will be able to find. And yes, in addition to being able to learn about all aspects of SEO for free, you can also learn more about digital marketing. You will be able to progress in several subjects that are related to SEO, and that will be useful if you want to create an online business.

Also, it is important to know that each course is presented as a real training. You will have several explanatory videos that teach you concepts from A to Z, but you can also test yourself with quizzes included directly on the Semrush website.

Advantages & disadvantages

The advantages

✅ Many courses available

✅ Quizzes to test yourself after each video

✅ Ability to have certifications.

The disadvantages

❌ Video course only in English

3/ Increase your traffic with natural referencing – Openclassroom

openclassroom seo training


You may be familiar with Openclassroom, a free and paid training platform. On this platform, you will be able to find many trainings related to the web. What interests us most is their course on natural referencing.

The proposed training lasts more than 10 hours and is composed of several modules. So we’re going to give you a quick overview of what this online course teaches.

To begin with, you will discover how Google works and the criteria for referencing. You will see here why SEO is essential in the web world. Right after, the trainer will show you techniques to analyze the SEO performance of a website. From the first module, he will also present a roadmap to follow for his SEO strategy.

In the next module, you will get an introduction to the On Site part of SEO. The trainer teaches keyword research and analysis here. After seeing this module, you will be able to differentiate between a relevant and irrelevant keyword for your website.

Next, you will see how to optimize your site for search engines. You will see here several criteria required by Google such as page load time, CMS and others. In this same module, the trainer will teach you the best way tooptimize your content for SEO.

The next module is naturally dedicated to the Offsite part. Here you will see what a backlink is and how links will help you get faster results. The trainer also teaches the concept ofdomain authority. In this module, you will learn various ways to find backlinks, both free and paid.

Finally, the trainer will teach you how to use some important SEO tools, including Google Analytics and Search Console. Through the use of these tools, the trainer will show you how to define key performance indicators (KPI) in order to measure your progress.

Who is this training for?

This course is mainly aimed at beginners, who are looking for a complete and structured course to learn SEO from scratch. As you can see, the training starts from the basics and goes up to SEO auditing. Therefore, with this training alone you can have the necessary basics for referencing your first website.

What we liked

Although it is free of charge, this training is of excellent quality and even presents itself as a premium training. You will have several videos in each module, but also quizzes to test your knowledge. In a way, we give you the means to learn as if you had purchased a premium course.

Advantages & disadvantages

The advantages

✅ Quizzes for practice

✅ Training over 10 hours

✅ Possibility of having a certification

The disadvantages

❌ Requires an Openclassrooms account to register(free).

4/ SEO : Boost the referencing of your website on MyMooc

seo training mymooc


MyMooc is an online teaching platform, which offers many free training courses on various topics. You can find courses in computers, languages, science, mathematics and more. But what will interest us is their training on natural referencing.

This training is called “Boost the referencing of your site“. Here again, we are on a video course of several hours. We will see in brief what will teach you this training.

To begin, the trainer will introduce you to the basics of SEO. You will discover here the main concepts and the lexicon used in the world of web referencing. The course also presents why SEO is important and how it has evolved over the last decade (major updates, new SEO criteria, etc.).

Once again, we leave on the On site part. In this module you will learn about On page SEO and how to optimize different aspects of your website for search engines. Several concepts will be presented, including the semantic cocoon(which is quite rare in a free training). The trainer also shows techniques to index his site.

Then, direction to the Off site part. After defining what netlinking is and how it can impact your positions in the SERPs, the trainer will show you several methods to get links. There will also be a section on social networks and their impact on SEO.

After discovering SEO, the training will introduce you to the different tools provided by Google. You will discover for example Google Analytics and Google Search Console. By learning how to use these tools, you will be able to determine the progress of your site and the performance of your SEO strategy.

Finally, the MyMooc course presents some premium tools like Semrush or Ahrefs. The main objective will be to learn how to analyze the strategy of your competitors.

Who is this training for?

Like most of the free courses presented, the MyMooc course is primarily aimed at beginners. With this training, you will discover SEO and its main concepts step by step. The only prerequisite is to know how to create a website, especially with the WordPress CMS.

What we liked

The training is of a very good quality and the trainer is very educational. This way, you can progress at your own pace thanks to the different modules. Note that it will also be possible to obtain a certification, but it will be charged(120€).

Advantages & disadvantages

The advantages

✅ Comprehensive multi-hour training

✅ Possibility to have a certification(fee)

✅ Presentation of several bonus concepts(content spinning, semantic cocoon, etc.)

The disadvantages

❌ Requires an account to register(free).

Bonus: Training with YouTube videos

You have been presented with several very complete courses that present point by point the SEO. But there are also a lot of free videos available on YouTube, which can take you to a more advanced level. The problem is that there are a lot of videos on YouTube talking about SEO and they are not sorted by level, skill or anything else.

If you want to learn with videos, we suggest some YouTube channels and videos where you can learn more about SEO:

  • Semrush France
  • Olivier Andrieu(video SEO abundance)
  • Jérôme Pasquelin(videos – What if he started from scratch with SEO experts)
  • Elliott Bobiet(SEO interviews)
  • Linksgarden YouTube channel(tutorials and interviews with SEO experts)
  • Christophe Vidal(SEO interviews)

There you go, you now know the 4 best SEO courses available for free. Moreover, we invite you to discover our article on the statistics on the web writing profession if you are interested.

To train yourself in SEO, we really invite you to use all available media. You can for example watch videos on YouTube, but also follow Twitter or LinkedIn accounts that talk about SEO.

With these trainings alone, you will know the basics of SEO. This is more than enough to begin to climb up the SERPs. However, if you really want to learn how to reference sites from A to Z and get started on competitive themes, you will have to acquire a paid training.

To get a first glimpse of what you can do with SEO, we really invite you to download our free ebook. You will discover how to earn your first internet dollars using SEO and affiliate marketing. Knowing that affiliate SEO is one of the most profitable online businesses, you have nothing to lose!

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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