The 3 Best Copywriting Courses to Take in 2024

Copywriting is the art ofwriting sales texts that convert a reader into a buyer. In short, a copywriter is a bit like a salesman or a closer on the phone, but in writing. ✍️

Without knowing it, you are regularly exposed to copywriting. Because this method is used in all advertisements, but also in blog articles, newspapers and others. Simply because copywriting allows you to capture and hold a reader’s attention.

As you can imagine, copywriting is an excellent opportunity to increase your sales. And on the other hand, the copywriting profession is recruiting more and more. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to get trained in copywriting! πŸ’ͺ

To help you, we have made a comparison of the 3 best copywriting courses in the French-speaking world.

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1/ Copy Insider by Tugan Bara


Tugan Bara is a well-known copywriter in the French digital marketing community. Her specialty is creating sales copy for infoproducts. He has several courses on online business and entrepreneurship. The course we are interested in today is going to be Copy Insider, a course to learn copywriting. πŸ“–

Copy Insider is a complete training course, lasting about 20 hours. We will briefly introduce you to what you will learn in this course.

To begin with, you will be given an introduction to copywriting. Overall, Tugan Bara will introduce you to the fundamentals of this sales technique. You will also see directly the mistakes not to make when you are a beginner. From the introduction, the trainer will introduce you to persuasion, the main element of copywriting.

The first module concerns theclient avatar. Here, Tugan Bara will teach you how to identify your audience, their consumption habits, the price they are willing to pay for a product, and more. πŸ’¬

Next, you’ll learn how to come up with a title and an introduction to your sales copy. This part is called the “Big Idea” and is a kind of hook, which must hold the reader’s attention. This is clearly the most important part of your sales page.

In module 3, you will see how to structure a sales page. The module is grouped in several videos and will show you different types of structures, tocreate short or longerpages. Of course, you will see several examples for each sales structure. πŸ“‘

Once you have your main idea and have chosen the structure that fits, it’s time to write. Here, Tugan Bara will show you how to write a text quickly, thanks to several tips. This module also contains a comprehensive course onresults analysis.

As a bonus, you will be able to find many videos of “work recoveries“. In short, Tugan will analyze and correct sales texts made by students. There are dozens of different videos that will allow you tolearn from the mistakes of others. This is a great exercise to progress quickly as a beginner. πŸ“ˆ

In the same way, there are practical workshops where the trainer builds a sales text from A to Z.

Who is the training for?

This course is suitable for people who want to learn copywriting in order to become a freelance copywriter or to sell their own products. The curriculum is a bit more geared towards online business and using copywriting to sell infoproducts. πŸ“„

Nevertheless, many students of this course have become freelance copywriters after taking the course. In fact, many copywriter jobs are posted on the private support group.

There are no prerequisites to have before starting the course. Tugan Bara will introduce you to copywriting in detail, to take you from a beginner to advanced level. πŸ’ͺ

What we liked

Tugan Bara is a trainer appreciated for his frankness and clarity of mind. He does not provide a meaningless lecture where he simply reads slide shows. Indeed, the training is more oriented on the practical side, as Tugan shows many examples in each module.

We really appreciate that Tugan Bara is an energetic trainer, who makes students want to learn and take action. πŸ’₯

But for the moment, it does not focus on copywriting software .

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Comprehensive training and many practical exercises.

βœ… Good value for money

βœ… Private self-help group and opportunity to get job offers to become a copywriter


❌ No CPF funding

2/ Copywriting Mania by Stan Leloup


You may know Marketing Mania You may be familiar with Marketing Mania, probably the most famous digital marketing YouTube channel in the French-speaking world. Its founder Stan Leloup offers several training courses, particularly on content creation and online business. πŸ’»

Stan Leloup also offers training on copywriting. This course is called “Copywriting Mania” and is a personalized coaching to become a copywriter. Again, the entire training lasts about ten hours. So we’re going to summarize its main findings for you.

The first module concerns the psychology of buying. Here you will see the main concepts of sales psychology. With this module, you will be able to understand why a sales text uses certain words, phrases or other. The goal is for you to understand the levers of influence that drive a reader to purchase from the start. πŸ’³

In the next module, Stan Leloup will teach you how to make an irresistible offer . The goal for your sales copy is to increase the perceived value of your offer. This way, your product/service will be indispensable and much more accessible to the readers.

Next, let’s move on to the structure of your sales copy. Marketing Mania will show you different structures for your sales page. The goal is for you to know in advance which format will convert best, based on your offer.

Module 4 will introduce you to several techniques for attracting and retaining readers’ attention . You will see for example how to create a convincing hook easily. In the same way, Stan Leloup will show you some simple tips to increase your conversion rate. πŸ“ˆ

The next module concerns the client avatar. Stan Leloup will teach you how to get inside the brains of your prospects in order to know their fears, desires, questions and so on. This way, it will be much easier to build a sales page that matches the readers’ expectations.

The last module is about writing. Concretely, Marketing Mania will show you step by step how to write a sales page from scratch. In addition to that, the trainer will show you some techniques to write faster than the average. ✏️

Who is the training for?

The course is ideal for beginners who want to learn copywriting quickly. In fact, it is possible to watch the entire course in just a few days. However, this does not mean that the curriculum is not of high quality.

By following this course, you will be able to offer your services as a freelance copywriter, or create sales pages to sell infoproducts.

In addition, this course includes a 2-month personalized coaching. Therefore, this course is ideal if you prefer to learn through individual coaching. πŸ–₯️

What we liked

Copywriting Mania is a very complete course, which will allow you to become a copywriter from scratch. The training has many advantages, but the big plus is the practical side of the course. Indeed, you will have many practical exercises to set up, in order to train you to make your first sales pages.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Personalized accompaniment

βœ… Many practical exercises

βœ… Presentation of several sales scripts


❌ Waiting list to join the training

3/ Live Mentor Copywriting Training


LiveMentor is an online training company that offers many courses related to digital marketing. Thanks to LiveMentor, you can learn about web writing, closing, content creation on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or others.

Today we are going to introduce you to their course called “ 3 months to become a Copywriter “. As the name suggests, this course is designed to train you to sell your copywriting services as a freelancer or to find a job as a copywriter. ✍️

Let’s look at the content of this training.

Module 1 presents the fundamentals of copywriting. In concrete terms, you will see how copywriting is different from other writing methods, but also how to spot a copywritten text. The first module also includes an introduction that explains why copywriting is essential for a brand.

The next module focuses on preparing a sales script. Indeed, it is not enough to start with a blank sheet of paper and write randomly. Before that, you need to identify the needs of your potential customers. The mentor will teach you how to define a customer avatar, in order to understand the desires, needs, fears and questions of your readers. This module also contains several tips toavoid the white page syndrome. πŸ“–

Next, you will learn how to create the structure of a sales page. Module 3 is very complete and will teach you how to find a title, a catchphrase, but not only. This is also the time to formulate an attractive offer, to find the frustrations of your readers and answer them, but above all to present the benefits of your product/service.

The next module is devoted to writing. Here, several mentors will show you how they write a sales page from A to Z. The goal is that after watching this module, you will be able to write quickly, without making mistakes and always use the right pronouns/verbs to save time when proofreading. πŸ‘οΈ

Right after, LiveMentor takes the concept of the sales page a step further. So the mentors will present 3 different secrets tocreate premium sales pages that stand out from the competition.

Finally, the end module focuses on conversion andanalysis of results. In this last module, you will see how to optimize your sales pages that do not convert. The statistics in copywriting are very important! The trainers will also introduce you to skills that are ancillary to copywriting, with the goal of becoming a top-notch copywriter. πŸ‘”

Who is the training for?

This course is for people who want to become a Copywriter and are guided step by step. Indeed, this training is a real tailor-made support. You’ll be guided by mentors who already have experience as a freelance or employed copywriter.

If you’re looking for an ultra-comprehensive course that will see you through to signing your first client, LiveMentor’s course is perfect for you! πŸ’ͺ

What we liked

Like the other LiveMentor courses, this course is very complete and will teach you in detail the copywriting profession. The main advantage is always the personal guidance of a copywriting expert . Thanks to individual coaching, you will be able to progress quickly.

In addition, we also appreciate the practical side of the training. In fact, in each module you will have practical exercises, in order to training and memorize more easily what you have just learned. If you do all the practical work and learn from your mistakes thanks to the mentors’ corrections, you will see that your level will progress very quickly! πŸ’₯

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Personalized coaching over 3 months

βœ… Possible financing by the CPF


❌ Less accessible training

Now you know the best online courses to become a copywriter from scratch. All of these courses are very comprehensive and will allow you to launch yourself as a freelance copywriter. But in some cases, you can also use the concepts you have learned to sell your infoproducts.

If you don’t want to invest in premium training right away, we invite you to read our complete guide on how to become a copywriter. In this guide, you’ll see many tips that can help you get an easier start in the world of copywriting. πŸ’ͺ

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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