Clickfunnels Reviews: The King of the Sales Tunnels in 2024?

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Result of our test: 4,7/5

Clickfunnels is a sales tunnel creator that will allow you to better convert your offers. You can also set up beautiful landing pages with their drag & drop system.

If you have one or more websites, you already know that many criteria will directly or indirectly impact your profitability. Whether it’s SEO, UX, but also the conversion rate. The latter will allow you to know the rate of visitors that you manage to convert into customers.

A low conversion rate is not necessarily a bad number, it all depends on what you are selling and to what type of traffic. There are several ways to evaluate and improve your conversion rate.

One of them is the sales tunnel. This is a succession of steps that will accompany your lead to the purchase. In short, it allows you to visualize the path your customers are taking.

Setting up a sales tunnel is not a simple thing at first. But thanks to all the new tools we regularly introduce you to, you will be able to create them easily.

Today we’re going to introduce you to a great tool for creating effective sales tunnels. This is the Clickfunnels software. Discover now our test test.

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Presentation of Clickfunnels

Clickfunnels is a tool that will allow you to simplify your sales funnel creation. It will allow you to increase your sales by attracting more prospects and turning them into customers.

With a good command of this system, you can automate your sales tunnels so that they are active 24 hours a day. Clickfunnels will give you all the features you need to convert your visitors.

With this software you will not need to have any expertise in creating sales tunnels. It is so easy to use that anyone can use it.

Created by Russell Brunson, Clickfunnels is a SaaS marketing software that has been very successful lately. You will have in your hands the best cards to take your website to the next level.

clickfunnels home page

Who is the Clickfunnels sales tunnel creator for?

Clickfunnels is a software that is intended for anyone who has an online business. Especially to those who have an ecommerce and would like to sell more. If you are just starting out, this is not necessarily the right tool for you, because of its high price.

On the other hand, if you live from your sites and blogs, acquiring Clickfunnels is an investment you should think about. Moreover, it should be noted that it is relatively easy to use. The only drawback is that it will take you some time to get to know all the features, as there are many.

Moreover, this software is also intended for websites of a company wishing to set up conversion tunnels. Today, more and more companies have understood the interest of this process and many are using tools like Clickfunnels.

Obviously, this software cannot please everyone. That’s why we have prepared some alternatives for you. Stay well until the end of the article.

The main features of Clickfunnels

The drag and drop page builder

With Clickfunnels you can create landing pages for your different sales tunnels. Moreover, the tool gives you the opportunity to build them with their drag & drop editor. This is the same way a tool like Elementor .

landing page designer clickfunnels

The sales tunnel builder

This builder will allow you to set up effective conversion funnels. This will give you the opportunity to create more sales and better tailor your marketing actions to users.

clickfunnels sales funnel creator

Automated emailing campaign

Thanks to this function, you will be able to insert automatic mailing campaigns in your sales tunnels. You will also have access to different email templates.

automated emailing clickfunnels

Detailed dashboard

Collecting data and analyzing it is a key element when using a sales tunnel. This will allow you to see where you need to improve and make the necessary changes.

Clickfunnels ‘ will give you an overview of traffic, paths taken, sales, conversions, etc.

Rates for Clickfunnels

Regarding Clickfunnels prices, you will have two offers, the Basic and the Platinium. You also have two forms of payment, annual and monthly.

annual clickfunnels price
clickfunnels monthly prices

With the Basic offer you can create up to 20 sales tunnels. In addition, you will be able to set up 100 landing pages with their creation tool.

As for the Platinium offer, all this will be unlimited. You will also have access to other features such as quality support.

Despite these high prices, you will still have access to a free trial. This will allow you to get a first idea of this tool.

Advantages and disadvantages of Clickfunnels

Clickfunnels is a sales tunnel creator that we have already used for the implementation of conversion funnels. It is a very useful tool to improve your sales. Thanks to this we can detail you some advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages

✅ Easy to use interface.

✅ No coding knowledge required.

✅ Drag and drop functionality.

✅ Versatile marketing tool.

✅ Predefined page templates.

✅ Ability to analyze its performance.

The disadvantages

❌ Fairly high rates.

❌ Requires some time to master the tool 100%.

In summary : our opinion on Clickfunnels

If you work a little in online marketing you will have understood all the opportunities to do with good sales tunnels. They will help you set up different marketing actions(landing page, emailing, etc.).

To have a conversion rate that everyone envies, the use of Clickfunnels is essential. The tool will give you the necessary keys to the success of your project, but also to its improvement. In fact, you will have access to a very detailed dashboard to understand what works and what does not.

Its main negative point is its price. The different price plans are relatively high, but you will earn euros by choosing the annual offers.

On the other hand, if you want to test the tool before buying it, it is possible. Clickfunnels will provide you with a free trial.

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Alternatives to Clickfunnels

As we told you before, you will have some alternatives if you think Clickfunnels is not for you.

Deadline funnel This is a SaaS software that aims to set up countdowns and conversion tunnels. All this will be easily integrated into the different CMS. This is a very useful tool to use if you want to create limited time promotions.

LeadPages: This software is a lead generator that will allow you to expand your sales tunnels. You will be able to create automated email campaigns, but also effective popups.

GetResponse: Finally, here is another platform that will allow you to create email campaigns. You can use it no matter what your profile is. Thanks to the different templates offered by the tool, you will be able to create many effective sales tunnels.

How to create a sales page with Clickfunnels?

Now that we’ve convinced you to use the tool to set upgreat sales tunnels, you need to know how to use it properly.

Below you will find a video showing you how to create a sales page with the tool.

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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