34 E-Commerce Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

Everyone knows this. The online commerce sector has now taken a significant place in the lives of all French people. More than two thirds of French people shop on the Internet. Generally speaking, e-commerce has changed consumer habits. πŸ’₯

The growth of online commerce is meteoric and can be measured through different statistics . To save you time, we will present you the main key figures to know about online business.

You will discover in this article the turnover of this industry, the habits of consumers or the communication channels used by e-retailers. πŸ‘€

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E-commerce in France and in the world

The global turnover of e-commerce represents 4,500 billion dollars. In France, the online retail sector generates $129 billion in sales each year. πŸ’°

93.5% of internet users have already ordered online once. πŸ’»(optinmonster.com)

According to estimates, 95% of purchases will be made on the Internet by 2040. ( Nasdaq )

The most visited merchant sites in the United States (the largest e-commerce market in the world) are πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ :

  • 1/ Amazon
  • 2/ Ebay
  • 3/ Walmart
  • 4/ Etsy
  • 5/ Craiglist.org

The most visited e-commerce sites in France are πŸ‡«πŸ‡· :

  • 1/ Amazon
  • 2/ Le Bon Coin
  • 3/ Cdiscount
  • 4/ Aliexpress
  • 5/ Fnac

If you are interested in this subject, don’t hesitate to read our comparative article on the best e-commerce platforms .

Usage patterns

The internet world is going mobile first. And the e-commerce sector cannot escape it. There is a clear increase in internet orders placed by phone.πŸ“±

In the United States, 82% of Internet users have used their cell phone to make an online purchase. (Statista)

During the holiday season, when the most orders are placed, 40% of purchases were made by mobile. πŸ“²(outerboxdesign.com)

53% of consumers use the applications of large companies(Amazon, eBay, Cdiscount, etc.) to make their purchases.

Among the time spent on online stores(readycloud.com):

  • 44% of minutes are spent on mobile
  • 11% of minutes are spent on a tablet
  • 45% of minutes are spent on a computer

Some consumers also use voice search to shop online.

πŸ‘‰ 57% of French consumers rely on voice assistants(Google Home, Alexa, etc.) to facilitate their online purchases.

In both large and small e-tailers, some companies advertise that their purchases are eco-responsible. For example, we can see e-commerces that use recycled cardboard. Many e-tailers are doing something for the planet. And this has become a criteria for some consumers. ♻️

53% of shoppers said they consider the environment when placing an order online. (MΓ©diamΓ©trie)

πŸ‘‰ 94% of them say they are willing to sort or reuse their order packaging to reduce their environmental footprint.

However, the number one reason consumers buy online is the ability to buy anything at any time. ⌚

E-commerce sales

According to multichannelmerchant.com, 46.5% of small and medium-sized e-commerce sites claim that free shippingincreases their profits.

πŸ‘‰ Today, one out of 2 e-commerce stores offers free shipping

πŸ‘‰ Offering free shippingincreases your conversion rate by 35% on average(baymard.com)

If you have an e-commerce and you ask visitors to register before placing an order, 28% of them will abandon their cart immediately.

A rather edifying statistic: the average cart abandonment rate is 70%.

Cart abandonment rates differ depending on the device used πŸ—‘οΈ(barilliance.com):

  • Mobile: 86
  • Tablet: 81
  • Computer: 73%.

Which countries spend the most on e-commerce(ecommerce-nation.com) 🌎

  • China: $672 billion
  • United States: $340 billion
  • United Kingdom : $99 billion
  • Japan: $79 billion
  • Germany: $73 billion
  • France: $43 billion
  • South Korea: $37 billion
  • Canada: $30 billion
  • Russia: $20 billion
  • Brazil: $19 billion

The main communication channels used by e-tailers

To attract and retain customers, e-tailers use several communication channels.

The favorite communication channel of e-retailers isemail marketing. And we can see on many statistics that emailing is an ultra effective strategy when you have an e-commerce. πŸ€‘

61% of users have a preference for email as a means of contact. (Statista).

The types of emails sent are :


πŸ‘‰ Promotional emails

πŸ‘‰ Welcome, birthday, Christmas, etc. emails.

Moreover, email marketing is the most profitable communication channel.

πŸ‘‰ According to Campaign Monitor,email marketing brings in $44 for every $1 spent(study conducted in the U.S. on U.S. customers).

Among the top 1000 e-commerce sites in the US, 58% of them send a welcome email. πŸ“§

According to Campaign Monitor, a well-targeted email marketing campaign can increase the profits of an e-commerce business by 760%. πŸ“ˆ

Interesting statistics for marketers:

πŸ‘‰ Transactional email campaigns get on average 8 times more opens and clicks than other types of emails.(experian.com)

πŸ‘‰Email marketing is responsible for 20% of visitors that turn into customers. (Wolfgang Digital)

The other favorite communication channel for e-retailers is of course social networks. Today, it is almost unthinkable for a brand not to be present on at least one social network. And this presence can be very profitable for e-tailers.

An online store that is present on social networks makes on average 32% more sales than a store that is not. πŸ“ˆ(bigcommerce.com)

The favorite platform for e-tailers is Facebook. Nevertheless, TikTok and Instagram have made progress, and are implementing tools to sell directly from their applications.

On Facebook, an e-commerce publishes an average of 4.5 posts per week. πŸ“…(bigcommerce.com)

Interesting statistic, 74% of consumers use social networks for their purchasing decisions. (odmgrp.com)

According to Shopify 85% of orders placed from a social network come from Facebook.

Among users of the social network Instagram, 75% have visited a brand’s website after seeing one of their posts πŸ‘οΈ(relates to sponsored and organic posts).

Thanks to a study conducted by Cmswire, we can know the average basket of orders placed from a social network:

  • Instagram: $66
  • Facebook: $55
  • Twitter: $46
  • YouTube: $38

However, we also notice that blogging has an impact on the sales of merchant sites. In fact, 61% of consumers have already made a purchase on the Internet on the recommendation of a blog post. ✍️(contentmarketinginstitute.com)

Among Generation Y(people born between 1980 and 1990), 59% go to Amazon beforehand when they want to make online purchases. If you have an e-commerce, the American giant is your main competitor.

Before making a purchase, an Internet user is going to get information on the Internet, look at several types of products, compare prices and others. According to Wordstream, one-third of users purchase a product within 5 days of a Google search. πŸ”Ž

Thanks to these statistics, you must have realized that the The e-commerce sector is not a simple trend, but a real consumption mode. Online shopping will continue to break records in the coming years. And this represents a real opportunity to create a business or simply earn money from the internet. πŸ’Έ

If you also want to create an online store, we invite you to read our comparison of the 3 best e-commerce courses . You will learn by following one of these courses to create an e-commerce and to make it profitable from scratch. This is true even if you have no previous skills.

We also invite you to read our guide on how to create an online store step by step. Thanks to this guide, you will be able to get free advice to start your adventure in the world of online business. πŸ“¦

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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