The 23 Cold Calling Statistics to Know in 2024

✍️ Last modified on May 14, 2023

Closing is a powerful sales technique that allows you to obtain a very high level of conversion. For companies, it is a way to significantlyincrease their sales . For those who are comfortable speaking and trained in telephone sales, closing is a very good way to earn a living. πŸ€‘

However, the closing is still little known to the general public. Even though more and more companies are using this sales technique, there is still very little information on its economic impact. Luckily for you, we were able to find different statistics to measure the impact of the closing.

So in this article, we’re going to introduce you to how much a closer earns, what the impact of closing is andwhere potentialcustomers come from. πŸ‘€

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What does the closing consist of?

Closing is the act of conducting a negotiation in order to sign a contract or conclude a sale. In the vast majority of cases, closing takes place over the phone. πŸ“ž

The impact of closing on sales

Unlike other sales techniques, closing is more effective, especially since it comes at the end of the sales process. By using closers, a company can therefore hope to achieve a very high level of conversion.

Thanks to a study conducted by getaccept, we can evaluate the average conversion rate according to the theme of the product/service sold. For example, we obtain an average conversion rate of :

  • 19% in finance (investment, personal finance, insurance, etc.)
  • 27% in the business and entrepreneurship theme
  • 22% for software
  • 23% for computer equipment

In comparison, the average conversion rate in e-commerce is 2.96%(Contentsquare). πŸ“Š

If the conversion rate of the closing is so high, it is also because the traffic is very qualified. Indeed, someone who books a call with a closer is much more likely to buy a product than someone who arrives on an e-commerce site through a non-consensual ad.

As we told you, this sales technique is becoming more and more popular. As a result, 15% of marketers indicate that closing is their top priority for the next few years. 🎯

Optimization of closing calls

Another interesting fact is the timing of the calls. Indeed, some days of the week are more profitable for closers. πŸ—“οΈ

For example, a sale is 20% more likely to be concluded on a Tuesday than on other days of the week.(

percentage closing per day

The time of day that a closing call takes place also has significance. πŸ•’

For example, if a closing call takes place between 9 and 10 a.m., the sale has a 45.7% higher chance of being closed.

Similarly, a closing call that takes place in the morning is 27.2% more likely to result in a sale than a call in the afternoon.

best time to close

As for the average call duration to close a prospect, there are no reliable statistics, as it depends on the price, the product theme and others.

But generally speaking, if a call is longer than 5 minutes, the closer is 8 times more likely to make a sale. ⏳

In order to successfully close a deal, 85% of salespeople must answer at least 5 objections from the prospect.

Where do prospects come from?

Before conducting a closing call, you need to find potential clients and convince them to make a phone appointment. In closing, the prospects we attract are called “leads“. There are different ways to attract leads like advertising, affiliate marketing, etc.

According to Implisit, the most important sources of lead acquisition are

  • Social networks
  • The affiliate marketing
  • The company’s website
  • Physical events(trade shows, forums, etc.)
  • Email marketing

Statistics on closers

Now that we have seen what closing is and its impact on sales, let us present you with some statistics on closers.

How much does a closer earn?

In addition to being an advantage for companies, closing is also a professional opportunity for individuals. There are a few quality training courses that can train you as a closer. Once you have completed the course, you will be able to find a job quickly or start a freelance business.

If you want to become a closer it might be interesting to know what the average income is for this job. As with other trades, it is difficult to give an exact average salary. What is complicated is that the closer does not have a fixed income, but is paid on commission. 🀝🏿

Generally, the closer will earn a commission of between 11 and 17%. However, this commission rate can rise to 40-50% for the sale of digital products such as online coaching or training.

According to Glassdoor, the average base salary of a closer in France is 2250€ per month. With additional remunerations, i.e. commissions on sales, the salary can go up to 6000€ per month. πŸ’Έ

How do closers work?

To work, closers simply need a phone to call their clients. However, there is a growing trend for closers to use tools on a daily basis.

In 2021, 60% of closers use at least one software on a regular basis. πŸ› οΈ

The main tools are:

  • Electronic signature software
  • Smart calendars
  • Online appointment scheduling software
  • Cloud telephony services
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM) software

πŸ‘‰ Read our article on the best software for closing

Now you know a lot more about closing thanks to different statistics. If you want to become a closer, we invite you to read our comparison of the best closing courses . In these courses, you’ll be able to learn all the sales processes as well as the flow of closing calls. πŸ“±

If you take one of these courses, you can quickly find a job as a closer. If you don’t want to buy a training course, but still want to become a closer, we can also help you. What we invite you to do is to read our guide on how to become closer in 4 steps.

Join 10,000+ makers and get all our latest tips for making a living from Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.

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Affiliate SEO since 2016, I have created and sold dozens of niche sites. Today I co-founded Les Makers to share my experiences and vision of blogging and online businesses.

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