The 3 Best YouTube Courses to Take in 2024

YouTube has 2.3 billion active users worldwide, 52.6 million in France. In a way, almost all French people visit YouTube at least once a month. This platform has become a must for all ages.πŸ“±

YouTube represents an opportunity to be visible, as much for individuals as for professionals. On the one hand, many brands are creating content on the platform to find new customers. On the other hand, more and more individuals are getting into YouTube to make money.

Whatever your goal, there are courses that can help you. We will therefore present you with a comparison of the best YouTube courses. Thanks to these courses, you will learn how to master the platform’s codes in order to quickly gain visibility.πŸ’₯

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1/ LiveMentor: Create a profitable YouTube channel in 3 months

livementor youtube training


We have talked several times about LiveMentor, a training organization that offers online courses on a wide range of topics. Among these courses, we will present you the training “YouTube: 3 months to create a profitable channel“. As the name suggests, this course will teach you a method to get your account off the ground from scratch. πŸ“ˆ

LiveMentor is known for providing comprehensive 10-hour training courses . The YouTube training lasts 9 hours and is divided into 37 different videos. So we will present you in brief the content of this course.

The first step is to find a niche idea. Indeed, if you are just starting out, avoid trying to compete with the big Youtubers by making entertainment videos. The competition is way too strong and the platform will definitely not recommend your videos. πŸ”•

Focusing on a specific theme is the only way to stand out among the millions of videos posted on YouTube every day. To help you, LiveMentor will suggest several ideas of themes on which to launch a YouTube channel. You will also see how to analyze the potential of a niche and the feasibility of your project.

Then, we move on to the video production part. Here, you won’t learn how to make videos in a hurry. No, LiveMentor will teach you step by step how to produce videos professionally, on a small budget.πŸ’°

Overall, the mentor will show you which camera to buy and which editing software to use. The goal is not to spend too much money on high-end equipment. Then, the trainer will show you how to position your camera during the shooting, how to avoid parasite noises, etc.

Once the videos are produced, they must be published and optimized to gain visibility. Indeed, YouTube is also a social network. Therefore, there is an algorithm that will reference your video and potentially show it in recommendations. 🀝

The last module will help you understand how YouTube works. You’ll see how to choose a title, a thumbnail and a description that make you want to click. Thanks to the different tips, you will drastically increase the chances that your videos will be recommended on the platform.

Finally, the training includes a part that explains you in detail the monetization system on YouTube. πŸ’Έ

Who is the training for?

Unlike Alex Bram’s course, this course is dedicated to creating a YouTube channel and publishing videos. Therefore, this course is aimed at people who want to break into YouTube, to make a living from their channel or to do professional corporate communication.

LiveMentor really does offer a complete training course, which will accompany you step by step from the beginning of your channel to your first 100, 1000 subscribers and more. So, if you need accurate training that will take you through every step of your YouTube adventure, this course is ideal. πŸŽ₯

What we liked

LiveMentor offers an ultra complete training, which will teach you to create professional videos. Therefore, even if you decide not to start on YouTube, you will still be able to create great videos. This is for other projects or to become a freelance video maker or editor for example. 🎬

Besides, the big plus of the training will be thepersonalized accompaniment over 2 months. You will be accompanied by a mentor, who will answer your questions and give you advice adapted to your situation.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Personalized coaching over 2 months

βœ… Comprehensive training on video creation(shooting, editing, framing, lighting, etc.)

βœ… Possible financing by the CPF


❌ Less accessible training

2/ 60s Academy – Alex Bram

60s academy alex bram


60S Academy is a training course offered by Alex Bram, who specializes in the creation of short content on YouTube. The objective of this course is to train you to create short videos, maximum 60 seconds. This way you can post your videos on Instagram Reels, TikTok and of course, YouTube Shorts.

This training is a challenge. The challenge is to create 30 shorts in 30 days and the goal is toget 300,000 cumulative views over 1 month. This course includes several videos to learn in detail how to create short videos. So we will briefly introduce you to the teachings of 60S academy. πŸ€“

The first module will allow you to come up with an idea for a format to launch. In this first section, Alex Bram will present you with several ideas for short video formats. You will also see how to find an idea based on your qualities, skills and personality.

The goal is that before you even start creating content, you start with an idea for a format that will differentiate you from the competition.

Next, you’ll learn how to create a tagline for your videos. You may know this, but the first few seconds of a short video are crucial. Alex Bram here is going to teach you how to capture users’ attention and motivate them to watch your content until the end. πŸ‘€

The next module is dedicated to the creation of a short from A to Z. Here you will see how to create a short video step by step, from writing to shooting to editing and publishing. As a bonus, Alex Bram will give you access to a free editing software, unknown to the general public.

The fourth module is here to show you several monetization techniques. The trainer will introduce you to lead generation through the views you will generate on the platforms. If you don’t have a business yet, Alex Bram will show you how to make money with affiliate marketing and infoproduct sales.

The training includes a weekly coaching where the trainer answers your questions. You will also be able to get advice adapted to your content and your projects. Also, some bonus videos are presented, including how to repost existing content to quickly create dozens of shorts. πŸŽ₯

Who is the training for?

This course will not teach you how to become a YouTuber. As you can see, Alex Bram focuses solely on the Short format. But the special thing about this format is that it allows formuch faster results. Therefore, if you want to break through faster on YouTube, this is the training you need. 🀝

Of course, you will be able to use the visibility you have acquired thanks to the shorts. This is a great way to get your first 1,000 or 10,000 subscribers before you start posting longer videos. To boost your YouTube statistics .

What we liked

As you can see, this course is shot as a 30-day challenge. This way, you will be forced to take action to fulfill this challenge, unlike a theoretical training. Generally speaking, if you prefer theory to practice, this training will be ideal for you.

Besides, the big plus of this course is the monetization part. Indeed, Alex Bram will teach you how to monetize your audience through different ways. This way, you will be able to create a real business and not depend on YouTube or TikTok monetization for example. πŸ’Έ

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Challenge that pushes you to action

βœ… Complete monetization module

βœ… Private self-help group


❌ No CPF funding

3/ YouTube 2023 – Starting From Zero and Creating a Successful Channel (Udemy)

youtube training udemy


We’ve already told you aboutUdemy, a platform that connects teachers and individuals. On this marketplace, you can find courses in all themes. The one we’re going to be interested in is the “Starting from scratch to create a successful YouTube channel” curriculum. πŸ“ˆ

This 2-hour training course will give you all the keys to learn how to break into YouTube. Although this course is less substantial than the courses presented above, it is a very comprehensive course. So we’re going to summarize what you’ll learn on this Udemy course.

The trainer starts with an introduction, which will detail how YouTube works and how powerful it is. Through this module, you will better understand why a video works or doesn’t work onthe platform. You’ll also see the benefits of getting started on YouTube, whether it’s to increase sales for your business or to make money as an individual. πŸ€‘

Next, you will learn how to find a theme idea on which to create a YouTube channel. Here, the trainer will give you some ideas of niches that work well on the platform. Very important point, you will see how to estimate the interest for a niche.

This way, you will know in advance if a theme will work on YouTube or not. Several exercises will be presented to you in order toanalyze your audience and create adapted content. This module also contains a video on how to create a publication schedule.

Right after, the creation of videos. In Module 3, the trainer will first show you how to find inspiration and topics for videos to produce. Secondly, you will see how to produce a video and how to use editing software. Lastly, the trainer will introduce you to tools(cameras, lights, microphones, etc.) that are accessible at a good value. 🀝

Finally, the training contains several videos that will teach you how to optimize your channel so that it gains visibility more quickly. A bonus video is about monetization. Here you will see several techniques to make moneywith your YouTube channel (affiliate marketing, infoproduct sales, partnerships, etc.).

Who is the training for?

This training is for anyone whowants to get started on YouTube to make a living. Or, this program is suitable if you have a business and want to use YouTube as a communication channel.

What we liked

Despite the fact that it is shorter, this training is very complete and will allow you to master the codes of YouTube before you launch. The big plus of this course will be its price. Indeed, the training is accessible for only 100€, but is regularly on promotion.πŸ’°

Even with a small budget, you can train yourself to increase your chances of success on the platform.

Advantages and disadvantages


βœ… Excellent value for money

βœ… Presentation of several monetization strategies


❌ No private self-help group

Now you know the best courses to learn how to break into YouTube from scratch. With these courses, you will be able to design videos that adapt to the desires and changes of the users. This is to always produce videos that work, adapting to trends. πŸ“Š

Depending on the course, you will also learn to master other formats such as Shorts . This way, you can replicate what you’ve learned to break into other networks that practice this short format(TikTok and Instagram mainly).

If you don’t want to invest in a premium course, we invite you to read our guide on how to break into YouTube. In this article, you’ll find some tips to implement to gain your first subscribers without investing any startup capital. πŸ’ͺ

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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