The 3 Best Email Marketing Courses to Take in 2024

Email marketing is one of the most underestimated levers to sell on the internet. Yet, it is the communication channel that provides the greatest return on investment. πŸ’ͺ

It is therefore essential if you have a store or an online business to develop an email marketing strategy. But emailing can also become a business in its own right. Some entrepreneurs live solely from email marketing!

Therefore, it is useful to train in this skill. But the problem is that there are a lot of distance learning courses on emailing and not all of them are equal. So we are going to present you the comparison of the 3 best online email marketing courses in 2023. πŸ“§

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1/ Email Underground by Tugan Bara

email underground training


Tugan Bara is a French marketer specialized in copywriting. He offers several trainings to create a web business, but also teaches copywriting. What we are interested in is his distance learning “email underground“which teaches step by step how to earn a living and/or increase sales throughemailing. πŸ“©

This training lasts more than ten hours, so we will briefly present its content.

To begin with, you’ll get an introduction to email marketing. Overall, Tugan Bara will introduce you to the different concepts you need to understand in the world ofemail marketing. You’ll also see why email marketing is important and how it can be adapted to your business. 🀝

Then, Tugan Bara will show you the beginner’s mistakes not to make for your first emails. Similarly, you’ll see some case studies of email marketing that converted well. From the beginning of the training, you will have an overview of what works in email marketing. This allows you to start on a good footing, without the need for a long theoretical explanation.

Next to it, a module is dedicated to the creation of an email list . Here you will see how to fill your email list for free and quickly, without looking like a power player. If you already have a business and an email list, you can also use these tips to increase your number of leads. πŸ“ˆ

Right after, a very important module. It is dedicated to the number of emails to be sent. And yes, if you send too many or too few emails, it can wreck your email marketing strategy. Tugan Bara will teach you how to calculate the number of emails to send according to your audience, type of business and others.

The next module is about writing emails. The trainer will show you how to write emails even if you are not inspired. You will also be taught several techniques to learn how to write quickly. Note that there will be case studies where Tugan Bara writes an email in front of you from scratch. ✍️

As a bonus, the training includes a tutorial on how to sell a paid newsletter. Overall, you will see here how to create an offer for your audience to pay to receive your emails. This part is for you if you don’t have a business yet, but can also be useful to diversify your business income.

Who is the training for?

This training is naturally aimed at people who want to know more about email marketing. As you have seen, this skill can have several uses. On the one hand, you can use email marketing to increase the sales of your business. On the other hand, you can use email marketing to create a business and make a living from it. πŸ“§

No matter why you want to learn email marketing, this training will be the best. This is indeed the most complete course, which will teach you how to sell by email, even if you have absolutely no knowledge.

Please note that having an email list already filled is not a prerequisite. Tugan Bara will show you several techniques to fill your email list quickly. πŸ“©

What we liked

The big plus of this training is its trainer. Indeed, Tugan Bara is a very energetic teacher who makes you want to learn and be interested. In addition, you will see many case studies of successful email campaigns. If you don’t like theoretical training, this course is perfect for you.

You will also have access to a Discord with other students. In this private support group, we find email marketing specialists, but also other students of the training. Therefore, you will be able to create working groups with other beginners or learn from experienced marketers.

On the Discord, there are also job offers to write marketing emails, for web entrepreneurs in particular. πŸ‘”

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Comprehensive training with many practical cases

βœ… Private self-help group

βœ… Opportunities to have job offers


❌ No CPF funding

2/ Copy Insider by Tugan Bara – The must have for email marketing?

copy insider tugan bara


Copy Insider is a distance learning course offered by Tugan Bara, a digital marketing specialist. This course is designed toteach youcopywriting, which is the writing of persuasive sales texts . As a copywriter As a copywriter, you can write product sheets, video ad scripts, but also emails. πŸ“§

And that’s why the Copy Insider course is interesting if you want to learn about email marketing. With some copywriting skills, you will be able tosend emails that will convert. We will present you this training in detail below.

To begin, the course contains an introduction to copywriting. Here you will see the fundamentals of persuasion and the notion principles you need to know to become a copywriter. πŸ“š

Next, you will see how to create a customer avatar. In itself, you will learn to identify your audience, their needs, their budget, their consumption habits and so on. When your customer avatar is well done, it will be much easier to sell afterwards.

The next module is about creating a compelling offer. You will see here how to catch the eye with a “Big Idea” i.e. a title of mail. But also how to increase the perceived value of your products/services to increase your revenue. πŸ“ˆ

Next, you will see how to create the structure of a sales page. Where to place your headlines, what words to put in bold and so on. This may seem anecdotal, but is actually very important. If you don’t adopt the right structure for your audience and your offer, you can ruin your conversion rate.

Next, Tugan will show you several techniques for writing quickly. This way, you will be able to write a sales email quickly even if you are not inspired. ✏️

Finally, the trainer will show you many examples and case studies of sales pages that convert. Tugan will also analyze successful sales email sequences . Case studies are clearly a good way to progress by seeing directly what works and what doesn’t in emailing.

Who is the training for?

Copywriting is an essential skill in theworld of digital marketing . As long as you have a business or want to start one, this training will suit you. 🀝

This course is not focused on email marketing, that’s true. However, copywriting is a skill you can use in any sales text, including emails. If you master copywriting, you will be able to design emails that will convert.

What we liked

Again, the main advantage of the training is its practicality. This is clearly not a course where the trainer just reads his slide show. Tugan Bara is an energetic teacher, who presents his courses with many examples and practical cases. πŸ‘οΈ

If you like practical training more than theoretical, this course is clearly for you.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Numerous case studies and practical exercises

βœ… Full training

βœ… Private self-help group where many job offers are posted


❌ No CPF funding

❌ No emailing tool presentation

3/ Emailing training – Sendinblue

sendinblue training


Sendinblue is a mail autoresponder. With this program you can send emails to a list of contacts. But you can also create “automations” and thus email marketing campaigns. Sendinblue offers distance learning to learn email marketing. πŸ€“

This training lasts 4 hours and is divided into 63 videos. We are going to present you in detail its modules and its teachings.

The first module is an introduction to emailing. Here you will see the basics of email marketing, its benefits, the results you can achieve with this skill, and more. The objective is that after having seen the first module, you understand the interest of emailing and that you are comfortable with its main concepts. πŸ“©

Next, the trainers will introduce you to Sendinblue. Obviously, since the company is the one offering the training, they include a presentation of their tool. However, Sendinblue is a very good emailing software and the one we recommend to beginners. In this module you will see how to add contacts to your email lists, create automations and most importantly, how to set up your first campaign.

The next module is less challenging, but just as important. In this part, you will see everything about the RGPD and the respect of the users’ privacy. This is a very important part, because if you don’t comply with the RGPD, you can be fined a lot. πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ

Next, the Sendinblue mentors will introduce you to several strategies for growing your email list. You will see in module 5 how to convince a prospect to join your email list. Tutorials are also presented to learn how to create registration forms with the software.

In module 6, the trainers will teach you step by step how to use the Sendinblue editor to create personalized and design emails. You will also see how to use key performance indicators(KPI) toanalyze the results of your email campaigns. πŸ“Š

The last module is aboutA/B testing, an important concept in email marketing. In concrete terms, you will see how to test and optimize the elements of your email marketing campaign to maximize your results. Concrete examples of A/B testing will also be presented.

Finally, you should know that you can obtain an official certification at the end of this training.

Who is the training for?

This course is mainly suitable for those who have a business and want to learn about email marketing to increase their sales. The course is very comprehensive and will give you the skills to create your first email marketing campaigns. πŸ“§

Besides, the training is aimed at all people who intend to use Sendinblue. Indeed, the course includes a complete tutorial to learn how to master the tool from A to Z.

What we liked

The training is very structured and teaches you step by step how to create your first email campaign. The big plus is that the curriculum is very compact, so it is possible to train quickly. You can actually watch the entire videos one day for example. πŸ“…

The advantage is that the trainers show you directly how to use the software. Therefore, if you plan to use Sendinblue, you can send your first emails directly after the training. However, if you use another emailing software, you will have to learn to master it.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Possibility of having a certification

βœ… Very comprehensive training


❌ No introduction to copywriting concepts

There you go, you now know the best email marketing courses. All the courses we have presented to you are accessible at a good value for money and allow you toget quick results with emailing. By following one of these courses, you will naturally increase your sales by e-mail. πŸ“ˆ

As we told you above,email marketing is very important and can literally make your sales explode. Therefore, we have written several guides to teach you how to master this communication channel for free. If you don’t want to invest in a complete training, our articles can help you to make your first sales by mail.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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