The 4 Best Web Writing Courses in 2024

Web writing is a major pillar of natural referencing, but also of digital marketing. It is now possible to train remotely to practice this profession, whether as a freelancer or on a permanent basis.

And yes, web writing is a real job and if you want to create quality content, you will have to learn how to write. In addition, there is a growing demand for search engine optimized content. Web writing represents an excellent opportunity to earn a living thanks to the Internet.

If you want to make a living from your writing, you are probably looking for a quality training that will teach you step by step how to become a web editor. To help you, we have prepared a comparison of the 4 best web writing courses available this year.

Again, there are lots of training courses promising you to become a web editor in 1 day. Nevertheless, they are clearly not all of sufficient quality. That’s why we are going to present you only a few trainings, which will really teach you the job in depth.

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1/ Rédac Academy training

redac academy training


Rédac Academy is a training program recently launched by Baptiste Guiraud, a web editor for many years. This course aims to train efficient and versatile web writers, who master SEO in addition to writing.

This training includes several modules spread over an 8-week learning period. We will briefly present what Baptiste Guiraud will teach you in this course.

To begin, Baptiste Guiraud will introduce you to the basics of writing for the web. You will discover for example how an article is composed and its importance in a referencing strategy.

Then, you will directly learn how to write an article and optimize it for SEO. The trainer will teach you through several lessons how to position your keywords, semantically optimize an article and others. In the writing sections, you will also have practical exercises.

The course also includes a module on artificial intelligence writing. Here you will learn how to generate textual content with an AI like GPT-3. The goal here is not to replace your texts with AI, but to offer content generated and reworked by humans.

Finally, Baptiste Guiraud will also introduce you to several useful tools for web editors. For example, you will learn to master Semrush , YourTextGuru , Seobserver, etc.

Who is this training for?

This course is mainly aimed at beginners who want to learn web writing with a complete curriculum. As you can see, the course not only teaches writing skills, but also the basics of SEO. Thus, by following Rédac Academy, you will be much more than a simple web writer.

There are no prerequisites, except for the mastery of spelling and grammar. So you can start this course with no knowledge of the web world.

What we liked

The big plus of Rédac Academy is that the course presents many other aspects of writing. You will learn more about SEO and content generation. Besides, it is also one of the courses that offers the most practical cases.

After each class, the trainer will give you practice exercises. This way, you can test yourself directly after learning a new skill.

As a bonus, Baptiste Guiraud regularly invites SEO experts to live presentations to students. In these exclusive interviews, you can get tips that SEO experts won’t necessarily give in public.

Advantages and disadvantages


Personalized coaching(several individual and group coaching calls).

IA writing training

Exclusive interviews with SEO experts


❌ No funding available with CPF.

2/ Lucie Rondelet’s web writing training

web writing training lucie rondelet


Lucie Rondelet is surely the most famous personality in the world of web writing. For several years now, it has been offering a complete training program that teaches step-by-step how to become a web editor. 3 programs are present, including a simple training and two personalized accompaniments over several months.

There are several training courses on web writing as well as on copywriting. So we’re going to focus on the most popular courseSEO Web Writer in 6 months“.

To begin, Lucie Rondelet will introduce you to the world of web writing. In Module 1, you will discover what copywriting is and who are the clients who call upon the services of a copywriter. In this part, you will learn how to understand the needs of your customers in order to propose customized content.

Once the introduction is over, you will get to the heart of the matter. Lucie Rondelet will introduce you to the basics of writing. Here you will find an overview of the main features, as well as reminders about spelling, syntax and grammar. In Module 2, you will also have your first practice exercises.

Then, back to the customer part. In Module 3, you will learn professional communication skills in order to develop a healthy and sustainable client base. Lucie Rondelet will also teach you how to create an attractive portfolio in order to prove the quality of your work andattract clients.

In the next module, the trainer will teach you the basics of SEO. Here you will understand how SEO works and how content writing is an essential pillar. It is also in this module that you will learn the most important thing, optimizing an article for SEO .

Once you’ve mastered SEO, Lucie Rondelet will teach you more about copywriting. In module 5, she will show you a complete methodology to write an optimized, relevant and sourced article from scratch. This is also where you will find many tips to write faster!

After that, several modules are provided to further the study of SEO. In module 6 and 6bis, you will for example learn the basic SEO audit for your clients. You will also learn how to use Google tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. This part is really important, because you’re bound to feel more comfortable with your clients when they talk to you about SEO strategy.

Finally, Lucie Rondelet will talk about customer canvassing. In this final module, you will learn how to find customers in various ways.

Who is this training for?

This course is mainly aimed at beginners who wish to learn about writing with theaim of becoming a freelance web writer. The training starts from scratch to teach you how to write while optimizing content for search engines.

If you want to become a freelance writer and make aliving as quickly as possible, this course is clearly for you.

What we liked

The big plus is the client research part. Indeed, you are not left in the wild once you are trained in web writing. Lucie Rondelet will show you several methods to find and retain customers. In addition, the trainer can also provide you with her network, so that you can find your first clients more easily.

Advantages and disadvantages


Advanced SEO learning

S everal modules to learn how to find clients

Certification training

Individual coaching


❌ Trainings not instantly available

3/ – Advanced Web Writer Training

training lecercercledesredacteurs


The Writers’ Circle is a blog designed to help web writers. On their site, there are many news articles and guides to making a living from web writing. But this blog is also known for offering a comprehensive training to become a professional writer.

There are two types of training, simple and “advanced advanced “. We will concentrate on this second course, because we believe it is much more complete while remaining accessible. As usual, we are going to present you his teachings.

To begin, David Gos will introduce you to the basics of copywriting and web referencing. You will also learn how to analyze customer orders to understand the role of each item you will be writing. The objective is to better understand the communication strategy of your customers in order to offer them a customized solution.

In the following modules, this is where you will really learn how to write. Via several videos, the trainer will show you step by step how to write a quality article. Here you will see how to optimize an article, but also how to make it relevant and pleasant to read.

In addition, the course will introduce you to the concepts of copywriting and storytelling. This way, you will be able to write articles that attract and hold the reader’s attention . You will also be trained in some marketing techniques, in order to add calls to action in your content.

Finally, there are several modules on customer research and retention. In these video courses, the trainer will teach you how to adopt a professional attitude to find new clients. You will also learn how to check the reliability of clients before embarking on a new assignment.

Who is this training for?

This course is designed for beginners and intermediates who want to become a top-notch writer. As you can see, the training does not only focus on writing, but also on copywriting, SEO and storytelling.

Therefore, if you want to become a writer in your own right by being much more versatile, this course is clearly for you. You will be able to find assignments on the different web writing platforms or directly as a freelancer.

What we liked

The program is very complete and offers several bonus courses compared to other programs. You will learn more about SEO, but also about marketing, copywriting and others. The goal is to make you a much more versatile web writer than the average person.

You will also have a lot more practical exercises compared to other courses. The trainers will ask you to write content and then correct it so that you can learn from your mistakes.

In addition, it is important to know that this training offers personalized support for each student. This way, you can be coached directly by an experienced web editor several times a month. As such, you will never be alone and you will always have someone to ask your questions to.

Advantages and disadvantages


Personalized accompaniment

Introduction to copywriting and various marketing strategies.

Payment possible in 6 times without fees


❌ Waiting list to register for training(approximately 1-2 training sessions per year).

❌ No funding available with CPF.

4/ Referenseo : editor+++

referenseo training editor


Referenseo offers many training courses related to SEO. The one that interests us the most is the web writing training. The trainer Matthieu Verne proposes a training called “Rédacteur++” with the aim of training high quality copywriters thanks to SEO.

In fact, this is not a course to learn web writing, but SEO for web writers. Its creator Matthieu Verne being himself an SEO consultant, he will teach SEO strategies to writers. In this way, you will actually be more than a writer, as you will also be able to advise your clients on their SEO.

Let’s see how this training is composed and what its teachings are.

To begin with, you will discover what SEO is and its ecosystem. In the first module, Matthieu Verne will introduce you to the basics of SEO.

Right after, the trainer will dive into the heart of each pillar of SEO in a clear and complete way. Thus, you will learn the SEO On site and Off site as well as the main SEO criteria. It is also in this part that you will learn how to perform a complete SEO audit.

The goal of learning SEO as a copywriter is to offer better solutions to your clients. This way, you won’t just be a writer who provides textual content. You will be able to take part in your clients’ SEO strategy by giving them advice.

In the following modules, you will simply learn how to master SEO. Matthieu Verne shows you in detail how to optimize an article for search engines from scratch.

Next, Matthieu Verne offers a complete module on strategy. A true pillar of training that will allow you to become an SEO partner for your clients. The goal here is to be able tohave an overall vision of the customer’s web visibility and to be a force of proposal by mastering the various tracks of improvement (technical, editorial, strategic, notoriety…).

Finally, three modules are dedicated to research, understanding and canvassing clients. The objective is that you can find customers by yourself quickly, that you understand their business model to find your place in it, that you know how to address them, etc.

Who is this training for?

As you could see, this training is for beginners or intermediates who want to position themselves in the market as a high-end SEO writer. Therefore, if you want to learn SEO in addition to web writing, this course is for you.

There is only one prerequisite: knowing the basics of web writing. You can start the course with no knowledge of SEO.

If you are interested in this job, discover our article on statistics of web writing .

What we liked

The big plus of the training is that Matthieu Verne trains his students in natural referencing in an advanced way. Therefore, in addition to learning how to write, you will be able to give advice to your clients in terms of SEO strategy. The objective is to move from the status of “provider” to collaborator.

In addition, Matthieu Verne can provide you with his network. This way, you will be able to find your first clients much more easily than if you were to start on your own.

Advantages and disadvantages


Possible financing with your CPF account

Training on natural referencing

Private self-help group and access to the trainer’s network


❌ Training only available by waiting list

There you go, you now know the courses that can help you become a web editor. As you’ve seen, knowing how to master SEO is an almost indispensable skill for making a living with web writing.

If you want to become a top-notch writer, you’ll need to learn about SEO. Once again, don’t panic, because you can find on the blog a list of SEO training courses available for free.

In the same way, we invite you to download our free ebook. In the latter, you will learn more about SEO and monetization techniques. Whether it is to find new customers or create your own websites, the content of this ebook will help you greatly!

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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