YourTextGuru Review – the most powerful semantic tool in 2024?

✍️ Last modified on April 10, 2023

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Result of our test: 4,7/5

A complete, powerful and easy to use tool, YourTextGuru allows you to optimize your texts quickly in order to gain places in the search results. Use it for all site editors who aim for the top level!

If you want your articles to rank high in search results, you must optimize them semantically. Today, we present you our test on YourTextGuru, which is surely the most powerful semantic optimization tool.

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Presentation of YourTextGuru

YourTextGuru is a semantic optimization tool. In other words, it will help to place words related to a query in a content. This optimization work makes the texts more understandable for Google and other search engines.

It is a web writing assistant that allows its users to obtain optimized texts for SEO.

For example, let’s say you want to create an SEO-optimized article on the topic of food processors. YourTextGuru will give you all the words associated with the cooking robot that search engines expect to see in your article.

example keyword yourtextguru

Secondly, this SEO tool tool works in the form of a score, from least optimized to most optimized. Obviously, the more keywords a text contains in the semantic field, the more it is optimized. But it can also be over-optimized, which is why YourTextGuru also includes an SEO danger score.

Who is YourTextGuru for?

YourTextGuru is for those who have a website, pages and articles and want to optimize them for SEO. Clearly, this tool is suitable for site editors, writers, but also SEO consultants. As soon as you have content and want to make it more visible on the web, this service is suitable.

And yes, today, to position yourself on a competitive SERP (search results page), you have to semantically optimize your content. So, from the moment you have a website and want these articles/pages to rank in the first results, you have to make them semantically more complete.

YourText Guru is therefore an indispensable solution for enriching your content and gaining places on the SERPs.

For editors, it’s the same thing. If you learn how to optimize articles with YourText Guru, it will be easier to find clients. In fact, most publishers who use freelance writers ask that their texts be semantically optimized.

The services offered by YourTextGuru

YourText Guru is a very complete software, which offers many services to optimize its contents.

Semantic analysis tool

This is the most used feature and the reason why YourText Guru is so popular. In other words, it will allow you toobtain a lexicological optimization score according to a query.

Let’s take an example. Imagine that you want to write an optimized article on the query food processor. You order a premium guide on this keyword and then you will have access to the semantic analysis functionality. Here, the software will output all the important words, which the search engines expect to see in a text.

example score seo robot cooker

The program displays a number of words, which form a line. On the left, you will find the most important words according to your query. The more the words go to the right, the less important they are for a search engine. For example, for food processor, the words “cooker”, “kitchen”, are very important. They should therefore be placed several times in a text.

On the other hand, the words “speeds”, “features”, on the far right, are not very important. It is not mandatory to place them in your final text.

Above, you can see the optimization score. The more words you put in the analysis tool, the more optimized the text will be. Note that the percentage can exceed 100%. Obviously, the more you optimize your text, the more likely it is to be over-optimized. That’s why this service includes an SEO Danger score.

The goal here is to have the lowest possible SEO danger score. To avoid a text being considered as “keyword stuffing”, i.e. a text that has no meaning for Google, where you simply repeat a query several times to hope to rank.

But then, how do you know how much to optimize your text?

What we recommend is to set a goal based on the competition. At the bottom of the lexicographical analysis feature, you can see the optimization and danger score of competitors. These are the first 10 sites to appear on the SERPs.

Therefore, if the competitors have on average 100% optimization, we will aim for 110%. All while adding more words and trying to have less SEO danger.

Question Explorer

If you are working on a particular keyword and want to know the questions related to that query, a question generator is ideal. In fact, the software will retrieve all the queries that are typed on Google, Yahoo and others containing the target keyword.

With this generator, you have access to the queries of Internet users in relation to this request. This will allow you to have ideas for articles to write, but also to potentially use them to create titles or a FAQ in a text optimized for this query.

Let’s take a concrete example with the keyword “food processor”. With this query, the software outputs all the questions asked by Internet users on search engines. Obviously, these questions are not invented but come from Google Suggest.

question generator semantic tool

For each question, a small “+” button is present. It simply allows you to access the long tail of a question. With this additional information, we can know all the searches related to a question.

Content ideas module

This module is intended as a help for site editors who have a lot of pages, and don ‘t know what to write about. It allows you to get suggestions of questions, keywords and therefore new articles to write.

Like Answer the Public, a well-known SEO tool, you can get ideas for content to create, thanks to the questions asked by Internet users. This feature can sometimes fail to deliver results with overly specific queries. If this is your case, don’t hesitate to start again with a more generic keyword.

Example with the query “food processor”:

yourtextguru content generator

It’s overall a rather limited feature, but still nice to have ideas for articles to write.

Semantic cocoon function

Key part of SEO On site, the semantic cocoon is a tree structure of site optimized according to the semantic field. In other words, we will use the main keywords to create categories and sub-categories on our site. This work allows us to know which are the most important keywords, to work in priority on our site.

YourText Guru offers a feature that calculates the semantic matching of keywords. In percentage form, we know which queries are closest to the target keyword. With this information, it is easier to create a powerful and optimized semantic cocoon.

Example with the query “food processor”:

semantic cocoon yourtextguru

SEO TXL – AI Writing

SEO TXL is the company’s artificial intelligence-based copywriting algorithm. It allows you to generate texts very quickly, thanks to a content generation software. Even when written by a computer, some of the results are really impressive. With this service, you can generate hundreds of articles in a few hours.

However, this is still generated content, certainly unique, but not handwritten by a real person. These contents may be suitable for a PBN, but we do not recommend using them for an authority site for example.

Secondly, you should know that this algorithm offers several levels of optimization. We can therefore observe the low, medium and high level. It represents each a degree of realism, which is more or less qualitative depending on the level chosen. Clearly, what you need to remember is that the higher the level of optimization, the more natural the text looks, as if it were written by a real writer.

To give you an idea, here is a 100 words text on the theme of the food processor, in average optimization, written in only a few seconds:

example of redaction ia seo txl

Using this feature is very simple. Justwrite a few words or a sentence, so that the algorithm understands what the text is about. Then you have to choose the optimization level, as explained above, and the algorithm will start writing content.

The rates

yourtextguru prices

The unlimited subscription is the flagship product of this company. It providesunlimited guides, as well as access to the semantic cocoon and idea/question explorer functions. In other words, with this subscription, you can optimize as many texts as you want, on an unlimited number of queries. There is no limited number of guides per subscription.

If you don’t write many articles but still want to optimize them, you can opt for a “token pack”. Here you can buy a specific number of credits in order to order several guides, with the aim of optimizing a text. Of course, if you buy in bulk, you will get discounts. Here are the prices to buy tokens:

yourtextguru prices tokens

A premium guide, which allows you to optimize a text entirely with the lexicological analysis tool, costs 5 tokens. Depending on the number of tokens you buy, a guide costs between 1,87 and 2,75€ HT.

Note that YourTextGuru offers a free guide to all new users, even without purchasing a subscription. If you want to try this service, don’t hesitate to sign up for a premium guide.

Finally, here are the rates if you want to use the artificial intelligence writing technology:

seo txl rates

Advantages & Disadvantages

Following our test, here are the negative and positive points that stand out about YourText Guru:

The advantages

✅ Comprehensive and easy to use tool

✅ Additional features to get FAQs (frequently asked questions) and create a semantic cocoon

✅ Real-time analysis of SERPs and competitors

The disadvantages

❌ High price, but only a few credits can be purchased (ideal for small site publishers)

❌ Limited database: To write about some topics, the guides contain few words or not suitable for the topic.

In summary: our opinion on YourTextGuru

In short, YourText Guru is in our opinion the best semantic optimization tool, useful for all SEOs who want to perform on SERPs. This service is simple to use and analyzes search results in real time. This is in contrast to other optimization tools, which list the generic words of a lexical field, without referring to the current search results of Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

Thus, YourTextGuru allows you toobtain very good results in terms ofcontent optimization. Moreover, if you do the experiment, you will see that a content fully optimized on YourTextGuru will also be optimized on and SurferSEO, but the opposite will not necessarily be true.

This software is therefore, in all objectivity, the most powerful and complete. If you want your content to rank high in the search results, YourTextGuru will be your best ally. Among all the existing tools, this is the one with which we obtain the most results. With a proper structure, a powerful site and optimized texts, it is impossible not to rank, especially if you use this service!

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The alternative to YourTextGuru

If YourTextGuru doesn’t suit you, there areother lexicographical optimization tools available today. The best known is, which also gives a score in percentage of optimization., unlike YourTextGuru, does not rely on including important words several times.

On, you will have to include many more different words in order to have a high optimization score. This service is however less expensive than Sylvain Peyronnet’s software, with a price ranging from 45 to 60€ per month depending on the payment (monthly or annual). is however, in our opinion, less developed than YourTextGuru.

Or you can turn to SurferSEO a lesser known but equally powerful service. The latter gives the score of a text out of 100, but also indicates the number of words, titles and paragraphs that it takes to be first on Google. SurferSEO is however a much more expensive service (about 100$ to optimize 30 articles per month).

How to use YourTextGuru?

YourText Guru is a writing aid, which can be used while writing or at the end, to optimize a text for Google. In one case, we analyze our text regularly, from the beginning, in order to add or remove the necessary words as the writing progresses. Or, we write a whole text first, then we pass it in YourTextGuru to know our score and the words to add and remove.

It doesn’t matter when you use this software, it works the same way. We will take an example by writing an article optimized for the keyword “robot cooker”.

After having written a total of 1500 words on the theme robot cooker, we pass the text in the semantic analysis functionality. Quickly, we see that the optimization score is not bad, 77%.

example semantic analysis

By going below, we can see the level of optimization of the first 10 pages of Google :

seo competition analysis yourtext guru

With this type of competition, we can see that you need at least a 100% optimization to be able to hope to reach the top 5. The number of words is also insufficient. It is estimated that at least 3500 are needed. With this information, we will add content and missing words to achieve more than 100% score.

Now the text is 3700 words long and we have added several times the important words, stated by YourTextGuru. We can see that we get 129% optimization, a very good score. Now you just have to remove some over-optimized words, in the red zone of the tool, in order to decrease the SEO danger score.

complete seo text optimization

In summary, what you need to understand is that the goal is to have a higher score than the competition. All while having more words and a lower SEO danger. If you can do this, you will be the one who will have the best page in the eyes of Google.

To better understand how this software works, we leave you with this explanatory video from Sylvain Peyronnet, founder of YourText Guru :

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Quentin Georges

Quentin Georges

I started with Copywriting in 2019 and then moved into website publishing in 2020 and now have 11 niche sites. On Les Makers, I will share with you my experience on the web, both my successes and my mistakes. In this way, I hope to save you time and money in your web projects!

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A complete, powerful and easy-to-use tool, YourTextGuru allows you to optimize your texts quickly in order to gain places in the search results.