The 4 Best Freelance Training Courses in 2024

In 10 years, the number of freelancers in France has increased by 92% (Eurostat). An activity facilitated by the status of micro-entrepreneur, which allows you to start your own business more easily.

If more and more French people start freelancing, it is because this status has many advantages. With more freedom and flexibility, the freelance status attracts all age groups wishing to leave the workforce.

In the digital age, it is even possible to work as a freelancer from home. Some freelancers can therefore live on a paradise island on the other side of the world, while working with French clients!

The problem is that to get started as a freelancer, you need to have skills, find clients and keep them. As a result, many people don’t take the plunge for fear of failure.

Don’t worry, you can make a good living as a freelancer and do it 100% from home. To help you achieve this goal, we will present you with a comparison of the 4 best freelance trainings. You will discover how to start, what to sell and especially how to stay independent in the long term.

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1/ Marketing mania: Becoming a high-end freelancer

marketing mania freelance training


Marketing mania is one of the biggest youtubers on the topic of digital marketing andweb entrepreneurship. It also offers many trainings to start a YouTube channel, sell infoproducts and more. But what will interest us about Stan Leloup is his training to become a freelancer.

Marketing mania offers a complete training that explains step by step how to make a living as a freelancer from your computer. This is a free 7-day course, where you will receive a different lesson each day.

The course is called “How to build a stable and profitable freelance career” and its main objective is toteach youall the facets of being a freelancer. According to Stan Leloup, there are two types of freelancers:

  • The freelancer who has to accept every assignment, even if it means doing work they don’t like and with difficult clients.
  • The freelancer who has a stable income, does not have to worry about the next months and can choose his clients.

The objective of the training is simple, to make you enter the closed circle of freelancers who choose their clients. To do this, Marketing Mania will teach you several key skills. Let’s see what this free training will teach you.

To begin, Stan Leloup will present you with a strategy for finding clients. Here you will see how to create a system that brings you clients continuously, so that you can save a lot of time in prospecting.

After seeing several methods to find customers easily, Marketing Mania will teach you how to sell. Many freelancers do not have effective sales techniques and therefore fail to close their prospects. If you are afraid to sell, Stan Leloup will also talk about the psychological blocks that slow down many people in selling.

Next, the trainer offers a course designed to learn how to develop your network. Here you will see how to find other freelancers to exchange tips, but also to learn from their experience.

Finally, Stan Leloup will teach you several methods to become a highly sought-after freelancer and thus increase your prices.

Who is this training for?

Marketing Mania trains in this free course in sales and customer loyalty. However, it does not teach a particular skill such as web writing, video editing, website creation or others. The training will suit you if you already have a monetizable skill and are looking for a way to find clients.

As said above, the training aims to pass a milestone in freelancing to choose your clients and no longer have to accept the missions you do not want. If you already have a skill and are looking to stand out as a freelancer, this course is for you.

If you don’t know what kind of service you can offer as a freelancer, this training will help you.

What we liked

The big plus of the training will be the mindset. Indeed, the objective of the training is not to become a simple freelancer, but tobe self-employed while choosing your clients. In this way, the training is more oriented towards sales and networking.

By following this training, you will be able to become a freelancer in demand and you will no longer be forced to accept any assignment.

Advantages and disadvantages


Learning several sales techniques.

Free training


❌ Training in the form of a newsletter, it takes 7 days to receive the full content

2/ Live Mentor: Becoming a profitable freelancer

livementor freelance training


LiveMentor is a training company that offers many online courses on digital marketing and the web in general. You can find training on copywriting, SEO, social networks and more. But what we are going to be interested in is their course on how to become a freelancer.

LiveMentor offers a training course entitled “Becoming a profitable freelancer“. It’s a complete course where the trainers will teach you step by step how to start your business, find clients, create a network, and much more. Let’s look at the different modules of the training in detail.

To start, LiveMentor presents an introduction to the “freelance life“. In the first module, you will see what to expect as an independent, how to deal with false beliefs and other issues. The mentors will also talk to you about the importance of training throughout your freelance career.

Once you know a little more about how to become independent and stay independent, go to the administrative and legal part. The trainers will present you the different legal statuses and their advantages to become independent. This module teaches step by step how to create a business or a micro-business with all the steps to take and the mistakes to avoid.

Next, you will learn to determine your persona. In short, the trainers will teach you how to define your offer and your personal branding, to stand out from other freelancers. This is of course where you will set your prices. But that’s not all, because you will also learn how to choose a communication channel (LinkedIn, Email, Twitter, etc.) in order to find clients.

In the next module, LiveMentor will talk about the importance of being present and visible on the web. You will learn how to create your own website but also to make yourself more visible on Linkedin for example. Also, the trainers will show you how to create your profile on freelancing platforms like Malt.

The last module is about prospecting. In this part, the trainers will teach you several techniques to market and find your first clients. You will see for example how to prospect on LinkedIn, via email and others. It is obviously a complete course where you will learn how to select your prospects, contact them and then close them.

Finally, the course contains a few bonus videos on how to deal with unpaid bills, how to create a quote, etc.

The training includes a personalized accompaniment for 3 months, with a freelance mentor. During several individual coaching sessions, you will be able to ask your questions and benefit from your mentor’s experience. There are also group coaching sessions with other students in the course.

Who is this training for?

Like the previous course, this program is for those who want to start freelancing. Through this training, you will learn how to make yourself visible on the web and to find customers through prospecting. But you will also see how to stand out from other freelancers in order to get more clients.

In itself, this training is a gas pedal if you want to launch yourself as a freelancer while avoiding the mistakes of beginners.

What we liked

The main asset of this training will be the personalized support. In fact, you will have several coaching sessions with a mentor, who will be able to help you and answer your questions.

Advantages and disadvantages


Presentation of all the legal statuses and steps to be taken to create a company

Presentation of several prospecting methods

Personalized coaching with a mentor for 3 months


❌ Possibility of financing with the CPF.

3/ Freemote full by Ambroise Debret : Become a nomadic freelancer

freemote full ambroise debret


Ambroise Debret is a web entrepreneur known for his YouTube channel, where he gives advice on how to become a digital nomad. It presents several ways to earn a living through the internet, so you can travel while working. Among its trainings, we will talk to you about the Freemote Full course, which consists in becoming a 100% telecommuting freelancer.

This online course is 17 hours long and contains multiple modules. We will briefly introduce you to the content of this course.

To begin with, Ambroise Debret devotes an entire module to the mindset of the independent. You will learn here how to better understand the freelance life, what expectations to have, how to organize yourself, the advantages of this status and others. The objective is to allow you to project yourself as a freelancer from the beginning of the training.

Next, you’ll “validate” your freelance job. Concretely, you will see in module 2 which services to sell on the one hand and if your current skills can be used as a freelancer on the other hand. This part is very important because it will determine if your job or your skills can be used as a freelancer.

Next, you will discover several methods to find your first clients. Through several modules, you will also see how to make yourself visible so that customers will contact you naturally. A module also concerns sales. Here you will see how to close your first customers without looking like a vacuum cleaner salesman.

In the following modules, Ambroise Debret teaches you how to stand out from the competition. The goal is to become an indispensable freelancer for your clients, so that they avoid finding someone else. In these modules, the trainer will show you how to double your rates while keeping the same number of clients.

Ambroise Debret will also explain how some freelancing platforms work. Here too, you will see how to stand out in order to attract more customers easily. The training also contains several modules on prospecting. Overall, the trainer will teach you how to market on LinkedIn or by email.

Finally, the training contains a complete module on compatibility, taxation, business creation and others.

At the end of the course, you will have an evaluation in the form of a questionnaire. Thanks to this MCQ, you will be able to obtain a certification. At the end of each module, there will also be exercises where you can practice what you have learned.

Who is this training for?

Freemote Full is a methodology for learning how to make a living as an online freelancer. Therefore, as long as you want to earn a living from your computer and be self-employed, this training can be suitable for you. It doesn’t matter what kind of skills you want to sell on the web.

The training is also very oriented for the digital nomads. Ambroise Debret’s goal is that you can travel or expatriate while working from your computer. So, you’re only going to learn how to become a telecommuting freelancer.

What we liked

Freemote full is a very complete training, which will teach you all the ins and outs of the freelance life. The best part is the presence of many exercises at the end of each module. This way, you can directly apply what you have learned. If you don’t like too much theoretical training, this should please you!

In terms of prospecting, Ambroise Debret also offers many templates. To get your first clients, you’ll just have to copy and paste emails or messages on LinkedIn.

Finally, you benefit from a group coaching with individual support by Ambroise for 6 months! This will put you on the right track!

Advantages and disadvantages


Many practical exercises

Access to templates for prospecting

S everal group coaching sessions


❌ Training available by waiting list only.

4/ Digi-Atlas : Become a freelancer and find clients

digi atlas freelance training


Digi-Atlas is a training company that offers many courses on digital marketing and the web in general. We’ll introduce you to their training to become a freelancer and find assignments quickly. Again, the course lasts several hours, so we will briefly summarize the content of the course for you.

To begin, you will learn how to define your offer. In the first module, the trainer will teach you how to determine your target audience, create your personal branding and more. Next, you will learn how to set a selling price for your services.

Then, module 3 will teach you how to create a micro-business from A to Z in order to start your activity legally. This module also contains all the information concerning taxes, financial aid and other. Thanks to this part, you will also avoid scams and beginner’s mistakes. At the same time, the Digi-Atlas team will introduce you to several tools to manage your cash flow, create invoices and others.

The following modules are dedicated to visibility on the Internet. You will see how to increase your visibility on LinkedIn, but also how to create your profile and improve its referencing. The trainer will also teach you how to automate your prospecting on this social network.

Finally, the last modules are about networking and client negotiation. Here you will learn how to create a network to find clients more easily later on. In addition, several sales techniques will be presented to you to help you close prospects more easily.

Who is this training for?

The Digi-Atlas training is mainly intended for people who want to know more about the status of freelance before starting. The curriculum will guide you step by step through the freelance life. You will know how to get started, find clients, keep them and then increase your prices through personal branding.

As long as you already have monetizable skills and you want to start your own business, this training is for you.

What we liked

The training is very complete and really allows you to project yourself as a freelancer. It is also a well-structured course that allows you to advance step by step to adapt what you are going to learn to your situation. The main bonus is the 2-hour individual coaching, where you can ask your questions and learn from the trainer’s experience.

Advantages and disadvantages


2 -hour individual coaching

Training that can be financed by the CPF

Full explanation of the micro-entrepreneur status


❌ Prospecting techniques only via LinkedIn

There you go, you now know several quality training courses that can help you become a freelancer in the coming months. Each course presented will teach you step by step how to develop a skill, find clients and keep them for the long term. By the way, if you are interested you can discover all the statistics on the freelance status .

If you don’t want to invest in training right away, we invite you to download our free ebookAffiliate Marketing & SEO“. You can learn several concepts related to the web such as writing and SEO. The objective is to learn how to create websites and monetize them through affiliation, but also to develop key skills on the web.

Some readers have been able to use this ebook to train and then sell their services as copywriters, website designers, SEO consultants and others. If you want to get started in the freelancing world, this can be a first step!

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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